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Posts posted by MCFooter

  1. yes, they did swapped them. I shoot at both events.

    Steel Challenge is the 1st saturday

    3 gun is the 3rd saturday.

    the yearly calender post from the MSSA site:

    Memphis Sport Shooting Association

    You don't have to be a member to shoot at MSSA matches. non-members shoot for $12.

    Man I hate they moved the 3 gun to the 3rd Sat. It looks like I will be in Memphis the 1st Weekend in March and was hoping to make the match:(

  2. You are right Mike. Robert and I both checked the wrong box. At least Robert can say he finished 2nd in open.

    Ah ! I forgot he was the man of many class. He was trying to sneak a 1st place finish in on us :D

    BTW, Great match! Glad to see you take it on and have it ready to go at ~9a. Lucky for us 50-60 shooters did't show or we would have been there till dark, as it was I thought it finished smooth and on time... I thought 25 was a good turnout 35-40 would have been exceptional. It will be a little warmer next year so maybe we can get out some of the fair weather shooters...

  3. I drove two and a half hours each way to go to that match. I got there at 9:15 to help set up and found out that the match director, Price, threw a hissy fit and left because no one was there at 9:00 to help set up.

    That's what I was afraid of, CHRPC has a nice range and the ability to put on a great match but Price does need some dependable local help to make it happen.

    No excuses for standing people up when you're there though....

  4. unfortunately the match was canceled. hopefully I'll get another saturday off & can give it a shot next time.

    Did you go to the range to find out the match was canceled? I didn't see on the CHRPC or Southern Action websites that it was canceled.

    Standing competitors up is a good way to kill a following.

  5. Just wanted to take a minute and slip in a quick post and recommend this class to anyone that might have an interest in 3 Gun Competition. I can’t think of a better and more experienced 3 Gunner to learn from than Alan. I have been working and shooting 3 Gun matches with him for the last 5 years and know he is one of the best in Middle TN. He has experience with all areas of 3 Gun and Action pistol competitions and has performed all aspects from beginning to end of making both large and small competitions successful. I know it may seem intimidating to some but 3 gun competitors are some of the best folks to shoot with so get off the couch and join us some time.

    When you’re at the class be sure to ask Alan when he’s putting on another match… :clap:


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