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Everything posted by MCFooter

  1. Will there be a match  on the 4th Tuesday 12/24/13?
  2.   What happened to your VM?   Why not try a box fed gun if you are shooting open and don't want to stuff the tube...?
  3. I will be working Pro 4 ....unless the plan changes....Stop by and see us....
  4.   I'm planning to make it how about you....?   Guess I'm going to have to loan NBF a shotgun so he won't have an excuse not to make it...... ;-)
  5. In association w/ the 3 Gun Nation Club Series, Rockcastle will be hosting it's first local 3 gun match on May 26.   This should be a Top Quality Club Level match ..... Brian and Bryan shoot a lot of the Major 3 Gun matches so I'm sure they won't let us down.   The location is about 30 minutes North of Bowling Green, KY    See this thread for more info.....   http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=174138
  6. I think NOT allowing lubed up cast lead reloads is an excellent idea. Who wants to RO behind that lube and lead smoke cloud inside a building anyway. The last major match I worked that was using part of a cowboy town roof damn near gave me lead poison or something. I hacked and coughed for a week afterward. If you can't spare a couple extra bucks for some clean factory ammo or reload some nice plated bullets you probably don't need to come out anyway.....
  7. [quote name='oarsman' timestamp='1354769689' post='855603'] On another note, they will be sending in their application to be an official IDPA club shortly. [/quote] Any chance the second Tuesday will be an Official IDPA style match and the fourth Tuesday will be non-discipline style match or an Outlaw match? Maybe throw in a little shotgun and or rimfire or pistol caliber rifle. I know it's too early to predict what the market will want just throwing out ideas....
  8. [quote name='BobG' timestamp='1354148761' post='852141'] Please Keep us up to date on when this is going to start. My girlfriend is new to the sport but she will participate, and she shoots CDP. [/quote] [quote name='oarsman' timestamp='1353991178' post='851165'] ..... We will be holding bi-weekly matches on Tuesdays at 7:00, with the new shooter briefing at 6:30. The first match will be on January 8th. ....... I will be posting updates and details on Nashville Armory's Facebook page, so stay tuned there. Any questions? -David Park A27648 [/quote] David, did you mean to say Bi-Monthly? Or are you going to put on 2 a week? Of course I haven't looked at Facebook....
  9. I just wanted to say thanks to NTPS for making this a charity event for RWF. As always the stages were excellent and it gave me a good excuse with the wife to go shooting. I know there is some talk with some of the other clubs of doing the same thing which I know RFW will appreciate. I did stop by and see Robert today while in Dickson and he is continuing to improve and looking better every time I see him....
  10. Good to see you are continuing to improve. Let us know how we can help you..........
  11. Just giving you a hard time....
  12. I don't which was more fun trying to read some of RFW's post or shooting the Pro-Am match.... wait I do know.... Robert, Spell check and Grammar check are your friend. THE Event was a lot of fun too bad Larue didn't make it.
  13. Current plan has me running Pro 4..... Loaded up now, ready to head out in the morning
  14. If you have never been to ORPCI it's worth the drive. Gary puts on an excellent club level 3Gun match and equal to most regional matches.... He is also the MD for the Pro-Am this year....
  15. Well, we hope to do better than the bottom half but working and shooting them doesn't normally provide the best results. Call me first when you get ready to sell that M2.
  16. Mr. Bresson, I really don't have a problem with you taking over MCTS and running it a Sole Proprietorship. I hope you can provide a quality product and service and make lots of money at your new adventure. Just don't expect us to believe your doing out of the goodness of your heart as a Non-Profit Organization. I know you like to change the rules as you go along but "The Tennessee Non-Profit Corporation Act requires a nonprofit corporation to have at least three directors, one president, and one secretary. The same person cannot be both the president and secretary. Officers and directors must be natural persons." http://www.iptlawfirm.com/CM/Custom/Nonprofit-Church-Law-FAQ.asp IBLT
  17. Good idea, feel free to post the Original bylaws of the club I would like to read them.
  18. So which one is it, a Non Profit or Sole Proprietorship?
  19. RWF is correct that Rockcastle will be hosting some of the best shooters in the country at the end of the month. Unfortunately Cloudy and I are in the half that makes the upper half possible. There will actually be at least 3 Major Matches at Rockcastle this year that will draw in the 3 Gun Pros from all across the country. The Pro-Am in August is definitely worth a drive up from Nashville to visit. http://www.rockcastleshotgunchampionship.com June http://www.rock3gun.com August http://www.brm3g.com October
  20. This sounds like some kind of back room deal to me. Â I would have thought it would take a super majority vote from the entire membership to make such a change. Â I can't imagine why they would give it away or why anyone would want it. Â Way to much liability for a sole proprietorship... One good thing should come of it though, TGO should be getting some Vendor advertising fees since it's no longer a non profit club....
  21. Haven't seen any more post on this. What was the change ?
  22. NB Forrest, I appreciate the comment. You have really moved to the next level and above mine in shooting ability. I think El Guapo designed a fun match for us and anyone of a half dozen of us could have won it. I knew it would come down to who could shoot it with the least mistakes, as far as I’m concern it was you .... Till we meet again. I also appreciate the other support I have received in this thread, by PM and email. IBTL
  23. This is a true statement and I believe fair enough. I will bring by the 36 clays, a roll of tape and a can of paint if you want to square up.
  24. I believe it’s reasonable to expect a score for the $30 match fee I paid so please let me know when the scores are updated. If my score sheet is unavailable I can accept a complimentary match fee at my next match. If I’m no longer welcome at MCTS I guess a refund is fair enough…….
  25. I have 2 Choate 6 round carriers I would like to sell and maybe a 3 Gun Gear arm band...


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