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Everything posted by hkgonra

  1. Here is a link to the current price list.   http://providentliving.org/self-reliance/food-storage/home-storage-center-order-form?lang=eng    
  2. I hate I missed this. They have some great food up there.
  3. Don't forget the LDS store.
  4. Someone in camo and no id comes onto your property and announces themselves by killing your dog and then firing at you..... and you are not going to unload on that person ? After all these years I saw the best summary of Ruby Ridge ,written by an FBI agent. - a few days into the siege, Danny Coulson of the FBI wrote this in a memo: Something to Consider 1. Charge against Weaver is Bull ####. 2. No one saw Weaver do any shooting. 3. Vicki has no charges against her. 4. Weaver's defense. He ran down the hill to see what dog was barking at. Some guys in camys [camouflage] shot his dog. Started shooting at him. Killed his son. Harris did the shooting [of the FBI agent]. He [Randy Weaver] is in pretty strong legal position. Maybe if Danny Coulson had been in charge this massacre wouldn't have happened.
  5. The story glosses over some important facts and even uses the marxist hate group SPLC for information.
  6. The pawn shops around here are the worst. Saw a gen 2 glock 23 that looked like it had been dragged behind a truck they wanted $400 for it. Remington 710's and 770's in varying conditions for $40 more than new price at Bass Pro. When asked if they would take lower they said all prices are firm.
  7. Ontario RAT 1 and a gerber clutch
  8. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/public-health-experts-reportedly-targeting-gun-violence-as-social-disease/ (The Blaze/AP) — Is a gun like a virus, tobacco or alcohol? According to “public health experts,“ who in the wake of recent mass shootings are calling for a fresh look at gun violence as a â€social disease,†it is. What we need, they say, is a “public health approach†to the problem. Dr. Garen Wintemute of University of California, Davis claims it is no longer enough to tackle gun violence by focusing solely on the people doing the shooting. Dr. Stephen Hargarten, who treated victims of the Sikh temple shootings at the emergency department he heads in Milwaukee, feels the same way. “What I’m struggling with is, is this the new social norm?†he asked, before asserting: “This is what we’re going to have to live with if we have more personal access to firearms.†He continued: “We have a public health issue to discuss. Do we wait for the next outbreak or is there something we can do to prevent it?†About 260 million to 300 million firearms are owned by civilians in the United States; about one-third of American homes have one. Last year, 55 percent of Americans said gun laws should either remain the same or become more lenient.
  9. Was really hoping for West or Rand Paul. Ryan is ok just a moderate VP for a moderate ticket.
  10. Obama had tons of donations coming in from the middle east. The had call centers setup over there taking donations then purchasing pre-paid credit cards and donating to the campaign.
  11. Kinda goes right along with this recent news. http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2012/08/bringing-war-back-home-full-spectrum.html
  12. hkgonra

    Inland M1 carbine

    Not to mention they are the best starter deer rifle for the little ones.
  13. I am guessing I have 250lbs of beans and 500lbs of rice, wouldn't hurt to get some corn as well. How much was it ?
  14. There is only one conservative justice and that is Thomas. The rest are progressives.
  15. The idea is that every citizen be armed as the average soldier, no matter if that means a stone spear or a phaser.
  16. The kershaw is a really nice knife for the price just feels too small.
  17. Was talking in another thread about Fox News going liberal. Behold exhibit A http://www.theblaze.com/stories/bill-oreilly-calls-on-congress-to-pass-another-gun-law-during-heated-segment/
  18. The blaze, GBTV, Rush, Business insider, local talk station, and a ton of emails I get everyday from friends and family liniking to other news sites.
  19. The commentary shows are mostly moderate with a slight right lean lately. The main news anchors range from moderate with a slight lean left to hard left.
  20. Don't watch FOX much anymore either. They are too progressive (liberal) for me. Back to the topic, Beck and Stu hitting ABC back was awesome !
  21. And sadly most of the people on this forum would say that this is crazy talk. People would rather bury their heads in the sand.
  22. Or just stir it in with the beans , rice and ramen that you have and make a survival stew.
  23. I remember when my son was a toddler my brother came home after working undercover for 36 hours straight and collapsed in the recliner at our parents house. He had pulled three guns out and laid them on the table beside him just to get comfortable and collapsed into a coma. My son came home from pre-school and walked into the living room , saw the guns and woke him up. " You need to put your guns up, I might have a friend coming over." Yes kids can be taught, they should be taught even if you don't have guns as odds are they will at some point be in a house that has them.
  24. WE are the idiots for allowing the welfare system to continue. This is a consequence of that system.
  25. Postman was great as well as Wyatt Earp.


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