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Everything posted by RobertY

  1. I'll play also. This is me Robert in my PC/Storage/Junk/What ever room. I guess I am the shrimp of the group at a huge 5' 5 1/2" and ummm... 195 lbs. Used to be nick named the Lil' Hulk but my chest in my old age has decided to migrate south.
  2. YUP, FTA's do not go away period.
  3. Ouch?
  4. I rarly wear anything heavier than a lined wind breaker type thing. I guess I have to much "insulation" on my body. (sigh) Good Luck in your hunt.
  5. Got the number of passes but that was a bear?
  6. First of all CONGRATS!! Second off I had been a smoker for 30+ years at about 1 1/2 packs a day. Third off, I have been tobacco free since 3/8/2009. No I did not go cold turkey. Been there done that and did not work for me. Also tried the patch, hypnosis, gum, and other stuff. How I finally did it was the ecig. Yes I am still using the ecig. But love my flavors that I make. LOL! I have no intentions of giving that up. Yes there is nicotine in my liquid. But non of the other stuff associated with cigs. I have cut myself back to around 3-5mg a day of nic. I can breath better, taste and smell have come back. I can not believe how strong cigarette smoke is. I never realized it. My doctor is very happy with me. He says my lungs sound much clearer and my O2 levels are much higher. Also I can play with my grand children with out falling over dizzy and panting like a fish out of water. So just stick to your guns and keep on giving the gift that you have not only given yourself but to your family and all those around you. My hat is off to you!
  7. Thank You everyone for your answers/info/opinions and links. She is still considering either of them. I guess the next step would be to go to a shop that would allow her to try them in a holster to see if she can conceal them easily. She is a very small lady at only 5' tall and maybe 100 lbs.
  8. Thinking about getting either the Bersa Thunder .380 or 9 Ultra Compact for a carry piece for the wife when she gets her HCP. She has fired the .380 but not the 9. She was able to handle the kick of the .380. How much more does the 9 kick? What is the size of the 9 compared to the .380? The piece that she fired was a well used rental. Are the slides just as easy to rack of new ones? How easy are they to take down and clean? In your opinions are either a good CC piece? As always you input is Welcome.
  9. Finally back on the net after almost a week of no net. It was a very horrible experience. LOL! Just to do a fast update. Went back to Coal Creek Armory range today. Penny (my little lady) brought us. She was skeptical about this one even though I told her it was behaving. We took turns shooting off clips loaded up short 5. We once again used CCI's. Both of us was very pleased. We ran 55 rounds through it and no a single fail to fire. So that brings the round count up to 105 rounds with only 2 fail to fires being at the 2nd and 3rd shots. So it is looking much better. I think Penny is starting to relax a bit. Who knows she may even start enjoying herself. Oh, as a side note we rented a Bersa Thunder .380. We only purchased 10 round because I wanted to see how Penny did. She did fine with it. Oh, back to the Phoenix Arms. I have noticed that most of our shots are going to the right of center. Well, probably in the range of 90% of them. So next time we go I will have to remember to use that rest thingy to steady my hand to see if it is us or the rear sites need adjusting.
  10. That would be a good read. Thank You for the info.
  11. So I take it that if things go wrong with your fire arm and you need to ship it back for repair that you can't just use one of those Priority Shipping boxes?
  12. You need to keep in mind that this thread is specifically about the Phoenix Arms HP22A which was $140.00 out the door. I will keep everyone posted of its continued use and how it continues to do. Not fair trying to compare a go cart to a Stock Car. For a .22 practice only fire arm I needed something easier on the wallet so I could afford a bit better carry gun for the wife when she gets her HCP. So I am trying to give an honest review of a much cheaper gun to see if it remains a viable option for those that want to stick their toe in the waters at not a hefty price of $300+. I freely admit the first one was a lemon to the max and was not fun at all. BUT, I got great service at Allen's Guns and Leather and he exchanged it at no cost and even paid the second TIC costs himself. So far this one is doing a lot better. But we will see how it holds up. Phoenix Arms says that they now produce a much better product than they did before their Canada facilities burnt down and they moved to California. Myself, I am just holding a we will see how it keeps on doing attitude.
  13. Thank You mousegunner. Well today did not pan out. The day went haywire so did not make it to the range. So will be next week. (sigh) But to keep my memory fresh I put a piece of paper in the gun case with 2/50 CCI on it so I can keep an exact performance count going. Besides painting the sights I have also decided to get the shorter 3" barrel for it. The empty slot of it in the case is driving me nuts. LOL!
  14. Wow mousegunner! That was a great article that you did and also a great review. You put a lot of time and thought into it. Makes me feel better about my purchase also. I do have a question for you. Have you made the "modification" on yours or is yours still stock? But Thank You for that link to your article. Oh, one thing that I did forget to mention in my account is that I did have trouble picking up the front site on the replacement for some reason. May have been the lighting conditions or something. Has anyone painted their sites? I am thinking of painting the upper half of the rear sites a dayglo green and the upper half of the front site a dayglo orange.
  15. First I must apologize to those of you that have read the first part of this in the want to buy .22 pistol thread in the Classified section. The first part is a copy and paste from that thread on the first time out with one. The second part is NEW and a look at the Phoenix Arms HP22A Range package that we got in exchange for the first one. ---- copy and paste starts here-------- Ok, more on the Phoenix Arms HP22A Range package with 5" barrel. Guns and Leather gladly with no problem ordered another one for us direct. It came in today and was ordered yesterday morning. So that part is lightning fast. We will see if we just happened to get a lemon or what. Will have to wait till we go to the range. Opps? You ask what happened to the first one? Well... um... err... We went excitedly to the Farnsworth Range with our very own fire arm. It was hot extremely hot. Inside the range I bet close to 100 degrees. I know, nothing to do with the Phoenix, but had to do with helping the mood turn sour in a hurry. Anyways we rented one lane. Penny loaded up the clip with CCI's. Oh, Farnsworth was nice and gave us a few reactive targets to stick onto the paper target. Opps point wondering here but using a delay tactic. Please hold while I stuff my mouth full of a Twixt Candy bar. Crap, long story short. Out of 20 rounds of CCI there were 11 clicks. Penny getting very frustrated and even more with each empty "click". She would set the pistol down (facing down range) and back away from it. I would clear the chamber for her. Now here is a point of note. I do not know what all the fuss is about when people say that clearing this model is a pain. For me it was easy. I know that is beside the point as it should not have been happening. Well, I got a wild hair up my butt and decided it must be the ammo. Maybe a bad run or something. So I went out and bought a 50 box of Blazers. Penny loaded up the clip. Grr... result was 5 out of 10 clicks. Now on the PLUS side. When it did go BANG I could not get over the accuracy. I had the target ran out to 10 yards. Was using a 3" paste on reactive target I was shooting at. The 7 shots that went bang for me ALL hit inside that target. Keep in mind frustration level was high due to all the "clicks", also wife was getting PE'oed so that added to it, and the heat was through the roof. Guns and Leather did say we got a dud. I will let everyone know how the second PA does. Yes, I will be honest just like with this one. So please keep snickers and gloating to a minimum till the second report comes in which will probably be next Thursday. ----- copy and paste ends here and new part begins ------- Well today I got my Dad to take me to Coal Creek Armory. After the first Phoenix Arms ordeal Penny wanted NOTHING to do with this second one till after it was tested. She was afraid of it. Once at Coal Creek Armory I went ahead and purchased one of those limited $75.00 range passes to go ahead and try to start saving some money. I picked out 2 targets while my Dad did his paper work as he has never fired there. Well he has not fired in a long time since his Military (Navy) then Brushy Mountain Guard days. Well I am boring you all so on to the second report. I have to say that I was expecting the worse and was prepared to ask for my money back or in store credit. I loaded up the first clip fully with 10 rounds of CCI ammo. Since my Dad took me I let him have first crack at it. Holy Crap! It went bang the first time! When he pulled the trigger the second time we got the dreaded "click". He put it down and I was going to try and clear it. This time I was having problems. He told me to put it down and to go get the range master to clear it. They were nice when I told them what I had but they did say "oh no, I hope this one is not as bad as the one the two guys had that just left". My heart did a little sinking thing. The guy came in and he got it cleared. My Dad picked it back up and pulled the trigger again. "Click." He looked at me and said, "I don't know if I like this thing." This time I was able to clear it with no problem. Then I dropped the mag and took all the ammo out and reloaded it. Once again my Dad picked it up. All remaining 7 shots fired with out a hitch. So we are now looking at 2 out of 10 fail to fires. I loaded up the clip with a short 5 trying to reason maybe it does not like a full clip for some reason. My turn. All 5 fired smoothly. YES! I repeated the just 5 in the clip. Once again all 5 fired! Ohhh... I think I am starting to have fun and get a little ray of hope. We are now down to 2 out of 20 Fail to Fires. Repeat the short 5 stack twice more. 10 more perfect fires! 2 out of 30! Getting better. Repeated twice more with 5's. Again all BANGS! We now stand at 2 out of 40. Now I just had to find out if it was the full clip that did it or not. So I loaded all 10 in the clip. I am happy to say that ALL 10 went BANG! So we wound up at 2 out of 50 Fail to Fires with the failures being at the 2nd and 3rd rounds. I have no idea what caused them except for when I looked at the ramp at home (before range) there seemed to be a little bump of something on the ramp. Did not know if that was normal or not so I left it there. After getting home when I took it apart to clean it I noticed the bump was gone. I do not know if I properly cleaned it or not as the instructions in the booklet in as far as cleaning it are very vague. But it looks clean to me. But this is the second look at the Phoenix Arms HP22A Range package with the 5" barrel. I know that 50 rounds is a very low round count as far as testing. But am now looking at a bit more sunnier sky and a ray of hope. I will try to convince Penny to take me tomorrow so she can take a crack at it. Hope I did not bore you all to much.
  16. Sorry, but turn the entire country into a parking lot and plunk a WalMart in the middle of it. That would serve multiple. It would: End the North Korean nuclear program End the North/South eons squabble Send a CLEAR message to other third world countries to back off, we are now awake and not to be trifled with anymore Give Walmart a larger business base. hehe
  17. RobertY

    Sccy CPX-1

    No they are not +p rated. But do not know what that means. Thank You so far. This is what I have wanted was opinions from people that have fired or have owned the newer model which is supposedly better than the old. Supposedly they have gone from plastic to polymer and from pot metal to stainless steel giving it a huge upgrade. The problem that supposedly plagues the new model is the lousy placement and size of the safety allowing it to be triggered easily. Please keep the opinions coming as long as they are facts.
  18. RobertY

    Sccy CPX-1

    Was looking at a Scyy CPX-1 for the wife for a carry piece. What I want is facts. I have waded through the net researching this gun enough that my head is spinning. What I want to hear from is owners of this gun. I do not want a rehash of what I have seen. IE stories about my friend of a friend had one and I heard.... Also I do not want to see that they changed their name from Skyy to Sccy trying to be shady. I have to admit that did catch my attention but now know that Skyy Vodka filed a suit against them so they had to change their name. Nothing shady there. What I want to hear about is the newer model CPX-1 from people that have the newer model. I already know that the safety if you have large hands can be hit and it accidentally puts the gun in "safe" mode while rapid firing. That can be a huge deadly problem in a fire fight. But my wife and I both have small hands. I can not stress that enough, so I do not think that will be a problem for us. So please I really want to get to the truth about this gun from Owners.
  19. Clampetts would win hands down. LOL! Jed is a very good shot in the show also. Both he and Jethro in one episode were on the front porch area of the mansion eye balling some flies on yonder wall. Jethro shot and hit the flies while Jed shot the wings off them. Scary when you think that it has been alluded to in the show that both Elly Mae and Granny are supposedly the better shots. But don't worry about the Cartwrights. Granny can always "doctor" them up and give them some "tonic" after the Clampetts are done with them. LOL!
  20. Crap GGP2JZ you beat me to the punch. Killer Klownz from Outer Space and St. Elmo's Fire one more, my mom recommended this one to use years ago so we went out and bought it on her judgment of it being funny as all get out. The Gods Must be Crazy. (i think the people that dreamed that one up were a bit touched in the head)
  21. First off a HUGE Thank You to Burt, another member here. Second off I know that I have said I would never step foot in Farnsworth again. But... they have a range. Albeit it was hot, but it was cheaper than others and located in the right spot to get to. hehehe... Burt invited the wife and I a few weeks back to go to the range with him so that he could teach us some fundamentals and get some shooting in with different hand guns. Well yesterday it came together and we met him at Farnsworth. Here are the results. Before we even began the shooting we went to "school" as the wife called it. LOL! NOT a bad thing! We were shown an array of hand guns (one with a cool laser thingy on it) that was pretty impressive. The first things he taught us was: 1) ALL guns are LOADED even if you unload them yourselves or by another they are still LOADED. 2) Never point a gun at something that you are not willing to lose or destroy. 3) Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire. 4) Memorize and remember the above He also showed us the proper grip to use. That took some practice by itself. We were also shown a few things that we could work on to get us pressing the trigger instead a pulling and yanking it. He also told us how we could build up the muscles that we needed for better shooting... ie trigger finger and the arm muscles required to hold the hand gun out. Once those muscles are more toned the shaking as we pull the trigger will ease. He also went over the proper way of loading a hand gun both revolver and pistol. And whoops! Found out that I was taking a gun wrong and my trigger finger was in the wrong spot when holding the gun with out it on the trigger. Now I know better. I know... I know... this is all old school stuff to you all and I am trying not to bore you. But it is new school stuff for us. Now we got to shoot some. I was handling a .357 loaded with .38's. It had a 3 dot sight system that I really liked. I have never seen that before. I was pulling the hammer back and then firing because I figured out that it takes a lot less pull to do it that way. LOL! One thing that I found out was that with a full pull my shots always went to the right of the target spot. He did explain to me that it was because the grip being to big for me and I was pushing with my thumb. (was not a factory grip) Guess I was doing that to try and get a better grip. The wife and I do have small hands, plus I got short stubby fingers. hehehe... Penny was firing a .22 target revolver. Dern that barrel was long! She also said it was heavy for her. After she fired several rounds I heard dry firing. He was working with her on proper trigger pulling instead of yanking. Next we got to fire I think it was a 9mm with a 3 dot sight system. He said it was a 9lb pull on the first shot, then 3 1/2 pounds there after. I swear peoples... that was a 50 pound pull trigger the first pull! Time to do finger exercises. hehehe... The accuracy of that one was amazing though. I was very pleased with the tightness of my grouping. BUT! I did not like the amount of pull it took. Plus after the first pull it was easier but I could not get exactly when it would go BANG like I was able to do with the .357. So that one was a mixed bag for me. For Penny she did not like it at all. She fired just 2 rounds. After the firing was done (running low on time) we talked. It was a nice experience and I feel that we will both be more comfortable at a range next time we go. He said practice practice practice. Amazingly he offered to put up with us again. I can not believe he apologized because he forgot to go over dominate eye with us. He does not know how much he did teach us in that one session. We will be taking him up on his offer. He said next time he will bring different ones for us to try. So once again a BIG Thank You to Burt!
  22. Stoopid questions here. Okay, so I can purchase a handgun from a private person. 1) The seller does not have to do any paper work or turn anything into anyone? 2) Myself as the buyer will not have to fill out any paperwork or send it off to anyone? 3) No TIC or anything if I buy from a private person? Sorry if all those questions are kind of redundant, but I just want to be sure. Thank You.
  23. That is why our ForeFathers are exausted from turning over in their graves so much.
  24. Garufa, sorry that I missed your question. Yes, we are planning on getting our HCP's but hers is priority. Also finding her a firearm is priority. I feel she needs both before it starts getting dark by the time she gets off work closing the store she works at. Yes I know we still have time but do not want to wait till the last minute. I hope that is now Coal Creeks way of doing things instead of us just lucking out. We had a very pleasant time there. People say that I tend to write the way I talk and I talk in stories. LOL! Oh well, I just try to convey what it was like to be there with us. Now I have a dumb question. Since .22 ammo is so cheap and the .22 is relatively cheap... Can we buy a .22 and use that as just her practice gun? Then use the .22 to qualify on the range part of the HCP. Then get a .9mm for her to carry after she has got her HCP? Or do you have to qualify with the gun that you intend to carry?
  25. I figure that once we get our own fire arms and are able to use our own ammo that should shave the costs of going to a range. fries Thank You for the offer but we rarely even go as far as Knoxville. We try and stick pretty much local. I guess you could call us old farts. LOL! The little lady mainly likes to kick back and relax on her very few days off. This forum is full of very nice people.


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