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Everything posted by RobertY

  1. [indent=1]Lester Weevils Thank You for all that information. For us, cost is a factor. But also a huge factor is finding firearms that comfortably fit my wifes small hand size. I would like my wife to be able to hold and be comfortable with all fire arms in the house. That way she would not hesitate to pick up the "nearest" one if needed. She has never held the Bersa .9mm, but loves her Bersa .380. So that is why it was on my look at list. We have really got to get to Coal Creek Armory so she can hold different ones and fire them.[/indent] [indent=1]The adaptive slide thing is one thing I need to consider. Adaptive slide = less cleaning time on my part. [/indent] [indent=1]One thing, she does not like my EAA .38 .357 revolver. Not one bit at all. She says that one does not feel right/is to heavy and she does not like the big kick. So to hold down costs I may consider trading my revolver for a .9mm pistol that she feels comfortable with when the time comes.[/indent] [indent=1]Alkso thank you for the red dot suggestion. But I don't think the 1x mag will allow me to see where I am hitting the target. I do like the idea of infinite focus though.[/indent] [indent=1]swim615, you know that is one thing I have not considered. I never stopped to think that she may be loading fewer in because loading a full clip is hard. She always starts out at 7 in the first one. Then the number drops off. That may be the reason. I may have to look at one of those things you mentioned. Thank You.[/indent]
  2. Although we did not fire that many rounds (mainly there to see if the marlin went bang ok) it was relaxing. Just wish we would have had more time. I can't wait to get the scope set up. With my eyes the way they are I was pretty pleased with my grouping even though it was only from about 25yrds. It was the first time I had fired a rifle since my NJROTC days of yore. All I have to say is wow, my eyes are not what they used to be. Focusing on the end post sight was hard to do. It kept wanting to blur. I did my best to control my breathing and when the end sight post came into focus I would line it up on the center of the very blurry target. LOL! Because of what I learned about my eyes I may not even want the see-through sights anymore. It looks like with iron sights unless I am about close enough to club a rabbit with the Marlin it would have nothing to worry about. So I am considering hard to trade the Simmons 4x32 scope for a Simmons 3-9x32 scope and leave it at that. My wife is who I am mainly proud of. She has come a long way with handling a fire arm. This past time she was even chambering the first round herself. She used to always make me do it because she was afraid. Not to long ago she would jump at every bang and want me to take the fire arm back. Now she handles the chambering and safety all on her own. She also loads her own clips. I have yet to figure out why she loads them the way she does. One time she will load seven, the next she may put three or four in, then she will load a different number of rounds. **shrug** As long as she is relaxed and looking like she is having fun I am okay with it. She is learning to aim better and take her time. She don't know that I see her grin when she puts them in the inner circle. The Phonix hp22 did stove pipe this time and she did not panic and run the pistol back to me like she did not to long ago. She held her ground with the pistol pointing down range and waited for me to walk up to her to help her. Also one thing that highly impressed me was that used to once it misfired or anything she "was done". This time after it was cleared she took it back to the table and reloaded the clip and went back to fire again. I am very proud of her. I am so glad that .22lr ammo is pretty cheap.
  3. RobertY


    We do not buy often. But this big pot was just to hard to resist. We bought 2, so for a total of $4 I can dream a bit. Pay off all bills. Put the rest into a savings fund and set up all interest to be transferred into the checking account. Just live off the interest. **sigh**
  4. Opps! Forgot to post the results. The targets are the splatter type bought at wallyworld. 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" The top photo is mine with the Marlin. Like I said it was maybe 25 yrds. I don't know. I fired just 14 rounds and you can see 12 of them on the paper. So I went 12 out of 14. The bottom photo is Penny's with the Phonix Arms hp22. She was in a standing stance facing the target head on, she was about at what I guess 7 yrds. She fired 27 rounds and hit the paper 23 times. [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/misc/metargetmarlin25yrds11_28_12.jpg[/img] [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/misc/pennytarget7yrds11_28_21.jpg[/img]
  5. We went to the Loudon firing range today to test out the new Marlin. I have to say that I am happy with the purchase. It was fun. Still not scoped. We also brought the Phonix Arms hp22, that is what Penny shot. We did not fire many rounds, but we still had fun and relaxing time. She is getting better at not being scared of the fire arm and she even said she had fun. The below is the Marlin Model 795 and assorted items. We kind of spread out. [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/misc/marlinrange11_28_12.jpg[/img] Below is me firing from I make a guess of around 25yrds? I have really got to start bringing something to measure with. [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/misc/memarlinrange11_28_12.jpg[/img]
  6. RobertY

    I Won!!!!

    I'm impressed! Congrats!
  7. Thank You all for the comments. Was nerveous about posting that we (the wife and I) purchased a .22. Thank You RED333 for your insight. Was worried if it may have been a return or something. The inside of the barrel was the only thing that was really filthy. Even though the rest of it looked good I still cleaned and lightly oiled the parts. As soon as we take it to the range I will take some pics. Will try to make it this coming wednesday. That trip will be iron sites only as no see through rings yet. R_Bert, I bet you used the Rem Nylon 66. hehehe Sam1. Before buying the Bersa Thunder .9mm UC we may have to see if Coal Creek Armory has one in their rental section so we can try it out. But the wife loves her Bersa .380 UC. TrickyNicky, I think I read somewhere that the .22 is the caliber that is responsible for more non-war deaths than any other caliber. We have got a Phonix Arms .22hp pistol which has finally started behaving. (hope I didn't just jinx it) Also have got an older .22 revolver which I do not like at all. Can't recall what it is, but for some reason it will not eject the shells because the shells are stuck so tight that the ejector rod can't do it. I have got to use a thin bladed knife to "flick" out three or four of them everytime.
  8. Wife took me to Gander Mountain last night after she got off work. Wow! It was crowded! It took awhile to get someone at the gun counter to help us, but I knew what we wanted. Luckily they did have one in stock. We picked the Marlin Model 795. (also got an extra mag) Please no one snicker, we know it is just a .22 rifle. It is our first rifle. We did not purchase it for home defense. But rather for cheap shooting and also if the poop ever hits the fan maybe using it for small game. (just gotta learn what to do with it once I kill it hehe...) It was 149.99, but I told them that Dicks Sporting Goods was running a $20.00 off sale on all their fire arms, so they matched that for $129.00. Also picked up some .22 ammo which they matched Dicks Sporting Goods special of buy 1 box and get the second for 1/2 off. Also picked up a Simmons 4x32 scope for it. They were out of see-through rings so it is unopened still. I wanted to keep the ability to use the iron sights if I wanted to. I may change my mind and switch out for the Simmons 3-9x32 scope when the rings come in. They told me they would mount them for me, bore and laser sight them for free. It took over 3 HOURS from the time we walked in to the time we left, which was after closing. A few times I just wanted to repeatedly bang my head on the nearest counter. We are slowly getting stuff together as we can afford items. I think the next thing we will start saving for is the Bersa Thunder .9 UC We bought a Bersa Thunder .380 from someone on this board and my wife loves it, and I enjoy it because it is easy to break down and clean. Soooo... I think for the .9 another Bersa. I do have a question about the Marlin 795. I broke it down today and cleaned it because I read that it is always good to clean a newly purchased fire arm. The barrel was FILTHY!!! I must have used 15 patches or more before the inside came clean. Is this normal for a brand new fire arm? Can't wait for the rings to come in and it gets set up so we can take it to the range!
  9. [url="http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/07/five-ways-mainstream-media-tipped-scales-in-favor-obama/"]http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/07/five-ways-mainstream-media-tipped-scales-in-favor-obama/[/url]
  10. Yup, its the media at it again. Lots of pictures of him hugging little old ladies and holding babies.
  11. I dabble with writing fiction. I also Geocache. We are TeamPennyFinder on geocaching.com. It is a fun activity that the wife and I do. Our grand daughter loves going with us when we go. [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/meattheballcache.jpg[/img] [img]http://thriftywebdesign.net/images/aryattheprop1.jpg[/img]
  12. I really want Romney to win. (even though it leave a bad taste in my mouth) The Media is really pushing OBama, you can tell by the sound bits and clips that they use. I hate to say it, but if the media keeps leaning for Obama he will take it. Undecideds usually will vote for the face they see more on TV. OBama is really pushing his campain and burying Romney in sheer spot numbers. Taking that into consideration, he has got to have more backing money wise than Romney. Ohio will be very important. The ladies of that state are slated heavily for OBama. Romney hurts himslef, he is just not very likeable over the TV. So my call is OBama (OUCH!!!!!) But I want Romney (more than OBama) I sure as heck hope that a 3rd party can get developed enough to be taken seriously in 2016.
  13. Voted the first day of early election. No sticker for neither my wife nor I.
  14. No. He can be sued in civil courts. I think that is stupid. I think once you are tried and found not guilty that should be the end of it. But, that is not the case. In fact it is a lot easier to win a civil case than a criminal case because in a civil case all they have to introduce is reasonable doubt instead of beyond a shadow of a doubt in criminal. Just ask O.J. Simpson. Was proven innocent of the murder of his ex-wife and found not guilty. The ex-wifes family took O.J. to civil court and won I think it was around 15 million dollars. That figure may be low or high as I have slept since then.
  15. Here is a more detailed artical. In this one the DA is quoted also specifically mentioning the TN "Stand your ground" law. In this case in negative light. Although I am strongly in favor of the "Stand your ground" law, this time I think it went astray. But. Nichols is a very good defense attorny, has gotten a lot of questionable cases either thrown out or dismissed. Also the local scuttle is that Butcher was not very well liked in Tellico Village in the first place. http://www.loudon.xtn.net/story/14050
  16. Was his gas pedal broken? Or his window? In a case like this I think I would have choosen to roll the window up and drive away. Now if the attacker would have had a knine on me or something than that would be different. But an unarmed person reaching in thorugh my car window... sorry... a car is much stronger tahn an elderly man. Just drive slowly away.
  17. Has anybody noticed that they are "testing" the Emergency Broadcast System more than once a month? Last week it was getting pretty annoying with tests sometimes twice a day. Yes, they were the same channel. This week I have only seen it done once. So maybe they were working out a bug in the system last week. I don't know. **shrug**
  18. Mmmm... it takes less than 1 amp to kill a live person. I do not know the math formula to figure out how much amerage it would take to fry a zombie. Reasin stands that if they are made crispy enough they would just fall apart when trying to walk away.
  19. I am truly sorry that this event happened. I feel for the people involved. I had an email in my inbox waiting on me this morning. First my reply to the email. [copy and paste from my reply email] Do you really believe that by taking guns away from citizens that it would solve this? If so, then you need a reality check. Do you really think that the thugs, gangstas, druggie thief home invasion type, murderers, criminals, bad boys and girls, and so on, will line up like law abiding citiens and turn in their guns? If you do, then you live in some kind of dream world. Do you think that having even stricter gun control laws will stop the mentioned from being able to get guns? I mean seriously think about it. THEY ARE CRIMINALS THAT BREAK THE LAWS FOR A LIVING! Picture this. A United States free from guns. EXCEPT FOR THE CRIMINALS and the Police force.Now since the CRIMINALS have guns and are safe in the knowledge that ALL stores and homes are now unarmed what do you think will happen to the crime rate? What do you think will happen to the numbers of deadly home invasions? I'll give you three guesses and the first two do not count. CRIME WILL SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL. It has been show over and over and over again in other countries that the government decides to take away the law abiding citizens guns. They become victims on a much grander scale. Sorry dude but I am totally against removing the 2nd. I live in an area where the police response is 20-30 minutes on a good day. I have druggie houses within easy walking distance. Druggies are going out of control kicking in peoples front doors and most of the time they are ARMED. Sorry dude, but I choose life for myself and my family. I will defend our home with deadly force if needed. I will not have my ability to do so removed from me. You do not use a butter knife in a gun fight, and that is what it sounds like you are trying to make me do. I am truly sorry that events like what happened do happen. I feel for the families and cannot imagine what they must be going through. But events like that will really go out of control if you people get your way and strip LAW ABIDING CITIZENS of their RIGHT and ability to defend themselves. RMY [end copy and paste from my reply email] Now for the email that prompted my reply. [copy and paste of gotten email] On 7/22/2012 7:16 AM, mort walco wrote: Pleased sign this petition so we can attempt to prevent senseless murders and save many innocent lives. Enough BS about the 2nd Amendment. Assault weapons, Red Necks, Technonuts and irresponsible greedy gun and ammo manufacturers didn't exist when the amendment was passed. The freedom, liberty and happiness of the victims, potential victims and their families is what we are talking about here. The irresponsible NRA thrives on the publicity some nut is given on nonstop reptitive unending socalled news on every TV station and newspaper for four days now. The IRA leadership, war mongers, gun manufacturers and sellers involved in events of gun violence should be charged as accessoriies after the fact to mass murder. Mort Walco ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "Dan Gross, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence" <brady@bradynetwork.org> To: Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 5:40 PM Subject: Colorado Shooting: Take Action Now If this email does not display correctly, click here to open it in your browser. Dear Mr. Walco, When I heard the news this morning, first I felt tremendous sadness for the victims’ families. But then I felt enormous anger. Anger because once again America’s horrendous gun laws have robbed Americans of our basic freedom – the right to live in safety. It's time to tell our elected lawmakers – Expressions of sympathy are not enough: We demand action!; Add your voice now! Sign our petition to Congress! Then forward it, forward it, forward it! I urge all Brady Campaign members to sign this petition and send it to everyone they know to sign, too. Easy availability of guns is now a national crisis that MUST be addressed. When it is no longer safe to take our children to see a movie or send them to the store for a pack of Skittles, it is beyond time for America to stand up and demand Congress take action. Please act today. Sign our petition then get out there and get more signatures. With one voice, we will be heard. Sincerely, Dan Gross, President Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence [end copy and paste of gotten email] Stupid people... ***sigh*** We have not been a gun owning family for all that long. But it was fear that finally opened our eyes. With all the druggies going nuts, and with the home invasions sky rocketing, and with the event of a deadly home invasion right up the road from us... both the wife and I decided that it was time to end our stance on no guns in the home. When we finally see the truth and the facts something like this comes along?
  20. Ahhhh wishful thinking....
  21. I have got one and did a review of it somewhere on here. I have made the modifications to it to where it does function like any other. Now the first time out it did malfunction. But the gun shop took it back and gave me another. This one has been doing well with the exception of our last range visit just over a month ago. It had so many FTF and FTE that I almost just threw it at the target. BUT!!! When I got it home and took a better look and was working the slide I groaned. It appears that I made a newbie mistake upon last cleaning and did not oil the slide. The slide was hard to work. So I broke it back down and recleaned it and this time OILED the slide. (i have been told that model loves oil) The slide is now working nice and smooth and not hitching and catching like it was doing at the range. I have been itching to take it back to the range to test it out, but wife/life has been to busy to take me.
  22. Opps... what about the time someone gets caught up in an appointment and got that parking meter violation ticket? Or had a bad cold and spit on the sidewalk and got ticketed? BTW, my dog has gas so he did do it.
  23. Crap. I may be in for trouble here. I'm at home but the .380 is in the living room. So quick on my left is a box fan. Not much help but ahhh... on my right is my stereo. Neighbor loves rock and roll so I crank up the classical music and he grasps his head while it explodes. LOL!
  24. If they would have a flat tax across the board. No loop holes, no incentives, no breaks, heck even no refunds. Just a flat tax the same for everyone then a lot of things like this would go away and the IRS could be down sized.


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