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Everything posted by RobertY
Mom shoots intruder 5 times in self defense
RobertY replied to Sam1's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Odd, but the article did not say what she was armed with that I could see. So possibly a pellet gun? Other wise I do not see how the guy lived to run away and is still alive. To survive five point blank shots to the face?? -
Move to arm teachers picks up steam in TN
RobertY replied to QuietDan's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I am one that is against arming teachers. They have enough on thier plates to deal with. Also in the upper grades there are to many "angry" kids that can over power a teacher or surprise a teacher and arm themselves in that way. My proposal is using groups of volunteer legal HCP holders that carry conceled. Ones that have a lot of range time and experiance. I am pretty sure that there are lots of retired officers, military, gaurdsmen, that would gladly step up and go back to school to be there to protect children. Do not have it obvious as to who is carrying and who is not. That would be a great determent. -
Did I just get a 2% pay cut (higher taxes) while politicians (congress) got a 3% pay hike?
Piers Morgan Threatens to Deport Himself
RobertY replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
His rant is drivel. But he does address one thing that I do like that does make sense. He does state that something needs to be done about the mentally deranged portion of our population. That is a good fact. If something was done in that vein then I believe that we would see a drop in tragedies like Sandy Hook. He does make sense on that part of his rant. But I stand with, if he does not like how America is, then he needs to go home. -
Facebook becomes Big Brother, closes pro-gun accounts
RobertY replied to mcurrier's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
My account is still there and I use the same avator photo as on here. I mainly use FB just to keep up with family. I used to play some games on there but dumped 'em all. :) -
I vote for the Marlin Model 795. Love mine. Finally got it scoped. :)
I cannot believe that the jerk reffered to the Sandy Hook tragedy as a "unique opportunity". GGGRRRRrrrrrr....
Wife and I are returing to Gander Mountain on Turkey Creek later today. When they mounted the scope on my Marlin they forgot to put the lens covers on. **sigh** So we are going back today. We will see what it is like there now.
Obama Nominates Kerry for Secretary of State
RobertY replied to analog_kidd's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Stacking the deck. **sigh** -
LOL! Someone has been hitting the eggnog early and heavily. :)
[Alice in Deadland] 10 Free copies from me to you! Hurry!
RobertY replied to GlockSpock's topic in General Chat
Got it! Thank You. Will stop my cuurent nook book and start reading this one. Sounds very interesting. :) -
I do know that yesterday my wife and I went out. First to Gander Mountain on Turkey Creek to have the scope mounted and bore sighted on my Marlin model 795. Keep in mind this was early afternoon. It was crazy in the fire arm department. I thought it was bad during thier Thanksgiving sale. Heck, this was much worse. Had to take a number and wait and wait and wait. People were gobbling up fire arms, ammo, and accesories like there was tomorrow. My wife got shoved out of the way more than a few times when she was looking at ammo. I was stuck at the counter listening for my number to be called. She is small (5 foot even), but she is a stick of dynomite. Everytime she was shoved I cringed feeling bad for the person that had "moved" her out of the way because I was expecting her to fly all over them. Thankfully she held her cool and we were not asked to leave by security. Got the scope mounted and got out of there because I did not feel like tempting the fates. Second stop was the Gun place on Watt Road. We have been pricing 9mm's to add a cc 9 to what we have. That place is small to beging with. You could barely squeeze in. We wound up leaving there also because we could not get waited on. It's NUTZ!
[Alice in Deadland] 10 Free copies from me to you! Hurry!
RobertY replied to GlockSpock's topic in General Chat
PM sent as I forgot my Nook Color is rooted so the Kindle ap may work with it. I hope it does. -
[Alice in Deadland] 10 Free copies from me to you! Hurry!
RobertY replied to GlockSpock's topic in General Chat
Would love to read it, but I have a Nook. :) -
For me the Geminids were a bust last night. Had a mist in the air which the street lights caused a lot of glare up to about the 35degree mark. I cannot believe the number of people that have installed street lights in thier yards since we moved here four years ago. One thing we did before buying the house was to come out here at night to see if it had dark sky conditions, it did because it only had a few street lights then. But now it is stupid with street lights. There are 12 close ones that I can count just to the North alone! Everybody and thier brother is putting one or more in thier yards. There is one remaining dark spot in my yard that I use for viewing, but the pool would have blocked the low horizon meteors from view. Grr.....
If they ever do kick in our door and they come in they will be eating lead. If they are just standing there looking surprised they will be held at gun point till the police come. If they run away there is no way this old fart can catch them. LOL! If it continues I will have to eat it and do something about early warning so I can catch them or some sort of outside alarm. I do not know if it is kids/teens horsing around or if it is people testing how strong the doors are. There have been home invasions in our area. Thank You gnmWilliams, I have got that bookmarked.
Wow, does the OP live in my area? We have been having the same thing going on at our home for the past few months. Who ever they are, they are very fast as I can never even catch a glimpse of them. You can't wait on them because it does not happen every night. Just about once a week or two weeks. Front door is hit very hard like it is being kicked. I am not as fast as I used to be, but am still pretty fast, and can not even see them. Does not matter if the porch light is on or not, they still come. A few times the front and back door has been hit/kicked at almost the same instant, that is why I am saying "they". Drives the dogs nuts, scares my wife, and just pisses me off. I have been tempted to just let my boxer/pit mix go when I open the door, but am afraid they are armed and might shoot her if so. So I go out alone but am armed myself, but they are always gone. I do not know how they are doing it as I live on an acre and it is chain link fenced in.
We use a Sunbeam model that we got from Home Depot. I think it is rated for 1,800 sq.ft. It sits on the living room floor (it is a floor model) and we have not had a wettnes problem from it. But, it was bought only a few months back. We have been running it a lot. It has a buily in fan situated in the top part of the unit. It is programable. 1 - low always on 2 - medium always on 3 - high always on low, medium, and high being the fan speeds The programable part is you can set it to turn off and on with a target humidity level. We keep ours set at 60%. As of yet we have not had a single problem with static electricity which is common to low humidity during cooler weather. Also it has helped a lot with my dry mouth and throat that I suffer from in the same conditions. It can be noisy on the high and medium setting and the TV needs to be turned up. A1 - Low set to come on when below target humidity A2 - Medium set to come on when below target humidity A3 - High set to come on when below target humidity Oh, and on running the central H/A unit fan. Check your thermostat, if a newer heat pump model it may have a circulate setting. I use that setting occasionally if the inside temp stays to where the unit does not come on for long periods of time. For us that setting kicks the fan on and off running it just 30% of the time. Just enough to keep the house hold air from getting to stale.
an umbrella?
LOL Sk1L! Love it. The reason for my sock is three fold, not only does it keep the dust out, finds a use for a lost sock, but it will just shred if the shot gun is fired.
The shot gun right next to my bed has a sock over the barrel to keep dust out of it.
]I have also considered something like that. But then I considered that both of them depend on you having high speed internet. So to me that states that when a phone call comes in it will take up bandwidth from my net and I would not like that. The thing I am currently considering is Straight Talk now offers a home phone service for $15 a month that does not require an internet connection. Of course with it you still lose the 911 capabilities. Plus it is so new that I will wait to see if there are bugs and if so let them work it out.
Christmas Time TGO Premium Membership (Benefactor) Giveaway
RobertY replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
Congrats to the winners! -
Must have gift for zombie disposal and preppers
RobertY replied to Dustbuster's topic in General Chat
Sure was an energetic demo. But they missed a function. If you have 2 just strap them to the bottom of your boots for snow shoes.