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Everything posted by RobertY

  1. I found it.   http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p510.pdf   Scroll down and click on Chapter 5. It is there verbatum. I do not know what publication 510 reffers to at this time though. but looks like new taxes to me any way you cut it.
  2. Mmmm... I can not watch the vid. The page is just a bunch of images.
  3. I live to far from you to consider being a member. But I second the $50.00 a year price point. That is how much I pay for our local outdoor range that is run by the FOP. Granted it is nothing fancy, just has a few tables to set your gear on and places to put up your targets. Also a few picnic tables across the creek. Thats about it. I need to renew now that I think about it. :)
  4. IMHO Obama has pit the American people against one another more than any president than I remember. Yes, there have always been people that do not care for the "current president" of that time. But Obama is polarizing a nation to strongly opposing sides. I have never wittnessed the US this divided, unhappy, and with so many just about frothing at the mouth at each other on so many different fronts at the same time.
  5. Wow, I am very impressed with that video. It was well articulated and thought out addressing major issues. She did not come off as a raving pro-gun lunitic. I enjoyed that video a lot. Simple and concise and very informative.
  6. Still a nice find.
  7. Weird, would not let me edit my post. I know it says congress, but room looks to small.
  8. I really like that guy. Who was he addressing in the speech?
  9. Good grief. Jesse the mouth at it again. The guy will say or do just about anything to get his mug on TV and what he says in print. I wonder where his buddy Al is?
  10. Oh well.... I guess I missed the video. YouTube pulled it.
  11. We dropped Charter cable recently and went with Direct TV. For the first 12 months we will be paying around $68.00 a month, then the second 12 months around $80 a month.   We have got the whole home deal. The main unit and three "satillite" units. We have the Choice Package deal.   Since we have used NetFlix DVD plan for many years (hated that they split the streaming off of it) we did not need any premium channels as we had already seen all the movies offered. So as soon as the 3 free months of premium expired we dropped it. I have also went ahead and set up the NFL Sunday Night ticket (which was also free this season) to not renew. So, our prices should not be rising.   It is the "perks" that will have your prices high, that is thier gravy.   The promotion that we got in on has expired, but I am sure they will be running another one. If you stay with direct tv of course they will include "free perks" for a limited amount of time. Just make sure you cancel those un-needed "perks" in time.
  12. OT - kind of   Several years ago I had my PayPal account frozen. I immediantly emailed them asking why. Their reply to me was that they do not allow purchases from "those" type of establishments that I had made a purchase from and that my account would be frozen for an undetermined amount of time. The email mystified me, so I called them.   On the phone I finally got a hold of a real person instead of a computer menu that ran one in circles. I asked them point blank about why my account was frozen. They then started to explain to me that I had made "adult" purchases from a store and at this time they do not allow that. I was totally confused because I had never made "adult" purchases and I told them so. The rep told me that we need to look into possible theft of my information. Out of curiousity I asked them the name of the business where the purchase was made. "Bimbos", was their reply. I sat their for a moment dumbfounded and then because it was so absurb started laughing. I explained to them that Bimbos was not an adult store, but a local business that sold fireworks, gas, and sandwhiches. Yes, I had made a purchase there, the wife and I had been hungry and we bought a few subs there one day a few weeks ago. I asked them to please confirm what I had told them and to call the business and gave them their phone number. It still took about a week more before they unfroze my account.   PayPal can be downright silly at times. LOL!
  13. Ah geezzzzz.... I am about ready to call BS on all these shootings all the sudden when Gun Control is starting to really be pushed hard.
  14. I am sorry for your loss because fur babies become family. They can work themselves deep into your hearts and I know it hurts. Please try to think of all the joy the fur baby brought, the good times. Once again I am sorry for your loss.
  15. All of our firearms are in our bedroom and hidden. The wife and I know where they are so we can get to them fast. When the grand kids are here we do keep the bedroom door locked just in case. They know we have the fire arms so I think that is best. We will be getting one of those stackon type gun cabinets with shelves as soon as we can for another added precaution.
  16. Years ago I did a refinance and BOA was gone. But a couple years after that the mortgage was sold right back to them so I have them again. :(
  17. I have been going round and round with my aunt. She is a school teacher in west tn. Has been for many many years. When it comes to guns she is way overboard. She is rabid anti-gun and wants them all gone. I have been explaining to her that there is a huge difference between what obummer is calling military style guns and the real deal. She will not see the difference between a semi-auto and a fully auto firearm. There is no reasoning with her because of what the news keeps spouting. It is beyond me how someone can be so narrow minded. She really believes that if all the guns were taken from the law abiding citizens then there would be no more mass killings and crimes committed with guns would vanish. **sigh**
  18. Thank You 6.8 AR. I can only hope it was a document to have the furniture rearranged. :)
  19. Okay, call me a dufus as I just caught the tail end of the speech. I saw him sit at a table and sign papers and say something like There is it done.   So what did he sign? Was it an EO with all 23 points? Or was it just recommendations to congress?   Also even if it was EO's can't individual states tell him where to stick it?   Because if not, then that would give one man all the power needed to do what ever he wants to do.
  20. Phasers set to stun Sir! Opps! Got the setting backwards, sorry 'bout that.
  21. I finished my copy. I have to say that now I will have to break one of my soft rules and actually pay for an e-book. LOL! There are so many free ebooks that I rarely buy one. Now I guess I will because the book and author pretty much has piqued my interest. So I will be buying the next one. Thanks a low. LOL!   I did enjoy the book. It was an enjoyable read. The author took time to work on his world building and his character building. But importantly did not go into so much detail that it bores the reader. Letting instead the readers imagination fill in. That is great story telling.   There were some parts that I had trouble swallowing, such as how much Alice was able to get done against the odds. But then I got to thinking she would not be a product of our here and now but of a then. That helped me get on with the story and enjoy it more.   I do like how the author mixes "past" items of our here and now into the fiture his story percieves. That mixing of fact along with fiction gives one pause and makes you think Mmmm....   I am willing to discus this deeper but do not want to drop any spoilers. :)
  22. LOL! Thank You. Needed that. :)
  23. Sorry for the wide post but this is my Face Book header. Monty is our rescue pug (9yrs old). Yeah, he is old and going blind and deaf, is a grumpy old man, but we love him. Wife says he is just like me. **gasp!** Then we have Soldier Girl (7yrs old) our Boxer/Pit mix. Also a rescue in a way. They are best buds. Soldier Girl acts like Monty is her baby at times being protective of him while Monty thinks he is the largest biggest baddest dog in the world. That is when he can see or hear what Soldier Girl is barking at. LOL!
  24. What is boils down to is:   The wife and I in total will be seeing 4% (2% each) less spending power each month. The Obummer army that lives off the government will go on as usual blissfully because they do not pay the taxes. The rich elite will find a few more loop holes and shelters so it will not impact them either. and congress welll... voted themselves a 3% raise.   So, it boils down to the middle class, from the lower to the upper sections, get trampled again.


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