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Everything posted by thescoutranch

  1. Howdy from TX. We moved from Tennessee in 2018 and went to Texas to be closer to family. It’s been along time since I’ve been on TGO, so I thought I would re-introduce myself again. I always have the highest regards for TGO, as it was well moderated and admins were great. Looking forward to start contributing again. Thanks Epp Thescoutranch
  2. I recently picked up a Standard U.S. Military-issue shoulder Holster, Item # WX2-141927, from sportsmans guide for $27 to wear when I am hunting and not concerned with concealing it. I am extremely pleased with it. You will have to soften the leather, just like a ball glove, but my Glock 22 fits like it was made for it. I also use the galco Miami Classic for my everyday carry. Normally I wear a tee shirt and the outer button down shirt untucked and oversized. This may not be the fastest access, but I always have my gun with me. Hope this helps Epp
  3. Went today, and no, it is not worth the drive
  4. Sign me up. I really enjoyed this last year.
  5. For the 35 Remington, try some of the pawn shops that sell ammo, and gun shows. Not many people want it, so I have gotten some really good deals at these places. Less than 50 cents a round. Good luck Epp
  6. I have the 336 in 35 Remington and a Remington 141 in the same caliber. I end up splitting the hunts between both of them. No safe queen, definitely a user. Epp
  7. Where at Pax River? Which group? Epp
  8. "TDOS and TICS have an outrageous false positive rate, the vast majority of permits and firearms purchases they deny shouldn't be denied. Would still have a job if you were wrong 80+% of the time?" TV weatherman?
  9. Walden's also, although I have not been in a while.
  10. Well, I finally did it. Something I should have done years ago. I got my tgo lifetime benefactor subscription! I was going to just renew like I always do, but it just didn't make sense. I lurk on quite a few gun/survival/diy forums, and I just got to say, tgo is the most polite and professional forum I have run across. A lot of credit is due to David and the moderators, more credit than they receive sometimes. Credit also goes to the members who make tgo what it is. Thanks to all. Btw, with benefactor membership, I get a key to the nice bathrooms, don't I? Epp
  11. When I saw the title, the first thing that came to mind was air guitars, and this was going to be a weird thread.
  12. Welcome to Tennessee
  13. I am PADI certified advanced diver. I have not done much salt water diving, due to being in TN, but I have done quite a lot of diving in Dale Hollow lake. It's a really nice lake, with 60 + foot visibility, since the corp of engineers owns most of the land around it. It has been 15 years since I dove there, buy at the time, they had 2 or 3 dive shops on the lake. The most interesting diving I got to do was at the Chattanooga aquarium, as a volunteer diver. Got to dive the gulf tank and the Nickojack tank to feed the fish. Nothing like diving with an audience.
  14. Maybe someone can help me. Is there a way to insert a photo into a message to a fellow member. I am not referring to postings? If it makes a difference I am using an iPad to take the photos, and can transfer them to photobucket for classifieds postings, just not sure how to post to a message, if possible. Thanks for any help Epp
  15. I just laughed so hard at the fox comment, that I had tears.
  16. My top ten: 1. 308 semi auto rifle - PTR or H&K, with 22 conversion kit 2. 22 semi auto rifle 3. 22 semi auto pistol - Ruger 4. 12 gauge pump shotgun - 3 barrels; rifled, bird, home defense -prefer Remington 870 5. 40 S&W large frame high capacity semi auto handgun - prefer G22 6. 40 S&W compact frame semi auto handgun - prefer G23 7. 40 S&W subcompact frame semi auto handgun - prefer G27 8. Lever action or pump action rifle in 35 Remington, deer and smaller game hunting 9. 1911 in 45 acp - they are just fun to shoot 10. Haven't decided yet. Maybe a 50 BMG with a 22 cal conversion kit ( ok, just kidding)
  17. I got mine today, Thank you Secret Santa. Inside the package was a pair of champion earmuffs, champion shooting glasses, a Hoppes 9 Bore snake for 22 / 223, a 45 acp key chain, and a trigger lock. I feel very blessed receiving these gifts, and they will get used. This was my first year participating in the tgo ss, (maybe I should have spelled out secret Santa, tgo ss could be misconstrued). Also a big thanks to MacGyver for coordinating all of this. A very Merry Christmas to all, have a safe and blessed holiday. Epp thescoutranch
  18. Prayers for your family and her safe return.
  19. The Remington has a 21 " barrel, I am attaching photos below. This was my Dad's deer gun back in PA, when I got out of college (years and years ago), my father gave this to me. The rifle is 62 years old at least and is still used every season. Okay, how do I add photos to. A reply?
  20. I have been using the 35 Remington for deer hunting the last 3 years. This is my favorite round for under 150 yrds, which is all I need to deal with around here. My favorite rifle for it is my Remington 141 gamemaster pump action. The barrel length is longer than the Marlin's, and this seems to improve the performance even more. I don't care for the Hornaday 35 rem ammo, I prefer the Remington corloc ammo.
  21. While I never bought one, I still think the pistol bayonet has to rank at the top.
  22. Thanks for all the inputs, I really appriciate it. Epp Thescoutranch
  23. Accurate to say 30 - 40 yards? ie hit a squirrel at this range?


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