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About Tap & Rack
- Birthday 09/11/1951
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Indianapolis, IN
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Just Getting Started (2/5)
Ya' got me there bro ? T&R
The following article is a bit old, although it does bring a lot to light about the company. I read an article today that Glock's first quarter exceeded their projected forecast by 71%. Also, Glock was just awarded the BATF's handgun contract for all new G22's & G27's for all their agents. The article is here: ATF gives GLOCK $40M contract - Atlanta Business Chronicle Good shooting to all T&R Recent Changes from Glock Answering Market Demands Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 Updated: August 11th, 2010 07:06 AM EDT Recent Changes from Glock: On the Street at Officer.com When a company has the lion's share of any market, as Glock does in the law enforcement service pistol world, there is always a lot of interest in their products. Changes, whether actual, anticipated or pure speculation, are always the talk of training classes, locker rooms and, in today's cyber world, the various internet forums. I recently received notification of some changes regarding Glock pistols that I though might be worth mentioning here, even though most are pretty routine, just to clear the air of some rumors. Here, in no particular order, is the latest info from my sources at Glock. Green is going away. The OD frame color has apparently not been a big seller, so it is being phased out. As an agency purchase choice, I can see that. I do know a few people, however, who really liked the green guns, including officers who purchased them as personal carry guns. If they strike your fancy, better grab one while you can. Soon, Glocks will be like the Ford Model T - available in any color you want, as long as it's black. The availability of the factory adjustable sights is also going away as an option on most Glocks. They will still be standard on the Practical-Tactical Model 34s, but the other models will no longer have them, even as an option. This may not be much of a loss, frankly, as adjustable sights are generally more fragile than the factory fixed sights, and duty guns do get their share of pounding on door frames, walls and sometimes even the floor. In any case, I've always found the Glock fixed sights quite accurate and never had the need to change them, except to swap them out for night sights. Speaking of night sights, there was one rumor that stock Glock night sights would only be available on their LE and military guns. That did not make sense when I first heard it and it was firmly denied by my friends at Glock. Night sights continue to be a sensible option on all Glock models. One the other hand, the Rough Textured Frame (RTF2, to be precise) pistols will only be distributed through law enforcement channels in the future. Apparently, they aren't selling well to the non-law enforcement market, but are viable in the cop market. I know a number of people who felt the RTF2 surface was a bit too abrasive, to both skin and clothing, when worn close to the body in typical concealment mode, so this doesn't really surprise me. However, the new Gen4 Glocks, with their coarser truncated pyramid surface will probably be a hit on the LE market, so I wouldn't be too surprised to see the RTF2s fade away completely before long. The biggest news at Glock recently has been the new Gen4 pistols. Most people are familiar with these by now, and I mentioned the grip adaptability feature in a recent article. Just to quickly review, the most noticeable changes in the Gen4 models are the slightly smaller grip (with the different RTF finish) and the backstrap overlays, the redesigned, reversible magazine release and the new double recoil spring guide rod. There are other internal design changes, such as a more rigid trigger bar, some parts shape changes to accommodate the new features (and prevent interchanging parts with the earlier generations) and some things that just seem to matter only to the production department. In any case, there are a few changes that are developing with the Gen4 that are worth mentioning at this point. The most obvious is that the Gen4 design is spreading quickly throughout the Glock model line. The first Gen4s were Model 17s and Model 22s. The Model 19s have just hit the market and the Model 23s are due out soon. It seems logical that the Glock 31s and 32s will be forthcoming, as they use the same frame size as the 9mm and .40 models. The other model, that is entering the holsters of the Florida Highway Patrol as I write this, is the Gen4 Glock 37. The FHP recently selected the .45GAP pistols to replace their Beretta 96Gs that they have carried over the past decade. The Troopers who have already transitioned to the Glocks report that they are very happy with the Gen4 Model 37s, as well as the 39s that are being issued for more discreet carry. I've also heard of several police agencies that recently purchased Gen3 Glocks that are turning them in for the Gen4s. The adaptability of the new guns makes huge sense from an agency standpoint, and I think that Glock finally saw the writing on the wall when their competition began producing, and selling, pistols that met that need. As new as the Gen4s are, there are a couple of items that bear mentioning already. As the 9mm Glock 17 Gen4s began to log range time, there were some reported cycling malfunctions. It was usually happening with lower powered ammo, common on the range, rather than the full-powered duty ammo used on the street. However, just in case, Glock has redesigned the recoil spring guide rod assembly for the 9mm Gen4s to accommodate the lighter ammo and are swapping out the original part, as needed. All the current 9mm Gen4 17s have the updated recoil spring guide rod, which has 02 stamped on the rear flange of the assembly. The originals do not have any marking. This was not a problem with the Glock 22 Gen4, so no changes have been made to the .40s. In the long run, how many different models are issued in the Gen4 style will depend on the overall demands of the marketplace. The Gen4s are also popular in the civilian market, so look for this trend to continue. One additional popular feature of the Gen4s is that Glock is providing 3 magazines with each gun. The increase in the price of the Gen4s is largely offset by the value added by the extra mag, so sales have been steady. This brings me to a final word about magazines and the Gen4s. Because the magazine release is reversible, there is an additional cutout on the new Gen4 compatible magazine bodies to accommodate the switch. All Glock magazines, regardless of age, will work in the Gen4s, as long as the magazine release remains on the left side. If you reverse it, you must use the latest version of the Glock magazines. This is important from an agency standpoint, because earlier magazines could still be in department inventories and they should not be accidentally issued to any Gen4 lefties who may be out there. Over time, this will resolve itself, but if you are a left-handed shooter with a Gen4, make sure you have the latest magazines. As always, the market drives the design changes, so there may well be other projects and changes in the works at Glock. For the past 20 years there have been rumors of a rifle or carbine, but so far nothing has happened. I mention that now because I heard just recently that Glock is finally going to make a move on this. Is it true this time? You certainly didn't hear it here first, but maybe, in spite of global warming, the temperature in the nether world may be finally starting to drop.
How I clean barrels, I don't post much and should. anyway, Don't polish Your barrel only needs an extremely light coat of oil, after it's properly cleaned with a good bore cleaner. Start with a real wet cleaning patch of bore cleaner making the patch as thick as you can on the cleaning rod. I add a few more drops of Shooters Choice ( my bore cleaner of choice ), into the pistol or rifle barrel and let it set for 20 minutes before running the "wet" bronze in and back threw the barrel, 5-6 times, ( keep the brush good and wet with bore cleaner while you brush 'straight threw and back' ( not twisting the brush which ruins the bronze bristles. ) After your done with the brush, start running wet patches until all fouling is gone. Make the patch tight on the rod. Then dry patch and finally == all ya' need is... A cleaning patch with just one/two drops of oil on the pad, then leave just a light coat of oil on the barrel. Keep it simple T&R
This is a great example of how ''Humor & Jokes" should be told. For G-d sakes I have learned how to punch a keyboard these day, but I cut my teeth in the printing equipment sales field and a well told joke can really cut the ice with some hard ball buyers. 'Good' joke telling is an art and Dustin Hoffman has this art down to a science with this story. T&R
Read this and then decide for you and yours. Anyone that's carried for self defense needs to know this... WARRIOR TALK NEWS T&R
I personally think anyone that carries a weapon should read and understand this article Gabe posted in his Warrior News blog here: WARRIOR TALK NEWS T&R Should You Act? - Get Involved Or Get Away? Every so often we get a thread at Warrior Talk asking about what a CCW person should do if he sees a crime, or some apparent victimization. The implied question of course is the quest for justification of the desire to jump in with both feet to save the day. That inherent desire, while noble, may also be quite foolish and self-destructive. I am not saying to default to doing nothing, merely that you should think it through before taking action that could adversely affect you for the rest of your life. Your decision will be based on three factors – location, companions, and information. Let’s discuss it. Location. I have traveled in places that I refer to as Non-Permissive Environments. Those are areas where the legality of being armed may be questionable, yet where it is so dangerous that going unarmed would be stupid. In such places getting involved in anyone else’s problem is a bad decision no matter the situation. In some places saving the day will get you a medal of valor, while in others, even if you saved everyone, the political environment would still cause you to be arrested and likely prosecuted. If you are in an environment like the latter, I suggest not getting involved in anything that does not directly endanger you or yours. Look at it this way, will you trade your freedom, and finances to save strangers? That is what it boils down to. It is easy to be indignant at my suggestion from the safety of the internet in your living room, it is also quite easy to disagree when you carry the “Badge of America” card as an LEO with the full umbrella of protection your agency provides, but it is another matter altogether when you are sitting in the defendant’s chair, a civilian paying your own way, looking at a prison sentence because you decided to “do the right thing”. If you don't have a gun it’s a moot point. If it’s legal for you to carry it’s also a moot point. In a free area where you are legal to carry your pistol, again the choice is clear. Good guys can intervene in times of danger and victimization secure that if they act properly, they will probably be fine afterward. That is the reality of why places where gun laws are lax are far safer than places where gun laws are strict…because good guys are not afraid to be good guys. Companions will also have an effect on your decisions. I spoke to an LA County Deputy once whose daughter was shot and killed by two armed robbers when he elected to intervene at the store they were robbing. Listen people…if you have your family with you, everyone else is on their own. Unless the bad guys have targeted you and them specifically, go on your way. Whatever is happening is none of your business. Certainly, call 911, but leave and keep them safe. Sorry to sound “cowardly” but anyone who says they will risk their family to save someone else’s money is a fool. Whether you act or not also depend on how much information you have about what is going on. The information present and available to you may over ride the presence in an NPE, but rarely. The less Intel I have, the less likely I am to do anything but leave. The more Intel I have the better decision I can make. What you see may not give the total picture. Active shooter problems are easy. When you see a man with an assault rifle shooting into the Toys R Us, you can venture a guess that that is the bad guy and that he is the one that needs to be shot. But those are not the ones that cause us problem are they. Two guys fighting? None of my business. Two guys beating up a third guy? Do you act now? Honestly, for me it depends on what they look like. If they are two gang-type thugs beating up an old man, the choice is pretty clear. I would have to intervene. But if two gang-type thugs are beating up a third gang-type thug, it’s none of my business. I may make a 911 call, but I don’t plan to stick around. Is the fight you see two cops beating up a gang-thug? Cool, but still nothing to do with you. How about two homeys beating up a cop? Now we are back to helping out the good guys. All different stories, eliciting different responses aren't they. Here are a few more. One guy slapping a girl? None of my business. “Hey wait a minute!” I can hear the chivalrous crowd yelling from across the nation. Chivalry demands the presence of a lady. Is the apparent victim a lady? Are you willing to risk your life for her? Think with your brain and not your sword. Just on the face of the description I do not have enough to get involved, sorry. Make the guy a gang-thug and the girl a typical soccer mom? Things just changed because of the Intel. Make the guy a gang-thug and the girl a meth-mouth whore? Sorry…not my fight. My Glock will stay in the holster and my phone will be used for 911 instead. Its 2010 and your CCW stands for Carry (of) Concealed Weapons, not for Captain America. The only time I will get involved in someone else's fight is when I have enough info on what I am seeing to determine who is who and what is happening, I am alone or with other combatants, and then only if not doing something would shock my personal conscience.
Here is Dustin Hoffman at his best. This has been around, and is one of my favorites. http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/1319/svacation.mp4 Enjoy it! T&R
Mine in bold. I used to take a whole roll of the cap gun 'caps' and hit them with a big hammer, no wonder my ears ring all the time today. Ahhh, real M-80's... Used to take them and tie rocks to them and toss them into the river. They stunned some big catfish and every now and then a few would float up. (waterproof fuses were cool) Using a cigarette fuse on them at school and then returning to the class, sitting there like an angel, when a locker just seem to explode in the hallway. My G-d, today's kids get expelled for thinking of things like that! T&R
OK, now who of you all used to take the tiny green soldiers, put them on a stick and light them on fire. Then aim the hot fiery burning drops of plastic onto stuff like little bombs? My G-d, I could have turned out to be an arsonist ... T&R
Which of your semi-autos can be fired limp wristed?
Tap & Rack replied to Will Carry's topic in Handguns
I have intentionally made my Glocks jam by using a "San Fransisco" grip. This is a good drill to practice clearing jams = my "handle" Tap & Rack. -
No worries bro! I'll stay hard at work here: