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Everything posted by perstare
This gal is really together. She has the good will to share what she learned. She is also a talented movie-maker. She makes her point about concealment in a very dramatic way. I would never have guessed that she was carrying a handgun when she moved around in **most** of her outfits. In my opinion, she has a lot to teach both women and men about conceal carry. I learned from it, and I'll make sure my wife sees the video. Mike B
Middle and Northern Middle Tennessee Meet!
perstare replied to RobertNashville's topic in Events and Gatherings
Of all the fellows who expressed interest in this, I think I'm second closest to that location. I've been there; I like it. Secondly, my wife and I have very few commitments for the proposed dates. That is why I did not vote -- I will go along with the majority. I will be out of town for one week and I'll check back with you to see what date was decided on. Thanks Mike B perstare PS If some of the guys have small 9mm autos, please bring them if you're willing to have my wife to try them out for ease of use. I've ordered high-quality ammo for 9mm to use. -
Your criticisms of the Peltors are exactly my criticisms. You can read my detailed comments on the 6S on Amazon. I also ended up with the 7S. They are absolutely perfect for me and my wife.
Yes, Alpha, thank you. I guess I'll find out later (maybe never!!) about who fixes Walthers's. Mike B
TGO 101008 This message is in reply to the latest three messages(LA_357SIG, sigmtnman, crossfire) I’ve seen. I was unable to get to my computer for a while. Yes, I agree that “modern polymers are hardly ‘just plastic.’” I noticed that comment myself. Of course, the chemistry behind the plastics custom-chemically made for specific use is beyond me. I do have a lot of respect for the Glocks that I own. I did appreciate LA_357SIG’s specific comments on the ammo used. I think your 11-year old son is getting all the right training! (BTW, during our last visit to Montgom County Shooting Range, my wife and I saw a father/son pair firing away. The little boy was doing just fine!) As far as the video was concerned, I didn’t notice the specific errors that he made regarding functional parts on the Walthers P22. I’m glad that at least two other people DID, and told me in their posts. If the fellow had a hidden agenda and was subjectively critical, that is OK. He can say his worst, because experts are reviewing his statements. Fortunately, I have some experienced fellows on this board who pointed out his errors. Basically, a subjective statement has its values, if you ask the right questions. For example, if you want to know all the bad things about Fords, don’t ask the Ford guy, ask the Chevy Guy… he will tell you what’s wrong with Fords. (BTW, I’ve owned Ford Products and GM products… they were all excellent!!) (Never owned a Chevy, but I did own two Pontiacs and two Oldsmobiles – all good cars.) Sorry to wander… Sigmtnman…. I downloaded the P22 Bible and printed SOME of the pages, now in a looseleaf. For the most part, I’ll probably limit myself to simple “field stripping,” and go no further. I know when not to mess around. I haven't touched the P22 yet for any cleaning. No time. Crossfire – I can’t argue your point regarding the PK380 as a nice match up with the P22. I hope that my wife can find a 9mm that she can handle (recoil, slide, etc…). My son uses 9mm on the job… nice to have Mom have same caliber. If I fail to find a possible 9mm for her, (slide too stiff, recoil too strong…) then I will definitely go to 380. For the time being, I have ordered a supply of high-quality 9 mm ammo, hoping that when my wife and I get together with some guys that own 9 mms for a planned shoot near here, she can shoot some 9 mm guns then. I don’t want to buy until I am reasonably convinced of her fondness for a 9 mm handgun. Thank you all.
Middle and Northern Middle Tennessee Meet!
perstare replied to RobertNashville's topic in Events and Gatherings
October 23 24 or 30 ????? I guess any of those would work. I will bring quality 9x19mm ammo if one of you guys will let my wife and/or me shoot your 9mm gun. Mike B PS I've ordered Remington Bonded 9x19 Golden Saber 147 grain hollow point (AMM-452 -- Cheaper Than Dirt). In the distant future (if my wife can handle a 9mm) I'm considering the Sig Sauer P226 or Sig Sauer 2023 -
48 South gave us the experience about the hammer flopping around. He also mentioned about the very slow service from Walthers. I was not happy about that. BTW, am I mixed-up here, but I think I’ve seen references to S&W in connection with the repair of Walthers guns. Does Smith & Wesson service Walthers…? Tell me if I have that right. Monkeylizard – Thank you for the explanation of the letter codes. Maybe am I reading too much into the sequence of letters and years that you described; I hope that the “L†(the first character of my Walthers serial number) means that the gun was made in 2010. Please let me know. Phantom6 made his point (no pun intended) about BULLET PLACEMENT. Yes, and in connection with that, I was very glad to see my wife aggressively and systematically improve her **grouping.** She surprises me. Still. In order for me to keep one step ahead of her, the next thing I must do is decide on a gun in the 9mm size for her. That won’t be easy for me because all I know is that the slide on the **Glocks** was impossible for her to move. On the other hand, she rocks and rolls with the Walthers P22 like a 21st Century Annie Oakley. I am choosing 9mm because my son (NYPD) uses 9mm Glock on the job and it would be nice if she could use the same. Mike B
I finally had a chance to put my Peltor 7S ear protectors to use. They're good! I put them on when I APPROACH the range. When done shooting, I leave them on, in my car, until I drive far enough away so that my unprotected ears are safe. Mike
Reply to Analog Kidd I know about the capital gains handling of a house sale, but I did not know about that particular application of it. That is, the tax law made the fellow behave the way he did. I learned something, thanks. Continuing about this fellow’s thought process, I remember that about a year after the sale, when I was doing my own income tax, I noticed that the tax law had changed somewhat during the time that the sale was concluded. That was a long time ago (about ten years) and I forget the details. But if he had postponed the closing about six weeks, his capital gain would have been taxed at a more favorable rate. He considered himself the last of the big-time spenders – a real wheeler-dealer. Uhhh—No! Mike B
Reply to everyone, prompted by the post by "cheez." The impact of a video is hard to ignore. To his credit, the fellow who made the video did a good job in visual presentation, and made his case well. That is the reason why I asked advice after I had seen the video. The video made good evidence, but the experienced gun owners who replied to my post took the evidence of the video **and evaluated the evidence from the objective point of view of long-term gun experience.** By coincidence, I saw a TV show the other night which showed various magic tricks (escape artist sort of thing). After the trick was presented, it was shown how the trick worked and how the 'escape artist' actually escaped. I'm not implying that the fellow who made the Walters P22 video was trying to deceive. I'm saying that his response to the problem was inappropriate, Namely: To remedy the problem, don't warn other people about your individual experience... just send the gun back and have the manufacturer make good for yourself. Two replies of interest to cheez: 1. You're right about my affection for the .40 cal Glocks. I love 'em! ...especially the smallest one, the Glock 27. 2. Cheez, your avatar is one eye-catcher! Mike B
I got interested in this thread, and I really don't have much to add because other members have posted good posts. So one more post won't hurt.... I think I had an experience which **hasn't** been mentioned here: My wife and I wanted to BUY a house. Although the seller had advertised it for sale, when the time came to talk turkey about our counteroffer, he kept bringing the conversation around to renting it. (This gives you an idea of his mental process.) I wanted the house, so I just listened to his crap, just letting his words roll off me ... He kept going and going and I just kept ignoring and ignoring, until he made a remark about his insistence on a deposit for a rental... because some people are dirty and filthy and take drugs and throw things at the walls and set fires... all this while looking at my wife and me right in the eye. That insulted me. What a bozo. Happy ending, though. We bought the house. At a good price. We've been living in it for 13 years. Nice house. We're very happy in it. Anyway... there's my "two cents" -- I can't imagine having that guy for a landlord. Mike B
OK Thank you guys. You gave me a lot to think about. Mykitn – I printed your target. Twice. I’ll show it to my wife. She is growing very quickly as far as her accuracy is concerned. She’ll faint, though, when she looks at the DISTANCE you were firing at when you made that grouping. She still surprises me…. She has taken an interest in gun skills. The other afternoon, we had this long meaningful talk about…. Targets. Life DOES go on! Highlander – Good thoughts about different 22LRs. I want my wife to really really really be able to shoot to defend herself. …so I plan to upgrade her. (She has already remarked that she would kill anybody who threatened our grandkids. I sure hope her protective attitude would extend to me…. Food for thought, but nevertheless, a sign of her growing.) I HOPE (!!) she can find a 9mm whose slide she can operate and whose kick is manageable. Thank you for your thoughts (personal, subjective, emotional, objective, it doesn’t matter……….it’s the voice of experience.) Sgt. Joe reviewed the video, and I am going to look at that post LINE BY LINE. It is not a conversational post. It’s filled with hard information. As an example of experience, your reaction to the narrator’s description of the gun’s failures is very important: You would recognize that as being extraordinary and ***return the gun!!*** I again thank all of you for giving me your experience. I am at peace with our choice of the Walthers P22. I just think about my wife of 45+ years and I worry that she’ll be hurt. Thanks. Mike B
Middle and Northern Middle Tennessee Meet!
perstare replied to RobertNashville's topic in Events and Gatherings
If you are somewhere between Dickson and Clarksville, I recommend the Montgomery County Shooting Range. Its address is Southside TN. It is about six miles east of the intersection of hwy 13 and hwy 48. (That is correct. 48. 48. I made a mistake earlier.) Mike -
OK -- Thank you very much. Sheepdog, Gotthegoods, R1100R, seez52, Sgt. Joe have been generous with their interest and comments. Before I forget, Sgt. Joe asked about the video. It can be found as ...the part of the video which describes the hammer problem begins at 5 minutes, 20 seconds. First, you guys are good guys. I am surprised sometimes as to how many good guys are still around! o Yes I am careful to use good ammo all the time. I use only CCI for the Walthers. (And I only use on Remington Golden Saber for the Glocks) My son's in the NYPD. He's given me multiple reminders about the ammo-quality issue. My son, and you guys, are right! I haven't had problems with ammo, but I've seen people who did. o Second, you have "put the issue in proper perspective." Sheepdog reminded me to use good ammo. Gotthegoods pointed out the thousands of good-running cars compared to the few lemons (and the lemons get most of the publicity.) Sgt. Joe, I downloaded the "P22 Bible." I will probably print it, punch holes in it, and keep it with the other material for gun maintenance. Many thanks to everybody. Mike B
Well, I learned something from that post, regarding irresponsible tenants: There are a lot of deadbeats around. (Surprise, surprise!!) Looking at it the other way around: In my lifetime, I lived in one rented apartment for awhile and then moved to a better one. This was after I got a job, after I moved out from Mom-and-Dad's, before I got married. I paid my rent on time. Always. I kept the place clean. I didn't make much of an effort to be best buddies with the landlord. I just came and went like a phantom. I was the "invisible tenant." No wonder, then, that I was regarded as an unusual tenant. Mike B
We (my wife and I) bought a Walthers P22 for her use about ten days ago. It works fine (I should hope so!... we bought it brand new). By accident, I came across a video in which the narrator described (and showed) several serious shortcomings in the basic design of the gun: (For example, the weakness of the takedown lever plastic suggested that it would fail. Secondly, the top of the hammer rubbed the top inside of the slide when a round was fired. The weapon actually DID malfunction because of that.) I am a newbie. I own two .40 cal Glocks (#27 and #23 -- The smallest one, and the next size up). I love 'em. My wife (strong of spirit, weak of wrist) couldn't handle the Glocks so we bought the Walthers P22 for her. If you are an experienced gun owner/handler and you have years of experience to call on, help me to put the Walthers issue "in proper perspective," That is, to put it simply, should I worry that my wife might be hurt in the future because of the criticisms that I saw in that video? Just give me a clue. Thank you. Mike B
Middle and Northern Middle Tennessee Meet!
perstare replied to RobertNashville's topic in Events and Gatherings
Montgomery County Range is great for my wife and me. We are 30 miles (40 minutes) away. October 9 and 10 are impossible for us. We have commitments both days. All the other days are possible. We prefer Saturday mornings, but we will try to do Sunday if that is the way the vote is going. I agree with the reply posted by someone that **when the range opens in the morning** is best. I posted these directions a few days ago in the "Women and Guns" Forum. It might have some value to those not familiar with the area: ............................ If you are somewhere between Dickson and Clarksville, I recommend the Montgomery County Shooting Range. Its address is Southside TN. It is about six miles east of the intersection of hwy 13 and hwy 46. Very nice. Good Range Officers. $5.50 gets one person two hours. (I don't think they make an issue out of that... unless the place is REALLY JAMMED My wife and I have been there twice and I've never seen ANYONE asked to prove that s/he paid.. or when) Open to public: Fri 10 am to dusk Sat 10 am to dusk Sun 1 pm to dusk During the summer months, dusk can be quite late. Under those conditions the range would close at 8 pm Phone number -- area code is 931 When the range is open call 387-3456* When the range is closed call 387-3256 *Bear in mind that the range may be open at times other than those listed above -- that is, open... but NOT to the general public. Mike B -
If you are somewhere between Dickson and Clarksville, I recommend the Montgomery County Shooting Range. Its address is Southside TN. It is about six miles east of the intersection of hwy 13 and hwy 46. Very nice. Good Range Officers. $5.50 gets one person two hours. (I don't think they make an issue out of that... unless the place is REALLY JAMMED My wife and I have been there twice and I've never seen ANYONE asked to prove that s/he paid.. or when) Open to public: Fri 10 am to dusk Sat 10 am to dusk Sun 1 pm to dusk During the summer months, dusk can be quite late. Under those conditions the range would close at 8 pm Phone number -- area code is 931 When the range is open call 387-3456* When the range is closed call 387-3256 *Bear in mind that the range may be open at times other than those listed above -- that is, open... but NOT to the general public. Mike B
You've probably already heard a lot comments of praise for Guns and Leather (in Greenbrier). So what the heck, one more won't hurt, right? Eight days ago, my wife and I took a trip to Guns and Leather with the goal of finding a gun for her.... a gun which she would like. (And most of all, a gun which SHE could pick out and which SHE could test fire on the spot.) The trip was a complete success for two reasons: Reason #1 -- BEN Reason #2 -- I stayed out of it What is a "BEN," you ask... A "Ben" is the name of a salesman in Guns and Leather who has a great talent for teaching ability. He certainly succeeded with us. My wife (strong of spirit, strong of character, weak of wrist) cannot operate the slide on my two .40 cal Glocks. Furthermore, the recoil of the Glocks is far more than she could control. So we chose a Walthers P22 (22LR) as a possible gun for my wife. Good choice. It was perfect for her. We walked out the door with a new Walthers. OK -- I chose the "Women and Firearms" forum to post this, because I hope that **women** might profit. More relevant, though, is the importance to the men in their lives who want to do the "right thing" regarding gun choices. Guys, listen up: If you choose a gun for your woman, no matter how correct your choice might be, it might be useless. The key to that problem is that the woman must be the **dominant, controlling** factor when the time comes to make the final decision. Clearly, my wife who loves her Walthers, will not hesitate to use it for self-defense. ...because it's her baby, her choice, her decision. Clearly, 22LR doesn't have the punch of a .40 cal S&W. But a 22LR is better than nothing. Later, when my wife's "learning curve" leads her to upgrade her firepower, maybe a 9mm in a heavy handgun will be in her future. It's up to her. Mike B PS I'd like to ask the women out there if they have suggestions regarding gun choices, heavier than 22LR.
You may already know this, but I'll throw this in: You guys in Robertson County may be close enough to "Southside TN" to use the Montgomery County Shooting Range. It is about six miles east of the intersection of Hwy 13 and Hwy 48... this is roughly ten miles south of Clarksville. Mike B
I don't know but I'd like to know also. Would that include the number of offenders who are shot because they were threatening the life of a police officer or the life of a law-abiding citizen or the life of a kid or the life of anyone? That's one million people in ten years! Mike B
<link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Mike/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline; text-underline:single;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style> Time Magazine, July 12, 2010 has an excellent article about the Second Amendment and the recent Supreme Court ruling. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o></o> You can also go to Supreme Court: 2nd Amendment Supersedes Local Gun-Control Laws - TIME to see a more detailed online version. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o></o> If you choose to read it (either version), pay particular attention to the last three paragraphs. <!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]--><o></o> Mike B
TN sales tax on pistol bought online and shipped from another state?
perstare replied to a topic in General Chat
Yes. I've found (on other buying occasions much larger -- not guns) that the out of state vendors DO collect sales tax for TN ***but*** their prices for their goods are so much lower that it makes sense to order from them, pay shipping/handling, pay insurance, pay TN sales tax and you **still** come out ahead. The TN sales tax is applied to the lower purchase price. Mike B -
TN sales tax on pistol bought online and shipped from another state?
perstare replied to a topic in General Chat
Boogieman makes an excellent point in part to reply to Greymethod's question. I'm not the only guy or gal who will buy online in part because the prices are lower and in part because (even taking shipping/handling into account and the surcharges of using credit cards) the "bottom line" represents SIGNIFICANT SAVINGS. The system of competition to keep costs down involves (it DEPENDS ON...!) the consumer making decisions based on his/her desire to get more for his or her money. Makes perfect sense to me. (How about you?) I (and THOUSANDS of my fellow Tennessee residents) will continue to use my discretion and buy where I want to. Money talks. (You know what "walks," right?) Mike B