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About perstare

  • Birthday 01/01/1961

Profile Information

  • Location
    Dickson TN
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Ex-teacher (Math, Computers ) from NYC


  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 27
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 23

perstare's Achievements

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. Montgomery County Shooting Complex – Oct. 8 – Guns, Fun and Sun Shoot This looks interesting to me, but it’s not likely I’ll be able to go. However, you might be interested. Take a moment and go to the website ShootTN - Guns Fun Sun Shoot which summarizes all the fees, prizes and other details. For those of you not familiar with the Montgomery County Shooting Complex, it is about halfway between Clarksville and Dickson off Rte 48. I've been there many times and I like the place. Mike B
  2. Thank you for your warning. It seems very strange to me that two ranges (Cheatham County Range and Montgomery County Shooting Complex), both of them TWRA, could be so **different** regarding their RSOs.
  3. OK I'll do that. I think that the soonest possible would be next week. Tuesday 9/13 or Thursday 9/15. I would follow the advice that BRONKER gave, and arrive as soon as possible (after they open at noon) and get out of there before the "yahoos" arrive. If I can make a commitment to go (weather, last-minute appointments) I will let you know ASAP. If you want to, you can email me with your phone number and I'll give you a call when I go. I've never been to the place before. I would leave Dickson, go through White Bluff, north on H47 to H250, then northeast to the entrance to the 'park' and to the range.
  4. I wrote message 96 in this thread.Thank you, trekbike, tn medic and dlm37015, for your replies. These are the results of your replies: I checked out the range named after Charlie Haffner and also the range operated by davidson county sportsmens club. They're both too far away. For the time being, I'll try out the Cheatham County range, open at noon every day. Maybe I'll be able to do my shooting there, just to stay in practice. I used Google Earth to determine exactly where the Cheatham County range actually is, and it seems to be about 10 miles **closer** than the Montgomery County Shooting Complex, so that is a plus. Thank you for helping me out.
  5. Here’s a question regarding advice on a **handgun** firing range within a 40-minute drive from my home in Dickson: I go to the Montgomery County Shooting Complex whenever I can, but that isn’t too often because their hours (open 10 am on Fri and Sat, 1 pm on Sun) don’t work for me too often. The MCSC is a very well run outfit. I like the place. Nice people. Competent and friendly RSOs, too many to name. It’s too bad about their hours. Anyway, I’m looking for a range where I might be able to practice on days other than weekend days. Several months ago, I learned of a range (“Whispering Pines,†I think) in Lyles. I checked it out. What a waste of time! What a dump! I finally got out of there before I got stuck in the rutted road leading to it. It was the **boondocks,** even by Hickman County standards! So I checked some more: I’ve heard nothing but bad things about the Cheatham County range. Several people on TGO have commented about **dangerous** conditions there … poor RSO supervision, etc. One fellow here on TGO mentioned that he doesn’t go there because he preferred “not to have any holes in me.†Anyway, the Guns and Ammo store near exit 199 on I-40 is **rumored** to be setting up a range near the store. Nothing specific so far. Who has some advice on this? All I want to do is stay in practice with my three Glocks (19, 23,27). I did some training and I have a carry permit. I don’t need a lot of handholding. Thanks.
  6. I asked TGO moderator where to post this. I was told to use the "General Off-Topic" location. This post deals with IMPACT GUNS, headquartered in Ogden, Utah. I just bought a new Glock 19 from them. I found them to be very cooperative and professional. I would definitely buy from them again. I ordered online and found their representative, "Alex" to be very helpful. They were generous in that they used the faster 2-day shipment method (although I did not pay for this), when I mentioned the urgency of my order. "impactguns.com" will get you to the right location. I don't own Impact Guns, and I'm not connected with them in any way. Mike B
  7. Hey, you made me laugh out loud! What a sense of humor. The crazy thing is that it IS a good idea, in a wacky way. Thanks for the laugh. Mike B
  8. You mentioned the use of rain barrels to collect water.... You need to think through the "path" that the water took to get to the barrel. Running over the surface of the roofing material would not be good. Going down the path of the gutters, leaders and downspouts wouldn't be good either. I've considered the collection of rain water myself and (at least for the time being) I don't have any answers there.
  9. This is very important. It seems to fulfill all the requirements for the water-supply problem. It is simple and streamlined. Please -- if you could locate the **stock numbers** of the " Mylar bags and boxes," it would be easier to purchase -- for the rest of us. I tried to locate what you described, and I could not locate it. Thank you Mike B
  10. My wife and I have printed your message, and we'll add your ideas to our plans to guarantee good drinking water in the event of emergency.
  11. 1. I have a SteriPen. I've never used it under really 'emergency' circumstances. However, I did notice that my SteriPen (battery operated) has been updated. SteriPen is now available in a non-battery, crank version. I thought that might be important for everyone to know. 2. We live near a large lake. I'd like to know what steps would be necessary to provide water from that lake. Something like this....? a. Collect water, filter through coffee filter b. Then use SteriPen to treat water c. Then use 'drops' for water purification. Who can judge those steps and give me some ideas? Thank you. Mike B
  12. I didn't try the alcohol idea so I can't say if that would have been successful or not. However, a fellow on another board, Glock Talk, suggested that I try hairspray. "HAIRSPRAY?? THAT WILL JUST MAKE IT STICKY!!" sayeth my wife. Well, I tried it and it took about ten seconds to get the grip on ... just where I want it! So to those out there with that same problem, you might want to try hairspray. Mike B
  13. First, a reply to Mike which I should have mentioned: I am relatively new and I'm trying to develop good habits for shooting. My hand is somewhat large and I have trouble "aligning*" my grip on the gun's handle. The Hogue Handall appears to be **perfect** to solve this -- it 'fattens' the Glock's handle a bit and compensates for the poor fit. *Aligning: My hand (I'm right-handed) rotates more than it should counterclockwise relative to the Glock's handle, looking down from the top. The second knuckle of my middle finger winds up **under** the triggerguard and absorbs the kick. Ouch. The cure that I'm going after is to **fatten** the handle by adding the Hogue grip. Stippling isn't the answer.
  14. Who has installed these grips on a Glock? I just spent about 20 minutes trying to install the Hogue Handall on my Glock 27. I tried the hairdryer/heat method and then the detergent soap method. I gave up when my anger exceeded my good judgment, and before I tore the grip. A word of advice, a word of experience would go a long way here. When I've mastered the installation on my Glock 23, then I'll go to my Glock 27.
  15. I'm glad the gathering went so well. I will try to get there next time. Tomorrow I do some practice shooting with my wife with our 'official' instructors. With a little luck, and after the attendance at the classes, we may qualify on Saturday, Oct 30. I hope to be able to send in the paperwork for CCL as soon as possible after that. It was unfortunate that my family gathering (that I was told about just a few days before the MCSC event) had to take priority.


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