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Everything posted by vontar

  1. Jamie, dam you crack me up. Strickj and Lester, you guys hit the nail on the head, that is how they could get some new members. BTW, the girls in the plaid, I think are Catholic. I've been to a Catholic service once, I was totally confused.
  2. From a Civilian point of View, a dead enemy and a live soilder no matter what weapon is a WIN. I don't care if he used Piano wire. It is dumb rules like that, that make people distrust our own government. When the rules of war are stacked against our troops the %#^%@#&*%$ING system is broken
  3. My Rule is, I will never buy any thing that is sold Door to door. 2 Years ago, a neighbor was having a new roof put on, the guy had the nerve to walk to me while I was outside to tell me it was about time for me to get a new roof. I told him not quite ready. I found out from the neighbor later she would not recommend them at all either. If the sign would not be 2 dam big, I would make a Sign that read. "I will never never Buy or Subscribe to any Goods or Services Peddled door to door."
  4. removed
  5. I can sell you some Badge polish to keep it shiny.
  6. maybe that is the sign I need.
  7. vontar

    Warning America

    no offense but the Eve's out there have what I am looking for. Lets just say my Eve take's care of me.
  8. I have a Red No Soliciting sign at my door. Keeps most away. However, that won't slow down a Jehovah witness. They will tell you that does not apply to them as they are not selling anything and the only signs that apply to them are No Trespassing. I know my beliefs, and I have stood out side and had some long talks with different Church Groups and Jehovah Witness'. At this point, If I happen to be outside when they show up and I am someone forced to interact with them I politely tell them they need not be concerned with me and they should spend they time else where.
  9. I worked but I got double and half for working.
  10. You got me vote on there. If someone is good as PhotoShop I have an Idea for a photoshop project, but I am somewhat concerned I might actually offend someone here on the site, probably not though. When my mind gets to working, and I get started I have to be careful as I can go 2 far 2 easy.
  11. Add placement Fail
  12. Maybe she is Confident with her 1 bullet.
  13. Tnscooter63 I have done a little fish around Oak Ridge but honestly I have never done any good. Now that I have an interest in HCP and with the new laws and Posting of Parks in Oak Ridge I am not certain where you can get to the water with out Passing a No Weapons Sign. It might be possible to Park near Bull Run where allot of people park to walk down to Fish, but I have not been there in a couple years and I DO NOT KNOW if it is POSTED or not. I need to find a place to fish myself. If I have time after work tomorrow I will try to drive over there and check.
  14. I hope you let them know about the other corp. accounts they lost because of it.
  15. Yup, probably just another internet rumor getting started. I found that image too but I couldn't find the others. I don't have the DVD so I didn't go looking.
  16. Sounds like I may have worked with some of you at that place until about sept 2004.
  17. that is where I want to be when the SHTF.
  18. Only 270 and 30.06 I prefer to my 270, i can't explain why, maybe because it was my first gun.
  19. in the Movie Back to the Future Doc sets the clock in the deloriean to a day 25 years in the future.... today is that day. (I have been trying to confirmt this with a screen shot from the movie or something but I have been unable) However this is getting passed around the internet heavy.
  20. LOL. To bad that Super Secret Org does not pay enough as to keep him from having to double to as undercover as 'Lynch' at a liquor store.
  21. I have to agree with 10mm4me. IT has to be Crystal clear, otherwise you will never have all the facts. The only time you will have most of the facts are when it is defending your family and yourself. When you start defending 3rd parties the water start getting muddy real quick. We have have a discussion on this no 2 long ago as well with a vote. When I took my CPR/first Aid class with the Red Cross about 2 months ago, I was surprised by the cases when you need to get consent to assist someone even when it is clear. The only time you don't need consent is if they are going or are unconscious. We had some heated debates, and what to do when say a parent or guardian will not give consent or give aid to their child what to do. Sometimes you can only be a good wittiness and call 911. I now always carry a basic first aid kit with me. You might find more of what you are looking for in this Thread. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handgun-carry-self-defense/41655-defense-third-party.html
  22. I just went to the wiki and read that, Holy S***. With out a doubt God was looking out for him. from wiki
  23. Here hoping for the best.
  24. Well, the Pistol I have at my home right now is 38 special. Not really what I want to go out to the range and fire 200 rounds with. I am going to be borrowing Dad's .22 Ruger for the Test. He has been keeping it as his place, but I will be picking it up a couple days before my test. Shortly after I am going to be buying me a New .22 for a Practice weapon. for me and my wife. The reason I am not running out today and buying. I just spend 6500 on a new Central Heat/Air system as mine just gave up the ghost. Seems I let the magic smoke out of it. So when I get that bill under a little bit of control is when I am going to buy.
  25. That is so right. We Live in such a dam PC (politically correct) world, is limits free speech. Your list of topics among the things that can cause fight and other disagreements faster then anything else. It is common knowledge some park off site for the reason above, however I don't like the thought of parking off site because that makes your car/truck a stand out target as why it is offsite. Inside the company people know and people talk. *****however, I found something out today talking with security********** I just found a loop hole, my company shares a parking lot with another company, and it seems if Parked in the shared lot, which is owned by the other company, my company can't request to search my car/truck as it is not on their property. I got that from our Pro Gun security guard. I normally already park in that lot. When I get my HCP and start carrying I have considered getting a small lock, I could bolt down in my truck for those times I have to leave my gun in my truck.


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