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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. c.a.willard

    M&P 9

    Thanks, i have a philosophy of whenever possible giving my money to a local gun store it usually has to be a really major savings to convince me to buy from online distributers.
  2. c.a.willard

    M&P 9

    Anyone in the clarksville to nashville area have them in stock.
  3. c.a.willard

    M&P 9

    I'm military not LE (well sorta I'm an MP) but thats a debate for a whole nother thread so carry policy isnt something im concerned with. with all these responses though i think ill give the APEX parts a try cant really find a reason not to. And who said you cant buy happiness.
  4. c.a.willard

    M&P 9

    Picked up my new M&P 9 today from QTS. 421 and a little change out the door. Man do i love S&W militarry and LE pricing and i got a 50 dollar mail in rebate. Went to ge it on thursday but i had yet another NIC's delay. One of these days im gonna stop being lazy and do a VAF to get a NIC's PIN. Unfortunately had to miss out on shooting it this weekend because of the delay and man was the weather perfect for it. Hopefully the weather holds until next weekend if not i guess ill just head down to G&L and use the indoor range. So any upgrades i should consider. Im debating the apex trigger i guess i'll decide that after this weekends but dry firing it there wasnt much to really make me want to spend the money. A little gritty feeling but not much, i think that may releive itself after a couple hundred rounds. reset wasnt terrible although not quite as easy to feel. I think im kinda spoiled on triggers from my kimber. The M&P fits my hand better than just about any pistol ive ever held and points well. All and all im really happy with this purchase so far and looking foward to the range time with it. I may do a range report on it this weekend, undecided right now.
  5. You may also try contacting the 7th Infantry Division Association. They are comprised of former members of the division and will more than likely have several members that served at the same time as your father. 7th Infantry Division Assn They also have a reunion comming up at the end of the month in MO if your interested in meeting some of the people in person. Best of luck to you in your search.
  6. My unit is currently deployed and is considering getting a commemorative pistol for our Soldiers to order. I'm looking for any information anyone on here may have in regards to the process or programs any manufacturers are currently running. I know SIG has a good program but im not sure if i could meet there order requirements. They require an order of 25. My company is only a little over 100 people and realistically i could expect around 15 people counting myself that are likely to place an order. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Just my thinking, but id stock up on two or three calibers of ammunition. My top 3 are 22LR, 9mm, and 223. There my picks because i can stock up on ammo fairly inexpensively, which also allows me to practice significantly more and because they maintain a lower weight so i can carry more further. And the reality (at least as i view it) is that if i can find a stock pile of ammo i can probably find the firearm that goes with it. IE .40 cal because its a common LEO round Your just as likely to find the gun as the ammo. So if i run low and have to switch to using calibers i find thats ok, ill grab up their gun along with it. Also im a minimalist, i like to reduce the variety as much as possible. My bug out kit has 3 guns. 1 AR, 1 G17, 1 G26. Then for the AR i have a .22 coversion kit and a complete spare parts kit. Eventually ill probably get a .22 kit for the Glock as well. Again this is just me not insulting any ones choice but sometimes less is more.
  8. The facebook page has a link to this site. it may have more answers. Im not gonna bother reading it cause ill be out of state. The more i read the more ill be upset that i cant go. http://survivejohnsoncity.wordpress.com/
  9. If you want to increase lethality, they make exploding tips for blowgun darts. There realtively inexpensive to. Still wouldnt beat a .22 for SHTF but could be entertaining.
  10. I've been wanting to do a SBR build for a while now, and was thinking of using a MGI Mark 15 as my base weapon, cause there modular. Just wanting to know if anyone here has used or seen one. How well do they shoot. Also when registering a SBR do i have to stamp every caliber on the lower or can i just stamp multi caliber and register all the diffirent caliber options on the paperwork. www.mgimilitary.com
  11. i think my choice would be a army M1117 ASV not a lot of internal space but good range, great armor for protecting against the non zombie hoards looking to steal supplies, and i happen to have access to a motorpool full of them that are already topped off with fuel.
  12. It seems to me the real question is the bad guys intention. If im 100% certain he intends to kill me and my family then by all means im gonna try, but if not i would think it would just be better to play along and see if the status quo changes. If the bad guy hasnt made up his mind to shoot you, theres no reason to make up his mind for him. especially with family near by because if you lose more than likely so do they.
  13. ithica m-49 walther p22
  14. just got rid of my XD service 40 traded it for a little bit smaller of a gun for the wife. originally bought it for her to shoot from hikock45, same one as in the video above. Great shooting pistol, only thing i didnt like was the trigger reset
  15. FM 3-05.70 is a great comprehensive survival manual, you can order it online or find free PDF downloads of it.
  16. I think it would be interesting to note that alot of advanced training has gone away from saying aim center mass and instead opts for aiming for the thorasic cavity. I have to agree with jamie that its about effective hits on target. That includes military training. BRM still teaches COM however advanced marksmanship courses now teach thorasic cavity, that includes many SF shooting schools and the Army SRT school. along with that teaching to aim for areas that result in flacid paralysis is also becoming more common. I can only speak to training ive been to, but the more common idea now is not COM but slightly higher in the chest area (thorasic cavity)
  17. Im familiar with the systems they use and yes i know they can show two seperate speeds, however when he made approach he stated he observed my vehicle traveling at 86 MPH which i know for a fact is not true and would estimate that that would be the correct speed of the vehicle that was passing me, So either improper use of the equipment or improper tracking history, im trying to err on the side of the officer here. Also the fastest vehicle was closest to center of hs radar cone making it the primary vehicle it would pick up as distance was almost the same. Also im glad he engaged his brain and didnt overreact about the firearm, however i do not see haveing a second person there as an overreaction. I see it as a necessary safeguard to ensure officer survival. I firmly believe without the weapon involvement that with two seperate vehicles he should have assistance. I did it once and will never do it again, to much going on to maintan situational awareness all by yourself. Who knows same may be true of this officer, this may have been the frst time something like this has happened to him and he learned.
  18. The serial number marks it as manufactured in 1915, so obviously in the right time frame for WW1 the Navy and USMC kept pretty good records of conract purchases they bought in serial number sets. The Army grabbed up 1911's in a way different manner. honestly this coould have been used in either confrontation, the best way would be figure out the time period for his grandfathers service. Im in aggreance though that no A-1 modifications means its probably WW1, beautiful weapon and a great peice of history. Id look into that holster too, there some what datable and often rarer than the periods firearms.
  19. if i read correctly he was firing buffalo bore brand 9mm+P+ out of the glock 19, IOT compare its performance to the 357Sig caliber fired from the 32
  20. Also i have no intention or desire to get into a pissing contest with anyone within this forum.
  21. Just FYI the military law enforcement coummunity at least for my duty station has changed alot over that last few years to bring us more on line with civilian law enforcement. I do concede that across the board most military law enforcement arent trained to the same standards as ther civilian counterparts. However most of my training is federally certified and im a graduate of FLETC . Your right off base i have no recognizable authority, but that isnt the issue. right down the road is still down the road and doesnt offer you the help when you need it. and you know as well as i do that the officer would have a hard time defending trying to get accurate speed on two vehicles traveling relatively close to each other, at night and facing away from us so he likely was using his mirrors for tracking history. bottom line is he was outnumbered and one guy he new for a fact had a firearm in the vehicle. Also my installation is the third largest in the united states. Ive worked every type of call from the mundane to the rare extreamly violent call. ive also frequently worked side by side with my off post counterparts. in my jusrisdiction (on post) i am responsible for knowing and enforcing TN and KY state laws, USC, and military regulaions. The irony is after the stop the officer said i thought i recognized you, why because i assisted him doing apprehensions on base where he has no authority, and if im not mistaken it was for a violent offender. But I digress the post wasnt about differences between civilian and military law enforcement it was about officer safety. If its a risk i wouldn take in what most people consider a safer enviornment why should he assume that level of risk. I have nothing but the utmost respect for my brothers in other military branches and civilian law enforcement i dont like seeing any of them not takeing advantage of available support to midigate risk.
  22. Military Police. not sure how it makes a difference though.
  23. So i feel like venting about this. Im on my way home from Guns and Leather with my wife on I 24. We had been out shooting, all and all great range day 450 rounds down range between the two of us and we bot had alot of fun. Im cruising along talking with my wife when she asks me why i slowed down. I was traveling at 82 slowed to 77-78 and i replied this area is heavily patroled. So 1 mile down the road what happens. A red four door car begins to pass me on the right at an obvioously higher rate of speed than my own. Sure enough while hes doing this we come in range of a LEO who apparently locked in the faster of our two vehicles speeds and puled us both over. The officer makes approach, i give hime my information and kindly inform him i have a unloaded firearm in the back seat. He then asks me how fast i was traveling and i respond with 78 the speed i was actually traveling at. The LEO informs me that he locked me in at 86. Heres the thing Im certified in instruction and use of both Radar and Lidar and i know full well that where we were and the direction he was facing that he could have gotten an accurate reading on both vehicles speeds. He ends up writing me for 74 in a 70, So of course im gonna pay it because its within how fast i was traveling. But here is what irks me. This guy has two peopple pulled over at one time, risky enough as it is but then one informs you they have a firearm, so risk increases. Another patrol pulls up behind him and im thinking to myself, thank god this guy actually has a clue and requested back up. No not at all, the back up walks up to the primary patrol talks to him for about 15 seconds and then leaves. Im an MP on a local military instillation so im well versed in Law Enforcement and Officer safety, so its just annoys me that he would take that risk when he had back up readily available. I understand when theres none around you have to do your job and the risks just come with it. Also the LEO didnt know i was a LEO untill after the citation was written because im not one of those guys that if i get pulled over that starts trying to get out of the ticket. Just neeeded to vent. Hopefully some other LEO's read this and use it as a learning point.
  24. Honestly the mooderators really need to step in and close this thread. But untill then let me say ive served with alot of muslim men and women who sacrificed for this country. Im talking about American Muslims who choose to go overseas to support America and its values because they believe that our Nation is worth supporting. You wanna tell those people that they dont have the right to worship as they please. How are we to be better than any other fanatics when we close our doors to honest good people because of their religion. Yes i know theres some bad muslims out there, met more than my fair share of them, Ive also met many that have earned my trust, respect and friendship. and if you waant to get into a religious debate atleast read the koran you might realize that its not that dissimmilar from the bible. ive read both, repeatedly, I was raised Baptist and spent several years of my life in muslim countries working side by side every day. So base your oppinion on whatever you want but mine is based on a good deal of actual experiance around muslim communities.
  25. You can start with Canada, Then go on to most countries in Europe. Im not saying were a land of free love nor am I in any way a bug supporter of the current administration. Im simply stating that if God is causing this because of the choices weve mad why isnt he/she punishing others for similar decisions. The Logical argument would be that our current decay has nothing to do with God's will and has a much simpler solution. That maybe just maybe it has to do with the people and the decisions we are making with out regards to the consequences. all we succesfully do by segregating people because of their sexual orientation or life stye is further divide a nation that is already divided enough. My point is simply that the more we push people away the further our country degrades, and that the solution is most likely to be found in working together.


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