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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. I used an automotiv scratch repair paint. Brush it on let it dry for about 10 minutes or so until tacky and semi dry. The use a papertowel with a little bit of finger nail polish remover and run it over it very lightly until the excess is removed. Repeat as many times as necessary. Try not to put any pressure on the paper towel just let it brush lightly over the paint
  2. Full Size M&P, but i almost always wear pants and a t-shirt that covers it well even in the summer. About the lightest weight cloths i go with are khaki type shorts and a loose t-shirt.
  3. Couldn't help but be reminded of this joke: GUNSLINGER JOKE A young man in the Old West wanted to be the best gunfighter alive. He practiced every day, but knew he was still missing something that would make him the best. One night, as he was sitting in a saloon, he spotted an old man who had the reputation of being the greatest gunfighter in his day. So the young fella went over to the old man and told him his dream. The old man looked him up and down and said, "I have a suggestion that is sure to help." "Tell me, tell me," said the young man. "Tie the bottom of your holster lower onto your leg." "Will that make me a better gunfighter?" "Definitely," said the old man. The young gunman did what he was told, then in a flash he drew his gun and shot the bow tie off the piano player. "Wow, that really helped. Do you have any more suggestions?" "Yeah, if you cut a notch in the top of your holster where the hammer hits, the gun will come out smoother." "Will that make me a better gunfighter?" "It sure will," said the old man. The young guy did what he was told, drew his gun in a blur and shot the cufflink off the piano player. "This is really helping me. Is there anything else you can share with me? "One more thing," said the old man, "get that can of axle grease over there in the corner and rub it all over your gun." The young man didn't hesitate but started putting the grease on the barrel of the gun. "No, the whole gun, handle and everything," said the old man. "Will it make me a better gunfighter?" "No," said the old man, "but when Wyatt Earp gets done playing that piano he's going to shove that gun up your ass, and it won't hurt nearly as much."
  4. Not sure if it would do any good, but id like to make a suggestion. Wyatt would you please PM TGO David and or one of the moderators and explain the full situation to them. The question alot of people are having is do you possess the type of characteristics we want representing us to the media. If not then its also likely that you dont possess the types of qualities expected of the members of this forum. I for one take you at your word whe you say youve learned from your past. I dont personally need to know about your past any more than i expect anyone to want to know about mine. For everyone doing it, stop attacking the man. Even if he did say it, its not my place to judge him or realistically any of yours. And wyatt great article regardless of fallout. If anyone is to judge his character it should be the people responsible for this forum, untill and unless that happens act like decent human beings and cut the man some slack.
  5. Personally i dont concern myself much with the concept of heaven or hell. Nor am i certain that Chritianity or any religion has it right. I'd rather just treat people the best i can and do right by those that surround me. End of the day whatever higherpower is out there can judge me on my character and humanity. If im judged based soley on beleifs, well then i guess im screwed but i can always take solice in that i enjoyed my life and tried to make others lives better.
  6. Just out of curiosity, what military installation is in that area and is it Federal Property. Cause when i see Intallation i think federal property. In which case concealed carry on the base would be more than just a breach of policy it would be a criminal offense.
  7. You get some pretty defenitive improvements in mobility (Inside vehicle use, room clearing that sort of thing) and several people feel that there faster to get on target in CQB Distances (Myself included). Absolutely usefull if you plan on suppressing it to keep overall length down. Even as a home defense weapon a SBR would probably fulfill that role nicely. Some one will probably be along shortly to argue that the 223/5.56 isnt a very good manstopper especiall out of a shorter barrel. I contend that its still better than any pistol caliber. If your plan on using it that way ammunition choice obviously plays a major factor. I cant think of any realstic self defense situation that would put you past the range and accuracy limits of an SBR, I can think of many self defense situations where a rifle length would have been entirely to long.
  8. I have several surefires and 6 or 7 walmart cheapo's laying around the house. But my favorite go everywhere with me light is my RA light EDC. I think the company is now HDS. super bright, multi level output LED with a strobe function. Nice compact light that stays clipped inside my Pants every single day. I view my flashlight much like handguns or other potential defensive weopons. Only carry quality equipment that you can trust. A really good flashlight in itself is an excellent defensive weapon and one that you can carry anywhere. I got super lucky with that little light and picked it up for 10 dollars having no clue about the quality of it and it didnt work at the time. I figured there may be a warranty or at the worst i was out ten dollars. Turns out that it has two areas that screw out the batter compartment and then the end cap. The end cap wasnt tightnened down all the way. Best ten dollars ive ever spent. Dont think theres a day it hasnt been with me in the last 2 years.
  9. Although you may not be legally required your still better off getting the TN Permit than the indiana permit. It covers several states that indiana does not. As far as Military Training instead of the class as the other links said a Memo signed by your chain of command will suffice. And as long as your indiana permit is still valid you should only have to pay the lower renewal fee IOT get the TN Permit. To me the 50 dollars is worth the peace of mind to know that im not having to guess or interpret weird laws and exemptions. Added bonus you get the ability to carry in more states. I went through alot of the same stuff when i came to FT Campbell from Muncie, Indiana. Now that im here i plan on staying. PM me if you have any questions about the area, places to shop places to stay away from etc. Been stationed here since 02 so ive learend alot about the area. Welcome to the 101ST.
  10. So i decided to personalize my M&P 9 a little bit. I've always wanted to try stippling a polymer pistol and finally worked up the nerve to give it a try. It could have turned out a little better, but im pretty happy with it as a firt attemp. Also figured i would go ahoead and add some color to it. The color inlay was done with automotive touch up paint and the stippling i did with a butane soldering iron.
  11. The military thing makes it weird. Although he resides in TN he is not really a TN resident even with TN License. Im assuming IN is your home of record. As long as it remains your home of record and your Indiana Permit is valid you can use it in TN. Military members are not required to change over residency when being stationed in a new state.
  12. I knew this would be a sensitive statement when i wrote it but it still holds true. As far as a soft spot for those in the service i so far have 9 1/2 years in the military and a huge soft spot for the soldiers i have trained and mentored. They are very much like family to me. So far only one government has ever actually used nuclear weapons yet we still have them. If isreal wants to go to war let them. They pride themselfs on being an independant nation let them be independant not a subset of the US. How much would the arab nations want to kill us if we hadnt been meddling in their national affairs for the last few decades. Im not all peaceniky i just beleave your reap what you sew.
  13. Cant believe im about to defend Iran on this forum (david you can ban be later). But a US military linguist on iranian soil is mighty suspicious. I know our military has detained plenty of Iranian citizens in iraq and afghanistan and a link back to their military generally results in a guaranteed long long stay in a detention center typically death when there turned over to local authorities. Closing the straight of hormuz is no different than us or any other nation enacting economic sanctions on another nation. And just out of curiosity i wonder what our reaction would be to an iranian carrier in the gulf of mexico. As far as launching air strikes against them how many inocents will that kill and would that be worth the endstate. The best solution to the middle east dilema is to realise there is no good solution and just leave it alone.
  14. i know you didnt ask this but which ever one you get, get a DCAEK kit and the RAM kit for it. The S&W law enforcement pricing is an amazing deal. If your getting close to the deal i got youll still be into it less than MSRP and those kits turn that gun into a great shooter. Its now my favorite pistol
  15. I think she should run for congress, shes already proven shes a frivolous spender. She'll fit right in
  16. Faith is a fair answer to that question. But it is a series of stories written with an intent of teaching morals and guiding principles. Unfortunately it is a series of stories written by men, translated by even more men, and the compiled by a group of men over time this causes the bible to be fallable. Not as the word of god but as the word of god interpreted by men. Or am i to assume that a group of people understood the original teachings centuries after when we debate today on the meaning of the founding fathers barely 200 years ago with well documented evidence. (just to tie this back in to the current thread and prevent total hijacking). I firmly beleive that an individual can have faith without having to take every thing in the bible as 100 percent guaranteed factual.
  17. 17 days from fingerprinting for me 18 days from application
  18. So if the world is going to end in 6 years or less why do you care what the government does. According to your theory of biblical proficy isreals 64 now a generation is 70 years (is that current human years or methuselah years) and the end times will be with in a generation of isreals rebirth. So if my maths right 6 more years. If i was one hundred percent certain the world was ending in 6 years i really wouldnt care what my govenrment or any other does. You could spend days listing all the factual information the bible lists thats completely impossible and about an hour talking about anything historically proven. In my personal opinion its myhtology maquerading as history. What makes the bible any more beleivable as a historical document that the iliad (Accepted to be fiction).
  19. The only aspect i take issue with is the fact that individuals have to pay for said ID. At no point should a US citizen have to pay anything to excercize their right to vote, if leroy is correct and they can get one for free then there is absolutely no hardship imposed. Apparently people just need something to complain about.
  20. Didnt realise it was that small of a town, i guess in retrospect i coud have answered my own question using google. From the way the video makes it sound she waited 21 minutes after barricading herself and calling the police I still think 21 minutes is a bit on the long side for a home invasion in progress. Not trying to judge the police department im sure they got there as fast as they possibly could.
  21. This was enacted so that a foreign terrorist on american soil was not protected by our legal system. Had the terrorists that struck on 9-11 been caught before hand, they would have been entitled to all the rights that we have, indefinate detention of prisoners in a time of war is nothing new this just gives legal standing for those non uniformed combatants caught on american soil. I would rather have them held in a military detention facility than a U.S. prison where there hate and rethoric can spread. As far as people comming and knocking down your doors, whose really going to do that. Sure theres probably some bone head legislature somewhere at some point in time that may try, but generally speaking the US military and police forces around the country will NOT support it. Dictators of the past and present did/do what they did/do with the support of their military and law enforcement agencies and with a population to weak to fight it. Yes i took an oath to obey the presedent of the united states but immediately before that the same oath says that i will support and defend the constitution, if they ever do conflict guess which one im supporting. As far as a plan to react to a catastrauphic failure of government, not to have a plan in place would be idiotic. As much that we hope it never happens in our lifetime history has taught us that all governments fail at some point. Our system was initially set up to give us maximum flexibility in order to prevent that from happening, but in reality we will only prolong the inevitable.
  22. i know new years response times are slow and all, but 21 minutes of waiting why were the police not there yet.
  23. It depends on which weapons your most comfortable with. Technically all pistols can be operated with one hand some are just easier than others. and each type of pistol has its own drawbacks. beig left handed i it would require you have either an ambi safety or a reversable safety. A quality weapon and good maintanance will cut down on the likelyhood of having to preform immediate action to correct a malfuntion. A decent capacity will reduce the number of times yo would haveto reload. If youd like i have a M&P 9 full size that id be glad to switch to a lefty and let you try out 17 round capacity, light recoil, and never a hicup. I have a decent amount of eperience with one handed operations, malfunctions and reload drills and would be happy to go over any of it with you. Just shoot me a PM.
  24. Applied on 5 dec finger printed 6 dec arrived today 23 dec, just in time for my trip up north for the holidays. Apparently santa is real and works for TDOS.


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