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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. I do a good bit of business with QTS in oak grove great people. TN gun country for me has been hit or miss, seems like a lot of the times i go in there the guys just aren't super friendly but they have never been rude, all around decent shop. The drive to Greenbrier to go to G&L is more than worth it; honestly one of the best gun stores i have ever been to hands down. For ammo and parts check out mid south shooters website. There an online retailer, however their warehouse/business center is located in Clarksville. As far as places to shoot. Locally you have Montgomery County Shooting Complex, they have a really nice out door complex. The shell shop in hopkinsville in door range. G&L in greenbrier indoor range. Also not sure hoe much time you have in your retirement, but MCSC is almost always looking for volunteers to SO the ranges on the weekends. Welcome to Clarksville and to TN, but more importantly welcome to TGO. This place is full of very knowledgeable friendly people and more than it's fair share of good deals on guns and gear
  2. Excuse me sir do you have a smaller target, my son cant seem to balance this one on his head
  3. to me range time is valuable, so if your gonna carry it why not shoot it as much as possible this includes the class.
  4. Best of luck in your film, but like any fundraiser you may of had better luck if you would of attempted to build rapport with your target audience before linking a fundraiser sight. I'm with FIST on not being sure on the direction of the documentary. Not speaking for the group but personally i don't see members of this forum donating to unknown individuals who did not take the time to read the code of conduct (see below). 5. No unauthorized soliciting. Advertising opportunities are available to persons or companies wishing to market their goods or services to TGO members. If you are interested in taking advantage of that while helping support this community, contact us and let us know. Unapproved commercial advertising should never be posted by members of our community. This means that unless you have sought authorization from the TGO Staff to post a commercial advertisement for goods or services, you may not use advertising language in posts made to the forums. Specifically: No advertising language, links, banners, images, etc. in posts No advertising language, links, banners, images, etc. in signatures No sending unsolicited private messages (PMs) to members with any of the above in it Authorized vendors are exempt from these restrictions.
  5. Ive done plenty of indoor shooting, and your right pistol isnt that bad. However personally i use a rifle for HD. I still live by the thought process that the purpose of a pistol is to fight your way to a rifle. Noise in the moment isnt something im worried about. With an infant being born soon i would be worried about her ears being damaged.. and seeing as most parents are either going strait to their kids or their kids comming to them I'd say a home defense shooting is likely to have children in the immediate vicinity of the firearm being discharged. Not saying that it is 100 percent necessary i just dont see the limited risks outweighing the potential benifits. If you have one you might as well use it.
  6. My concern wouldnt be for my hearing it would be for others in the home. A gun shot indoors is bad enough of fully developed ears but coutld be extreamly damaging to children in the home. I personally dont own one yet, im still behind the power curve on NFA items, however if i did i dont think i would hesitate to leave it on a home defense weapon. You may loose it for a time to the system but i think that risk would still be outweighed by the benifits of reduced noise and light.
  7. I have a couple and they work fairly well. I like them for running or biking, better IMO than a fanny pack. Added bonus, great place to store your MP3 player
  8. I won a TLR-2 at a gear expo a few years back
  9. This also demonstrates the importance for all law enforcement agencies to train active shooter response. If the news is correct the police officer was ambushed when he stopped to help a victim. Most departments are training find the threat first and deal with victims later. Only thing i'm still curious about with this is the characterization of his discharge. The one article i read that mentions it said he received a dishonorable discharge. Which if correct means he cant legally buy a gun. I'd say more than likely it was an OTH and the news just got it wrong like normal.
  10. There is also the logical argument that Homosexuality is in fact natural and happens in many species of animals not just with human beings. There is the equally logical argument that homosexuality is a evolutionary or "divinely inspired" form of population control. Controlling population to ensure the long term survival of the species would still be survival and therefore moral. As far as marriage having biblical beginnings, well that's just simply not true. Marriage existed long before any known book of the bible was written. Yes it has always been traditionally defined as between a man and a woman, however its beginnings were transferring ownership of said woman to the husband. Gay marriages are not in fact absent from many parts of world history to include a roman emperor who had two legal marriage ceremonies to two men circa 58 A.D. in the second and third centuries they were extremely common place in the worlds largest empire. Not saying we should model our society on ancient Rome, just saying there is plenty or historical evidence to support it.
  11. I'm a big fan of the Viking Tactics wide sling. I like having the extra padding and the fast adjustments for sling length. IMO getting that sling nice and tight makes a big difference in any unsupported shooting. And not really an issue for a lot of the civilian community but i like being able to quickly adjust between different lengths for with body armor and without.
  12. The term used is really of the least amount of importance. Civil union, legal union, or marriage. Call it what ever you want but people in committed long term intimate relationships are being denied equal treatment under the law. Most of the gay people i know really wouldn't care less what you titled it. And a lot of it really is the simple things, like being considered immediate family when visiting a partner in the hospital or sharing of health benefits. The military presents a unique issue in regards to housing and relocation. I would really like one good argument to be presented against gay marriage that isn't rooted in religious beliefs. I'm not saying that to insult someones beliefs, but the reality is we are not a faith based nation. Like many social problems our nation is facing there has got to be some room in here for a compromise. Unfortunately it will not happen until people from both extremes get off their high horse and meet somewhere in the middle. As far as chick-fil-a is concerned their opinion should still be a non issue, Although i don't agree with them i do not see it as bigotry. choosing to support or not support them harms no one either way. The general hate and idiocy spread by both sides hurts us all
  13. Personally i wont give my money to an organization who's views i differ with that significantly. I firmly believe that homosexuality is not a disease or a choice anyone makes, they are born that way period end of story. I can not see the harm to America that could possibly come from allowing homosexual marriage.
  14. Bkelm, not saying its a guarantee but maybe if those other people in your class learned in middle school how to make better decisions regarding using their phone it wouldn't be distracting from your studies.
  15. I think that schools should only have the right to limit things that either pose a serious safety risk or adversely effect the learning environment. A phone turned off in your bag impacts neither. It's also an opportunity for your child to practice good decision making abilities and responsibility for its use. IMO this rule takes away individual responsibility for ones actions. It is also very likely to be a rule that will be disregarded by the students who are more likely to be disruptive with their phone use. In essence it is a rule that is resulting in very little to no tangible improvements in the learning environment, while hindering the process of improving decision making abilities and character growth of the children learning there.
  16. I'm honestly more afraid of what mass murderers would resort to without guns. If the reports are true about the explosives in his room, a back pack bomb would of been much more devastating. Id rather be shot at then blown up, done both at least being shot at you can shoot back.
  17. So will this treaty stop the ATF from illegally exporting arms to mexico
  18. Its a niche product for a niche market. If anyone feels they have the need and want to drop the money on it go ahead. I agree that these may be usefull for competition purposes. I just dont think they are a must have for most AR owners out there. As far as the militry checkin into it, it wouldnt be the first time the military has checked into something that most service members dont have a desire or need for. I could see the use with automatic rifleman for the Marines M27. Last i heard the sure fire 60 rnd were popular with some of the guys field testing them, but that opinion may have changed since last i asked my marine buddy about it.
  19. Interesting product but i just dont see twenty additional rounds making up for its drawbacks. First of all its cost prohibitive, not a factor for everyone but a factor for me. Second and probably my bisggest issue is the width of it, where in the heck on my gear would i put this thing. it wont fit in standard mag pouches so do i end up having to have them specially made. hey even more money for 20 rounds. 30 round magazines do fail, if/when a 30 rounder fails im out at most 30 rounds when this thing fails i am out 50.
  20. i stopped using a lanyard when one on my sidearm snagged on a door in a two way shoot house, completely stopped my foward movement and that of all the guys behind me. sometimes i still get mandated to use one and when that happens i always use a retractable one, stays out the way fairly well.
  21. The lack of comments probably has more to do with the lack views rather than the content. It is definately interesting content. I think for the most part members of this forum recognize voter fraud as the reality that it is. What is sad and a little disturbing is that there are people that still deny that voter fraud happens. What is even more sad is the amount of Americans that still just take those politicians at their word without any effort to independantly verify what there being told.
  22. wonder what the lagalities of this is
  23. In the MTAC it hides really well, weight and size are really not an issue. If you have both the full and compact i recommend buying holsters that fit the full size as they will also fit the compact, but not always the other way around.
  24. Along with the knife thing i recommend carrying wallet on the opposite side of carry position, Its more for potential LE encounters than daily use, but is useful during my routine day as well. I've had the one is none thing drilled in to me for so long that i always carry a spare mag everywhere i go and usually a spare pistol. If you intend to use a IWB holster buy your pants a size larger in the waist, it makes a big comfort difference. I carry my M&P in a MTAC between the 3 and 4 oclock position practice practice practice. Build good muscle memory, by practicing your draw slowly and methodically, the speed will come on its own through consistancy never ever carry on FT Campbell its not worth it
  25. Theres no real tactical advantage to the 20 round drums, what you get in capacity you loose in space on your gear and akward handling, and from my experiance drum mags in general have a higher failure rate. Cant say this is true of the drum mags for the saiga as i have never used one.


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