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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. Because the listeted firearms are by name exempted from the law and therefore could be redisigned to any peramiters they want. 
  2. Hypothetical, but would it be possible for a manufacturer to completely redesign a exempted firearm and manufacture a weapon using an older model number.   Not that i think this has any chance of passing, im just curious.
  3. Hognuts's helping me out.  looking foward to this sunday.
  4. MAC, It's the 5 inch pro.  I bought it to try out IDPA and was thinking about heading out to MCTS for their steel match but the only thing i have left for reloading components is 90 grain frangibles.  Not sure they would do well at knocking down steel. 
  5. Can't do anything about the price of kerosene, but you can always get a milsurp jerry can and flex nossle. 
  6. So i can have a ACR but not a single shot thompson pistol.  Idiots
  7. So good new bad news story from this guy.  Traded for a very good condition M&P pro in 9mm today to go with my full size M&P 9,  Im extreamly happy with it and am looking foward to putting some rounds down range.  I traded for this one because i want to get into IDPA but by other M&P has stippled grips.  Heres for the bad news, on the way home i wasnt paying close enough attention to the speed limit and got pulled over.  Speed limit dropped 55 to a 45 with out me noticing it.  Upside though the officer was extreamly polite and professional wich im sure we all appreciate.  Saw the box on the side of the eat when he approaced and asked right away about weapons in the vehicle.  I told him about that one and the one i had on my hip.  No silly comments about dont touch yours and i wont touch mine or anything like that.  Looked at my permit handed back to me then went to his vehicle to run my information.  Still got the ticket but i cant complain about that because it's my fault i was speeding not his.  End of the day i still have a wonderfull new pistol and i learned to pay more attention when going through that area.  I was on my way back from paris tn to clarksville on 79.  For those of you who drive it know there are a lot of speed limit changes. 
  8. TMF, It depends if he lives in the Barracks or if he lives in housing. For both the weapon has to be rgistered on post. In the barracks is a giant PITA The firearm mus tbe stored in the units arms room and you have to have your commander approve every time you take out the weapon.  In addition to this the armorer has to come in and open it up.  So on the weekends it's really difficult to do as most units dont run a 24 hr arms room.  If he lives in housing its easier he only has to have it registered on post.  Transportation rules on post are like transporting a firearm anywhere without a carry permit, as no permit is valid on a military installation. In addition to the transport method you are supposed to make your way directly to the range or your storage area or directly off post do not stop do not collect 200 dollars.  If his residence is off post he is only required to register the firearm on post if he wants to take the firearm on post.  A copy of the on post registration is supposed to remain with the firearm at all times.   In the barracks it is not really worth the hassle.  Most Soldiers who live in the barracks store the firearm at a friends house.  Although the regulation does require it to be stored in the arms room ost commanders realize that it is your personal property, this coupled with it being a great annoyance to them usually means they dont mind.   So recap:  Barracks giant PITA on post housing: keep unloaded and ammo seperate untill of post Off post:  zJust the same as the rest of us if you dont wanna take it on the installation
  9. In addition to TMF's post i recommend you go see your PAC and get your state taxes changed to TN wich has no state income tax.
  10. Of course now they are High Powered Semi Automatic Rifles. 
  11. What no take me to your leader jokes.  Welcome to the forum
  12.     I just got out of the active side, and for the most part my MP unit got as much trigger time as any non SF MOS.  I was lucky to be able to get alot more than most because i would help run different courses of fire or go to different schools where i could shoot more.  The majority of the U.S. Military is made up of combat suport and combat service support jobs, not combat arms jobs.  The combat arms guys do get more trigger time.  And some branches are better about marksmanship training than others.  By far the best at teacing marksmanship is the US Marine Corp, and they understand that to get better shooters you have to let people shoot frequently.  But that doesnt apply to the military as a whole. 
  13. Holy crap, Please tell me someone screwed up and those are supposed to be 12.97
  14. Unfortunately the military knows how to take the fun out of almost anything and that includes shooting.  Most Soldiers really do not get a lot of trigger time and when they do its usually hurry up and qualify.  You wouldnt enjoy it as much either if you went to range at 4 or 5 in the morning came home late at night just to shoot 58 rounds
  15. Saw a black rain AR 15 on arms list for over 3000
  16. It is most likely secured in place with some form of glue like locktite.  Try mounting it in a viced and heating it with a heat gun or torch
  17. Ammunition in TN is subject to a 10 cents per container tax.  Without that tax stamp on the container you can not legally sell it.  If it was purchased in TN and already has the stamps on it then your are good to resale.
  18. Edit:  Already covered in another post.  Mods please Lock.     Thank you TDR, did a search and didnt see it.  Guess i should have used the oldfashioned method of opening the news forum and scanning it with my eyes.
  19. Insight X2, Streamlight TLR-4,  and the crimson trace rail master light all come to mind as good quality lights that will fit a sub compact gun.  The TLR 4 i believe is the brightest of the group though not by much over the rail master which is a little less expensive than the streamlight.  the X2 would be at the low end of my list for the same price you can get much brighter wider throw lights.  I also like the looks of the rail master over the other options so that would be my recommendation.
  20. Is North Carolina your home of record or just your last duty station.  Residency rules are different for active duty military and depending on different factors your NC permit may still be valid.  If NC is your home of record or if you pay your income tax's to NC and the mailing address is still valid on your NC carry permit then it is still good to go regardless of how long you have lived in TN.  If NC is not your home of record or the state you pay taxes to then it may no longer be valid.  You get a certain period of time to switch it over when moving.  I want to say 90 days but am not 100% sure on the 90 day part.  
  21. Went to the rally today as well.  Had an interesting conversation with my wife right before I left the house.  Her family is in town to visit our new little girl.  Anyways she would have much prefered i stayed home with them today instead, but told me that she wasnt going to ask me to because she had already had the conversation in her head.  I asked her how it went and she said well i thought "are you really going to choose going to do a gun thing over spending time with your family".  And then she said my reply woud be that "my guns protect my family".  She's pretty smart for a registered democrat. 
  22.       Had to double check this just to make sure, but this law only covers weapons declared as contraband.  The law does not have a provision in it for voluntarily surrendered firearms and as such the law enforcement agency could destroy the firearms if they chose to.  Just because Nashville doesn not choose to destroy buy back guns does not mean that they legaly can not.   39-17-1317.  Confiscation and disposition of confiscated weapons.   (a) Any weapon, except those covered by subsection (g), that is possessed, used or sold in violation of the law shall be confiscated by a law enforcement officer and declared to be contraband by a court of record exercising criminal jurisdiction. The sheriff or chief of police for the jurisdiction where the weapon was confiscated may petition the court for permission to dispose of the weapon in accordance with this section. If the weapon was confiscated by a judicial district drug task force, the director of the task force where the weapon was confiscated may petition the court for disposal of the weapon in accordance with this section. If the weapon was confiscated by the department of safety, the commissioner of safety may petition the court for disposal of the weapon in accordance with this section. If the weapon was confiscated by the Tennessee bureau of investigation, the director may petition the court for disposal of the weapon in accordance with this section. (b) Any weapon declared contraband shall be sold in a public sale or used for legitimate law enforcement purposes, at the discretion of the court, by written order. (c) If the weapon was confiscated by a sheriff, other local law enforcement agency or a judicial district drug task force and the court orders the weapon to be sold:    (1) It shall be sold at a public auction not later than six (6) months from the date of the court order. The sale shall be conducted by the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of the municipality in which it was seized;    (2) The proceeds from the sale shall go into the county or municipal general fund and shall be allocated solely for law enforcement purposes;    (3) The sale shall be advertised in a daily or weekly newspaper circulated within the county. The advertisement shall run for not less than three (3) editions and not less than thirty (30) days prior to the sale; and    (4) If required by federal or state law, the sale can be conducted under contract with a licensed firearm dealer, whose commission shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the gross sales price. The dealer shall not hold an elective or appointed job with the federal, state, county or city government in this state during any stage of the sales contract. (d) If the weapon was confiscated by the department of safety or the Tennessee bureau of investigation and the court orders it to be sold, it shall be turned over to the department of general services, which shall sell the weapon and dispose of the proceeds of the sale in the same manner as it currently does for other confiscated weapons. (e) If the court orders the weapon to be retained and used for legitimate law enforcement purposes:    (1) Title to the weapon shall be placed in the law enforcement agency or judicial district drug task force retaining the weapon; and    (2) When the weapon is no longer needed for legitimate law enforcement purposes, it shall be sold in accordance with this part. (f) If the weapon is sold, the commissioner of safety or the director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation, the sheriff, chief of police or director of the judicial district drug task force shall file an affidavit, as follows, with the court issuing the sale order:    (1) The affidavit shall be filed within thirty (30) days after the sale;    (2) The affidavit shall identify the weapon, including any serial number, and shall state the time, date and circumstances of the sale; and    (3) If the weapon has been sold, the affidavit shall list the name and address of the purchaser and the price paid for the weapon. (g) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, no weapon shall be sold or retained for law enforcement use in the following circumstances:    (1) A weapon that may be evidence in an official proceeding shall be retained or otherwise preserved in accordance with the rules or practices regulating the preservation of evidence. The weapon shall be sold or retained for legitimate law enforcement purposes not less than sixty (60) days nor more than one hundred eighty (180) days after the last legal proceeding involving the weapon; or    (2) Any weapon that has been stolen or borrowed from its owner, and the owner was not involved in the offense for which the weapon was confiscated, shall be returned to the owner if permitted by law. (h) No weapon seized by law enforcement officials or judicial district drug task force members shall be used for any personal or law enforcement purposes or sold except in accordance with this section. (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if the chief of police, sheriff, commissioner of safety, or director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation, depending upon who confiscated the weapon, certifies to the court that a weapon is inoperable or unsafe, the court shall order the weapon destroyed or recycled. (j) A violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor. (k) Nothing in this section shall authorize the purchase of any weapon, the possession of which is otherwise prohibited by law. (l) The commissioner of safety, the director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation, the executive director of the Tennessee alcoholic beverage commission, the executive head of any municipal or county law enforcement agency, or the director of a judicial district drug task force may petition the criminal court or the court in the official's county having criminal jurisdiction for permission to exchange firearms that have previously been properly titled, as specified by this section, to the law enforcement agency or the drug task force for other firearms, ammunition or body armor suitable for use by the law enforcement agency or drug task force. This exchange of firearms for these specified items used for legitimate law enforcement purposes is permitted only between the department of safety, the director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation, the executive director of the Tennessee alcoholic beverage commission, a municipal or county law enforcement agency, a judicial district drug task force, and a licensed and qualified law enforcement firearms dealer.  
  23. IIRC the law only prevents them from destroying confiscated guns, it would not preclude them from destroying voluntarily surrendered fireams. 
  24. the new butstock, extension tube, rifle buffer, buffer spring, and the but stock screws.  Most of the time people just get the whole buttstock assembly as its cheaper and easier than getting all the individual parts
  25. Do you have access to a set of calipers by chance.  Just measured my M&P 9 and i have less than a 10th of an inch of clearance on my frame to slide fit.  My sear housing block is measuring at .8995.  Also if you can take clear zoomed in pictures of the frame rails it may help figure out where your problem lies.    


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