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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. Once the receiver is a SBR it is a SBR until you submit to have it removed from the registry.
  2. Usually testing is a combination of imaging(MRI and CT) along with cognitive and neuropsychological tests. Don't have a TBI myself, but have had a few of my good friends go through the screenings for the VA.
  3. I fly to San Antonio for three days tomorrow morning, wish i could have left yesterday.  Should be around 40 by the time i get back.  
  4. plenty of threads on the subject here with the same general advice.  Modification of the lower is an option of last resort only.  There preferred way to ensure that your gun runs as it should is by using an adjustable gas block.  
  5. This is the worst time of year to buy a truck. The potential for winter weather always drives up the price and people are hesitant to get rid of their old reliable truck this time of year. If you can wait till late spring or summer you would likely find a much better deal.
  6. Looks good.  If I may, a couple small pieces of advice.  Single point slings when centered on the body can tend to cause the rifle to hit you in the man parts if you have to transition off of your long gun.  Is there a reason that you wen't feed lips up on the magazines.  Generally mag changes are a little bit faster the other way around. Lastly, I'm not sure how familiar you are with fighting and moving with gear on, but the tighter to the body the better it is.  I've met a lot of folks who left their carriers/IBA's/IOTV's loose for better airflow or comfort only to learn that pain the hard way, the moment they had to run in it.  Not trying to nit pick your setup, just some things to consider.  
  7. I haven't taken the FR course, but I am still going to go against the grain here.  If the 3x9 will be whats on the rifle when you grab it for real world situations then that is what should be on it when you train.  That being said I agree with all others that a scope makes for a crappy close range optic and will likely take you longer to accurately engage targets than what it would take with a decent red dot.  However you are trading an increase in training performance for a reduction in realism.  I'd take the 3x9 and train with it.  Spend a little bit of time before the class on a static range learning to sight over the scope.  Your not going to be pinpoint this way, but with practice you can get regular COM hits at 50 yards with out much trouble.  Train with the equipment you are going to fight with in the configuration it will most likely be in for the fight.  
  8. I'm on my phone so can't be of much help, but try a Google search of "Tennessee AG opinion hunting city limits"
  9. im in
  10. I'm guessing it is because he said 15" float rail.  
  11. Again go with the DCAEK, money well spent, it really is how they should come from the factory.  
  12. any photos of the carrier. 
  13. http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/handgunfaqs.shtml   Question 8 specifically addresses documentation of military experience for the HCP.  For Navy personnel the only currently acceptable documentation is the DD 2586.     You may be able to attain a copy of your DD2586 here  https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/tgps/  You will have to request a DS login unless you still have a CAC card.     Once logged in click on the link that says VMET and follow the on screen instructions from there.    Out of curiosity how long were you a MA
  14. I have the wheeler combo wrench that came as part of a set.  Not the best in the world, but it works pretty well.  and will do pretty much everything you need a wrench for on an AR.  You should be able to find them online for about 30.  I think the set that comes with a torque wrench is around 45 and the sets with all the vice blocks runs a little more but worth it if you think you may ever build more than one.  If you want to borrow them for a build PM me, I should be able to cram it all into a flat rate box.  
  15.   Pretty much.  It can't fire in pen mode at all.  There are ATF letters floating around somewhere that clarifies that the stinger is a handgun.  I believe when new they came with a copy of the ATF letter.
  16. I carry a shield 9 almost every day.  It is augmented every now and then by its full sized brother.  I also have a M&P pro in 9mm. I'm a fan of the M&P line in general, I even have one of their knives.  If your ever near the Clarksville are let me know and we can set up a time for you to shoot any of them.  You have a pretty good list of weapons there and i think all of them would probably fit the bill, just try as many of each out as you can and pick the one you like best.  
  17. Better facilities, an entire team of doctors focused on two patients.  From the article they are being brought home in an isolation bubble equipped aircraft.  They will be placed immediately in another isolation unit at the hospital.  I would imagine they can learn a lot more about this strain with two patients at WHO stateside facilities.  
  18. "An officer may not stop an individual and “demand[] identification without any specificbasis for believing he is involved in criminal activity.”    http://www.tn.gov/attorneygeneral/op/2004/op/op148.pdf   This does not prevent the officer from requesting.  If you read the whole PDF it should fairly well answer your question.
  19. Honestly at this point i just want to know your justification for staying.  All signs point to GTFO.  Lets recap, she has an ongoing "connection" with this guy that she values more than her connection to you.  She does not feel you possess enough value to be of benefit to her.  You apparently already didn't trust her, hince the searching for and finding the communication.  At this point why are you staying.
  20. I am going to hold off on judging the fiance until more information about the nature of the conversations is available.  Normal guys do not fall in love from simple chatting over a short term.  With that said there is the very real possibility that this is not a normal guy.  There is the very real possibility that this guy has some form of attachment disorder. There is also the potential that there is more going on than what your fiance has told you.  I recommend exercising caution either way.  Document and contact local LE in the area.
  21. I am still of the opinion that they may have a case against him.  Since this was a tax exempt transfer it belongs to his FFL.  The TCA for prohibited weapons required the possession, in this case, to be "incident to carrying on the business for which licensed." I don't think attempting to bait police is incident to the lawful sale of NFA items.
  22. While i hope my mind remains solid until the day i day i realize that unfortunately this is not always the case.  It is an uncomfortable conversation to have with aging family members, but an important one to have.  I view this issue as less of a when and more of an if type of situation.  Many people will maintain their faculties all the way up to the moment that they die.  The ones who don't however have a high likely hood of causing the death or harm of themselves or others.  I see nothing wrong with a physician bringing up the topic for the family to make a decision.  In the absence of a family present to make those decisions, there are already avenues for a physician to go through if they view the patient as possessing a serious risk of harm to self or others.  
  23. Its just a cheap convoy sign.  Thousands upon thousands were put on the back of military vehicles all over Iraq and Afghanistan and many were locally procured so there is a lot of variation in them. It might be worth a little bit for someone, mainly because people collect stupid stuff.  Really though i couldn't see spending 50 on one much less over 500.
  24. There's another Warex in hunter liggett next month. Im leaving there now and they had around 7500 troops on ground for it, with several squadrons of apache and blackhawks. It's a safe guess they may all be being shipped out west.


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