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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. If I had the choice of a home made filter for long term water or distilled I would go with filtered.  There are some serious health risk concerns with drinking distilled water over the long term.  However for short term use it does have the added benefit of drawing some toxins out of the body.  rain water is one of the best starting sources for water and a simple charcoal and sand filter should be sufficient.
  2. From reading the article Dave S posted I also see that they conducted a search of his vehicle.  I am curious as to others thoughts on this.  I myself am still trying to make up my mind on legality of the vehicle search.  Arizona v Gant pretty much sets the rules for a vehicle search incident to arrest.     The Supreme Court held that police may search the passenger compartment of a vehicle, incident to a recent occupant's arrest (and therefore without a warrant) only if it is reasonable to believe that the arrestee might access the vehicle at the time of the search, or that the vehicle contains evidence of the offense of arrest.   He obviously did not have access at the time of the search and since his arrest was for obstruction of justice i'm not sure what evidence of the offense the officers could reasonably expect to be in the vehicle.  According to the police the search was to determine if he was under any disability (basically a prohibited person) so they have already basically said the search of the vehicle was to look for evidence of an offense that the suspect was not arrested for.    My thoughts is that this is a violation of his rights and does not meet the requirements set forth in gant for a search incident to arrest.  There was no danger to the public and no risk of evidence being destroyed so in my opinion no exigent circumstances that would allow a warrantless search of his vehicle.   Separate of this im not sure you can really call it a lie if you ask if he has ID with him and he says no when the ID is in his car 50 feet away.  It becomes subjective on what you view as with you.  For example (this is a bit of a stretch for many)  you go into a properly posted business(Stretch 1) and leave your gun in the car(stretch 2).  you are approximately 50 feet away from your vehicle.  Do you have your gun with you?
  3. I don't want the guy to cost tax payers money, but that may be the only way to get the city to take notice.  I don't even want to see the police officers fired.  I have known many people in the LE community and by far the vast majority are trying to do the best they can in the situations in which they find themselves in. These officers made a mistake, but no lasting damages were done. I see this not only as a violation of his rights but as a LE training issue.  what I would love to see come of this is improved training for that department on how to handle these types of calls.  Unfortunately a large portion of LE at the senior levels is politics and increasing training in this area is more likely to happen under pressure from city officials.  It is sad that it may cost additional taxpayer dollars to force that to happen.  I'm not sure a complaint alone would have been enough to effect change or even a departmental revue to see if there was any wrongdoing by the officers involved.  I am also aware that training is a delicate balancing act between what you want to train on, what you have to train on and what you need to train on. And that there is a very finite amount of time and money that can me devoted to training.  So frequently things like this as long as they happen infrequently enough not to cause major problems are placed on the back burner for training identified as more important.  If one good thing does come of this is that there is now likely be a greater understanding of this issue inside that department.       Dave I agree that I find the wording there interesting.   Here is the text of the ORC.   2921.29 Failure to disclose personal information.     (A) No person who is in a public place shall refuse to disclose the person's name, address, or date of birth, when requested by a law enforcement officer who reasonably suspects either of the following: (1) The person is committing, has committed, or is about to commit a criminal offense. (2) The person witnessed any of the following: (a) An offense of violence that would constitute a felony under the laws of this state; (b) A felony offense that causes or results in, or creates a substantial risk of, serious physical harm to another person or to property; (c) Any attempt or conspiracy to commit, or complicity in committing, any offense identified in division (A)(2)(a) or (b) of this section; (d) Any conduct reasonably indicating that any offense identified in division (A)(2)(a) or (b) of this section or any attempt, conspiracy, or complicity described in division (A)(2)(c) of this section has been, is being, or is about to be committed.     (B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of failure to disclose one's personal information, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree. (C) Nothing in this section requires a person to answer any questions beyond that person's name, address, or date of birth. Nothing in this section authorizes a law enforcement officer to arrest a person for not providing any information beyond that person's name, address, or date of birth or for refusing to describe the offense observed. (D) It is not a violation of this section to refuse to answer a question that would reveal a person's age or date of birth if age is an element of the crime that the person is suspected of committing.
  4. Dave S with all due respect to you and other LE you are still missing the point.  Under Ohio law open carrying of a firearm is not crime.  So the police did not have any reason to suspect that the individual had committed, was committing or about to commit a crime.  They key part of the supreme court ruling on Terry V Ohio is the and.  They require reasonable suspicion not just that he was armed but that he was committing or about to commit a crime. Their was no articulable reason for them to believe that he was unlawfully carrying.  Even had they officer been acting in good faith believing he was within his legal authority the supreme court has ruled good fait is not enough.     " â€œ... in justifying the particular intrusion the police officer must be able to point to specific and articulable facts which, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant the intrusion.”  from Terry v Ohio   The only articulable fact that the police had was that he was openly carrying a firearm, which under Ohio law is not a crime.   They had no other reasons for detaining him.    The presence of the gun when open carried is not in and of itself enough reason to detain someone under Ohio law.  They can ask him for his ID all they want all and he can refuse to answer (again affirmed by Ohio law) but the moment he was detained against his will they overstepped their legal authority.     A citizen does not have to prove to the police that they were not doing anything illegal.   In regards to the law suit I think its dumb to sue a city especially for egregious amounts when no significant damage was done.  However these officers were wrong and likely would have gotten away with violating his rights had he not chosen this course of action.  At the very least the law suit will cause the city to have to consider additional and or remedial training for their officers in how to respond to incidents like this.
  5. Id love to see Jeff's slide on KWE's frame.  I think it would be a good look.  Though both stand just fine on their own.
  6. c.a.willard

    S&W Shield

    Got mine at G&L in greenbrier a few weeks ago.  Wanna say it was 419 before tax and tics.    Don't know about the closest S&W LE dealer in TN.  The nearest one to me is Quantico Tactical in KY which doesn't necessarily help all of TN LE.  You can also order by phone from Quantico tactical's main office and they will ship to your FFL of choice.    Gotta say I love this little gun.   Haven't done to much to it so far.  Polished the rear of the sear and removed the hump.  reprofiled the sear where the trigger bar engages it(Decided I would try to do it myself instead of ordering the apex kit),  modified the trigger by adding some polymer epoxy and shaping for an over travel stop and added some orange high visibility paint to the front sight just because I like the contrast.  If anyone in the Clarksville area wants to try one before buying one PM me and we can meet up sometime for a shoot.
  7. I think the DUI laws in regard to the statutory limit are fine as they are right now.  You can already be convicted with a below statutory limit BAC, the police just have to prove it with more than just the BAC.  If I were to change anything with DUI's it would be in the punishment portion not the statutory limit.  Mainly I would like to see 3rd offense DUI become the felony charge instead of 4th offense currently.
  8. The action sounds like a Kalashnikov, but I could be way off.
  9. Just to play devils advocate, If a box cutter can bring down a plane why couldn't a plastic bullet.    Caseless ammo has been around for a long time (since the rocketball)  and polymer bullet casings are already proven to be doable.  The army even has tested a polymer telescoping round when it was conducting tests on the LSAT LMG.  Think of something like a polymer based 410 shell using plastic cap gun cups as primers loaded with glass or ceramic balls then placed inside of an all plastic gun. 
  10. steam would probably be the method I would recommend the most.  But an upholstery attachment for a carpet shampooer would probably also be effective.
  11. I'm agreeing with TMF on this one.  I find it hard to believe that the people there would have missed it.  Not all SOF guys are proficient in the language but you can bet there were several people on the ground that had a working vocabulary and would of understood the imams remarks.  As far as not mentioning Judeo Christian God, it is simply a matter of military regulations.  That topic has already been discussed in other threads.  You have to basically look at this as combined but separate ceremonies.  Where US service members follow DOD guidance and regulations and the Afghan counterparts follow their guidelines.   that 3 star general in the video also very likely has a U.S. Citizen interpreter who would have told him if something like that was actually being said.    We've all seen what creative editing by the media can become so until someone shows the full video or a person on ground with first hand knowledge coms forwards i'm going to go with this is BS
  12. Military are counted as residents of the state they live/are stationed in.  as a CYA I would ask to see his ID and a copy of his orders showing where he is stationed (these are the same items he would have to show if purchasing at a TN FFL).  I'm trying to think of Active duty locations near Knoxville and about the only I can think of are either recruiting locations and I believe there is a MEPS in Knoxville as well so he could be stationed in the area.
  13. I wonder if anyone has asked her husband how he feels about it.  Her time in the air force does not meet the "eligibility" requirements.  She is only "eligible" because her husband retired after 20 years in the navy.  Eligible is in quotes because as a previous poster already mentioned eligibility requirements for Arlington are only verified at time of death so as long as shes still breathing she's not eligible for burial at Arlington.  
  14. It would be interesting to see the march done with rubber ducks to me that should meet both the intent of an "Armed march" and prevent them from breaking the law
  15. Definitely not the fasted thread hijacking but it may be in the running for the most random
  16. Not one for trying to predict it, but in the grand scheme of things its better that they attack large crowds of people.  Once people like this realize that IED's targeting infrastructure (power lines, railroads, interstate etc.)  will have a much broader and longer lasting impact we are in for some really bad times.  In some ways it amazes me that it's not already happening.  I know if I were a terrorist wanting to do some serious damage this is where I would likely attack       Edited to add for TMF:  Wicked is a pretty good show.  Not bad to sit through at all and like the previous poster I am no fan of musicals.   Not sure when or if it will be coming to the Roxy in Clarksville. It's not in TPAC' lineup in Nashville until this time next year.  Another good funny musical to sit through when it comes back to the area is Avenue Q
  17.     Whats stopping you from picking one up now and keeping it for her until she gets old enough.    My little girl is 7 months old today,  I bought her a M&P 15-22 when she was still around a month old just because I wasn't sure if they would still be as cheap and available when she gets older.  Shell get to learn on that and my Ithica .22 that I learned how to shoot with
  18. http://www.safariland.com/DutyGear/swf_pop.aspx?pid=070     I don't personally think showing it here is going to endanger anyone life, but if the mods feel different please remove.  The way I see it im not posting anyone that someone couldn't google based off of the information already in the thread.
  19. you really cant go wrong with any of the guns on that list.  I myself am an M&P man.  Own the pro 9mm, 4.25 inch 9mm and now a shield also in 9mm.  If your looking primarily for a target gun the pro is definitely worth a look.  If they don't have one you can rent send me a PM and i'm sure we can work out a time where you can shoot mine.  one note for the M&P's  an apex trigger system while not absolutely necessary makes a significant difference in shooting the gun.     The TACOPS is gonna be around the top end of your budget and maybe a little over if bought new, but they are great guns
  20. In my last active duty unit i had the fortune or misfortune(depending on how you looki at it) of being the units equal oppurtunity leader.  Religion in the military is a very fine line.  There is nothing that prevents individual service members from worshiping within reason as they see fit.  The issue comes when a Soldier feels a leader is pushing their religion on them.  It does happen although i would say it's fairly rare.      a good example would be the prayers held at the naval academy prior to the mandatory noon meal.  The cadets are marched in stand at attention and are rrequired to be there.  There was a big stink about it back in 2008 IIRC.  The naval academy still holds their pre meal prayer however it is more of a secular prayer now.  The major issue in 2008 i believe was specific sectarian language used in the prayer.     The same holds true to thousands of military formations every year many of which begin with an invocation or prayer of some form.  When service members are forced to listen to and participate in sectarian prayers it is an issue.  however id say 99.9 percent of chaplains and leaders in the military understand this issue very well and make a concious effort to only conduct secular prayer.    This does not mean chaplains are never free to preach according to what they believe its just that there is a time and place for it.  Specifically during worship services.      the important difference will always be the cumpolsury attendance.  Smith's example is not entirely accurate in that the person would be there voluntarily and therefore it would be ok to talk to him about specific religious believes.  An example of where it would not be OK is if the chaplain said anything disparaging of other religions
  21. The only reason ive ever heard of them is that  they are still common in paintball.  I think the reason they probably went out of style was the whole increased likelyhood of AD's  not a problem in a safe queen or range gun that never sees the inside of a holster.    Unfortunately my google fu is very weak this evening, about the only site im able to find with them is the previous mentioned t-grips.  there are several listed on ebay though if your not opposed to using ebay or paypal.
  22. Personally i think nearly 4 grand for a 9mm 1911 for carry is a bit more money than what its actually worth.  But again value is relative to the buyer.  You can however break it down by quality at the price point, and you there are several custom 1911's that are going to be of similar quality for a significantly lower price.   For me it would be more of a matter of where my money is going.  With several outstanding options for custom 1911's right here in TN why not get one locally.   
  23. New animals are being discovered on a regular basis, a new subspecies of apes was recently discovered in Asia i wanna say it was 2010.  So there is ceertainly the possibility that a bigfoot like creature may exist in some remote corner of the world.  I dont think they exist in the US.  There are some extremely remote locations in norther canada that have yet to be explored by man that have the very very slim possibility.    I refuse to believe that something doesnt exist just because its highly unlikely that it exists.  A planet that can support life is extreamly unlikely to occur.  Humanity itself has even less probability of exisitng and surviving considering we are relatively slow and weak especially when compared to the apex predators throught human existance.    If we can exist survive and thrive there is no reason to believe that it is not within the relm of possibility for a big foot like ape to exist somewhere.
  24. I typically get asked about once a month,  most of the times it's Soldiers that i've worked with asking me, other times its friends of mine or my wife.  I'll always happily oblige anyone who asks.  Yes all the information is out there on the internet for them to research it themselves.  But alot of it requires knowing what your looking for to find it.  For example most Soldiers do not know that they may be able to be exempted from the class.  Alot of my friends will ask where is a good place to takethe class at.  Yes the informations out there but i choose to think they seek my input or advice because they trust my opinion.  It's very rare that i OC however i do on occasion to include when im just hanging out around the house that day i'll just wear the undershirt and no cover garment.  We have friends stop by fairly regurlarly that always see me carry.    Im working on another convert now.  A good friend of mine and my wife just shot hanguns for the first time a couple weekends ago out at MCTS with another one of her friends.  I took her out sunday to Guns and Leather and let her put around 250-300 rounds through my M&P Pro.    If she gets her way when her husband gets back from korea this summer there gonna go take the class at G&L together.      I regularly get asked to teach friends wives, even though most of my friends are shooters as well, teaching your own spouse can be a very difficult thing. It seems that wives are pre programmed to not listen to thier husbands but for some reason will listen to someone else. 
  25. Actually one of the most effective ways of determining security at a sight is by using a small probing attack.  That said i dont think thats what this was.  Also for sensitive site security they are less concerned about catching anyone thier purpose is to deter and stop attacks.  Thats why you do not chase after people or divert security from other areas untill you are sure that the security element that is being engaged is uncapable of detering the threat without additional resources its a balancing act where you cant wait to long but you have to wait long enough to have an understanding of what the threat is.  The last thing in the world that they want is to send the majority of thier response force to one area and find out that it was a distraction with a main attack force comming from a different area.


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