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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. In the media the 911 call hurt him, that's not because of the call itself but by the editing done by the media.  I think at the trial the 911 call will most likely help him.     If i found myself in a similar situation i know i would call, but i would also stay on the line with the 911 center until police got there, if he would have done that we'd have a much clearer understanding of the whole altercation.  Before this incident i think i would have most likely called but not stay on the line much like Z did.  
  2. I would avoid mounting a MBUS directly on the gas block for two reasons,  one is you have to make sure you get the right height so that the sights are on the same plane. second and probably more important is that its a polymer sight and you would be mounting it to a high heat part.  The potential for melting the sight exists.         Also depending on the barrel you get your gonna probably want some form of flash suppressor/mussel brake.
  3. but if that was his intent all along, why bother calling the cops.  It seems to me if it was his intent to hunt TM down and kill him in cold blood the last thing in the world he would do is call the cops before hand.
  4. In Florida the Polygraph can be admitted as evidence, but in order to do so both the prosecution and the defense have to agree to allow it.  Since it does nothing to benefit the prosecution then you can pretty much guarantee that it will never be admitted.  
  5. mixed views on this one.  There's some stuff in there where the MSG was wrong ans some where his chain of command was terribly wrong.  More importantly there is lot's of middle ground to be had that any halfway thinking leader would of realized to include the MSG in the article.    Take for example the books.  They can be inflammatory and prejudicial to good order and discipline (don't believe me look at just the book cover for the great destroyer).  A simple brown paper book cover would prevent any ill effects from others seeing it and at the same time allow him to read whatever he wants.      With the bumper stickers it usually comes down to content although by the strictest definition you can ban all political bumper stickers from post that is in reality not going to happen and there is a DOD policy letter specifically allowing them.  However his bumper sticker that said "the road to bankruptcy is paved with ass fault" could be construed as using profane language and would easily be grounds for an order to remove that one bumper sticker.  To ask him to remove the others would require a blanket policy towards everyone and not him specifically.    The Chic-Fila thing should be a non issue, as long as it was his party and not a compulsory event then it really doesn't matter if someone doesn't like it that should be there problem not his.    What I take from this article more than anything is the apparent lack of ability in this unit to actually think when resolving any type of issue.     Normally I would say that with the bad NCOER it may be time for him to consider retirement but with the recent promotion to MSG he incurred an additional service remaining obligation and wouldn't be able to drop his retirement packet right now even if he wanted to.
  6. I'm kid of surprised the guy's only being charged with a meanor
  7. I got one reloading buddy that I trust, and ill shoot his reloads.  When we do it is typically a matter of convenience.  When we do range trips together he'll load up a bunch of one caliber and ill load up a bunch of another.  It's more to save time from switching out dies and everything.  The only gun I have right now I wont shoot any reloads out of is the PS90.  I just haven't built my personal confidence level up enough yet for that round. 
  8. If I can make  suggestion. For a defensive weapon don't limit yourself to just rifle caliber weapons.  There are lots of PCC's on the market that make wonderful defensive weapons.  They may not have the range that a rifle round does but it will open up the amount of options you have.       As or a suppressor.  Quiet guns are nice to have and all.  and im not knocking a suppressor on a defensive gun, but they really do not gain you much. With the adrenaline pumping you really do not notice the noise flash and pressure of a gun shot nearly as much as most people think you would. 
  9. There are threads already discussing this back from when the article was written in late 2012.  If I recall correctly the schools final position was to let the boy to continue to sign his name the way he always has.
  10. 45  I'm still trying to figure out how I crapped on your religion.  You said that there is only one way for a woman to conceive.  If you believe the bible as the factual word of god you have to acknowledge that this is not true.   was I being more smart@$$ than I probably needed to be maybe and if I offended you I sincerely apologize. But it was not meant to insult you or Christianity.   At the end of the day I guess it doesn't matter what my intent was by the comment only the effect the words had.     When I as said calling my beliefs morally repugnant I was not speaking to you specifically but there have been many in this thread that have eluded to it.     6.8 AR I still read the bible regularly.  Specifically my grandmothers bible that my father sent her from Vietnam.  It's not as old as some family bibles but it is the only thing of hers I own.  I doubt I will ever stop reading it because it allows me to still feel connected with her.  I don't personally view the bible as the infallible word of god.  Do I believe there is a higher power absolutely,  but the problem with the bible is the number of times that the passages have been interpreted by man not just translated but interpreted into what they thought the passages meant.  Even for someone who truly believes that god is infallible I would think that it would be acknowledged that man is not.      back more to the point at hand which is the BSA.  They require a spiritual belief not necessarily a specific religion.  I do not see a conflict because of that.  Where I do see a conflict is when you have to force children to lie about who they are in order to be a part of the BSA and that is exactly what was happening under the old rules.   Edited to add:  I also fully support and religious institution that chooses to end their troop sponsorship because of this decision.  That is their absolute right to only support organizations with rules that they believe in.  I hope for the kids involved in those troops that other places will pick up those sponsorships.  I don't think any of us wants this to negatively impact scouting and the good things it does for developing youth.
  11. what if I told you my religion was openly accepting of homosexuals to include gay marriage.  if calling my religious viewpoints morally repugnant isn't crapping on my beliefs I don't know what is.
  12. it was a response to someone saying that it is impossible for a woman to conceive without having sex.  Either hes right and his religion is wrong or vice versa it cant really be both ways not meant as a slap in his face or to insult his religion.  But to me you cant say something is impossible then turn around and say that the impossible happened it just doesn't work.
  13. Just for the sake of argument your own religion says theres more than one way for a woman to conceive.  Just sayin  
  14. Eagles of war is a good place but not the one i was thinking of.  It's down the hill f4rom eagles of war.  A little metal building not even sure if it has a name other than army surplus
  15. since your in Clarksville, start with the surplus store on 41 down by the bridge.  Its the aluminum building on the right where the pink lady used to be.   Im trying to think of the nearest cross streets to it.  I wanna say tobacco rd is to the north of it, ringold is to the south of it. 
  16. Looking at your avatar I should have realized it was intentional.
  17. I'm sure gods wrath had nothing to do with the fact that it would basically amount to raping the men(Angels).  God must have only been upset about the homosexuality.  Glad I understand your position better.
  18. you know the duffel blog is a satire website right.
  19. I think it was smart on his part change it to a decentralized event that he is not directly responsible for.  An armed march on Washington with the intent of overthrowing the government would be treading awfully close to the text book definition of treason. 
  20. this was mine   The following is a short list of some of the keywords DHS uses to monitor social networking sites. Figured id make some poor annalist have to work today  Assassination attack domestic security hazmat nuclear toxic leak biological infection terrorism eco terrorism al qaeda target weapons grade dirty bomb extremism car bomb PLO IED weapons cache militia shooting lock down evacuation gas ricin sarin small pox radioactive  theres way to many more. Hope i don't end up on a watch list.  Have a good day mr/mrs DHS annalist person
  21. I would think that as long as your powder dispenser is a sealed unit it would last as long as it would in a jug of powder.
  22. That would be because it wont,  well with the exception that it will give the scouts access to more land for scouting activities
  23. I couldn't resist posting about 20 of these to my face book account
  24. I don't think we have to worry that there laws will always translate everywhere.  It does worry me though that there laws are being upheld as constitutional and I think we should at least acknowledge that it has the possibility of spreading into other states.   


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