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Everything posted by c.a.willard

  1. I think the original pool was somewhere just north of 100 of which they narrowed down to 40 for the more thorough process of questioning.  out of those 40 they were able to find the required six primaries and 4 alternates. Mr Branca covered it more in depth at the time so if you want numbers and reasons why they were let go then you can probably look it up in his previous blogs on the jury selection process
  2. It falls under the Admissions category of exceptions to hearsay rules under Florida law.  90.803   As far as a hidden gotcha,  no there really wasn't one,  they needed this witness on the stand because his recounting of the story Z told him that he published in his book was different than what z told the police.  The prosecution was attempting to point out inconsistencies in Zimmerman's story (a repeating theme throughout the trial).  It was pretty much all explained away on cross as being the witnesses recollection of the story 4 month later at the time of writing his book, and that at the time of writing he did not have contact with Zimmerman to verify the information he was writing to be wholly accurate.   The prosecutors have been able to point out some inconsistencies so far, but nothing i view as particularly significant.  I think that they were going for the quantity over quality approach and will likely hammer these more in their closing arguments.
  3. I think the prosecution was trying to end with her today so that she would be whats in the jurors mind over the holiday that would be very powerful. Even with finishing on friday  if they can call a BS witness and then her they can end the day and go into the weekend with her testimony.   I do however think the defense will attempt to manipulate her on cross.  All it takes for them to get TM's actions in would be for her to say something along the lines of he was such a good boy  etc.  and i think putting her on the stand would be a mistake for that reason.  Think about even asking her why was TM in Sanford and not home with her.  She could potentially open the door to a lot of information that the prosecution does not want the jury to hear
  4. i really like that jig,  simple yet appears to be effective and a good time saver.
  5. daveS,  since the state is about to rest their case on friday and likely the only witness they have left to call is TM's mother to testify to the screams, do you at this point think they have met the burden of proof for either manslaughter or murder 2.  Not necessarily do you think Z is guilty just do you think the state has provided enough proof beyond reasonable doubt.
  6. Thats what they get for not understanding the privacy settings
  7. looking like the states gonna rest their case either late today or early friday morning.  Judge just said shes prepaired to go as long today as necessary to get the state to rest
  8. If you knew your government was doing something wrong and had the information would you release the information then hide in a non extradition treaty country and provide those foreign countries with US intelligence data.
  9. It's called she made a mistake, knows better and has learned from this lesson
  10. I agree that the NSA's actions in gathering the type of information i the way they did and targeting of U.S. citizens is a complete disregard to the constitution and is very well within the bounds of tyranny.  I also agree that for whatever reasons he did it Snowden allowed for a wake up call for the American people.     What i am trying to reconcile for myself are his actions that i see as very much patriotic and his demonstrated strong belief in our constitution vs those actions that definitely meet the criteria for espionage.   I guess my question for myself is can a person be both a traitor and a patriot?  
  11. we do know that at a minimum he has released some details to china of NSA hacking of a prominent Chinese university known for its research and home to seven major Chinese networks.   That's foreign intelligence gathering against what many consider to be a credible threat to US policy.   I also assume that countries likely to harbor him will not do so without receiving something in return,  a chance to say a big F-U the US is not necessarily enough for the damage that harboring Snowden may do.  But who knows we piss enough people off that just the chance to screw with the U.S.  may be all the incentive they need.    http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/482084/20130623/nsa-snowden-china-hong-kong-tsinghua-pacnet.htm
  12. But is a man a patriot if he sells/trades US intelligence secrets pertaining to foreign intelligence gathering for the ability to stay in a non extradition country.
  13. Got to admire the ammount of time your taking to get out accurate information regarding this trial.    I think you've already racked up more man hours than the entire prosecution judging by their performance.
  14. When this story first broke i very much considered snowden a patriot.  His decisions since then are leading me to believe otherwise.  Mainly releasing to china us intelligence gathering techniques used to monitor the chinese.  and telling a reporter that he took the job as a NSA contractor specifically to gain access to certain information.  This coupled with the countries that he is choosing to remain in is leading me more to the traitor side of the argument.
  15. most of her version was the same, but this time around she said that she heard movement that sounded like it was moving from left to right and never mentioned direction of movement before.  Which would have been a big boost to the prosecution had she not been completely torn apart
  16. holy crap, The state better hope their other eye witnesses are better than the first. brief recap   gave different testimony today than at 4 other interviews may have discussed testimony with her sister to get the story strait liked the J4T facebook page signed the change.org petition  arrest the killer of our son 17 year old trayvon martin said she waited to go to the police to avoid the media attention, yet did a long interview with the media that was never aired prior to going to the police
  17. Wrap up from the first eye witness.   Gave different testimony today than at 4 previously recorded interviews   Liked the J4T facebook page   signed the change.org petition titles arrest the killer of our son 17 year old trayvon martin   said she waited to go to the police to avoid the spotlite, yet did a long interview with the media that was never aired prior to speaking with the police
  18. Social media strikes again.     Key state witness after being interviewed 4 seperate times just today says that she heard noises moving from left to right.  Defense brings in her FB page where she liked the J4T facebook page.  
  19. IF you thought her cross was bad for the prosecution you should be watching ms bahadoors cross if your not already.       watching this trial is almost as entertaining as watching the walking dead.
  20. I understand that, all im saying is that there is in fact a difference between ethnicity and race when it comes to statistical data gathering
  21. Couple things,  there are actually white hispanics.  For census data the US does not consider hispanic a race rather it is an ethnicity many LE departments reports are written up this whay to where they have a block for race and another for ethnicity.  So a white person having origins in latin america, mexico etc would be considered a white hispanic  white denoting race and hispanic noting ethnicity.  just as a black person having origins in the same country would be a black hispanic.     On a more important note at least we can all settle the caliber debate once and for all.  a 9mm from a keltec incapacitated a person in one shot.  :)-
  22. There are a few really good aftermarket voice to text that seem to work better than the app's that come on the phone
  23. everyone that's asking the guys that feel Zman is guilty to justify their opinions are seem to not have a good understanding of opinions.  Our opinions are formed not just by the information we have but the context in which we interpret that information.  TMF and DaveS interpret the information differently than i do but thats based on their knowledge and experience and mindset when looking at the information they are given.  I see nothing wrong with them having that opinion especially when for the most part both seem willing to accept that the trail is where the truth of the event is mostly likely to come out and whichever way it goes both seem willing to accept the decision.  
  24. I dont think it says to much about you individually.  I think it does speak volumes to the type of people who frequent this forum.  there are some truly good hearted souls on here.
  25. yea i think my time as an MP is part of why i declined having an officer come out.  I did call just to report the event and gave the dispatcher pretty much everything they would have had in a full report.  Mainly just for their crime data mapping and trend reports.     We used to go have to do reports on the stupidest things that were a waste of everyone's time.    Had to go to one once where a lady thought some kids knocked over a pink flamingo in her yard.  What it actually was the thunderstorm that happened just a little bit before she called.    My most favorite of all was a tree that fell on someones house from a storm only damaged the house and the guy had not renters insurance so it was legitimately just a housing concern. They made us do a full report on it, so i asked what shout i put in the subject line.  Desk SGT told me to put act of god.  So for the subject i put god and listed him as at large,  never had to go to one of those calls again.


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