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About sigrug17

  • Birthday October 29

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  • Location
    Hendersonville, TN
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Occupation
    A&P/ Pilot


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Sig 220

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  1. mis posted. apologies.
  2. Very NICE!... How's it run? .... Do you like the Trijicon MRO?
  3. ahhh Mr. Smith.   Soon as I take care of some things and get back in town....I'm so tempted to get a Mtn. Bike & did a lot of Mtn bike riding in my much younger days in CO ...., but working a few years in MD at a shop has almost pretty much ruined me.  No matter how great the deal, I'll always know some of those prices are still so high.    Sigh, at least I got some great accessories, goodies, and well 2 bikes left from my time in the industry... I'll let cha know if I do get/ build ?  a Mtn. bike though, maybe we can do some 'riding.'.... for now, the 'road' still calls me out all the time.  Giddy Up!    Nice set-up btw (on your new ride)
  4. welcome, Sir, been watching your vids for a time now.  Hope to get some training with y'all soon.
  5. I've used and fired about 500 each of the 147gr Ozark without any issues.  500 thru my 16" rifle build, and 500 thru my pistol build.  I don't have a suppressor, but I dont' see any problems with the ammo. About 2-3" @ 100 1-2" @ 50 yards. (thru the rifle) sub 1" @ 25 yards with rifle and pistol.   Good reliable ammo for the range and practice.   Corrected per wrong distance and MOA information.  WarPig I hope you got the jist of my previous post on accuracy. 
  6. I got the Rem 700 SPS with the 20" barrel and 1:10 twist.... .5 & some .4" groups @ 100.  with Federal GMM 175gr.  So, my SPS likes 175's better than 168.  I am reloading with similar results. 
  7. That, or since its threaded, a good muzzle break will help out a lot. 
  8. congrats!  if that's anything like the Savage 'hog hunter' 308.  get that limbsaver buttstock pad right away!
  9. Have 2 of them on my AR's with UTG pro buttstocks fit nice and tight. Design is incredibly simple, don't know why other companies haven't adopted this design. Light and simple! I really haven't found any problems whatsoever and operates just as good if not better than my Magpul MOE, CTR's, and my Vltor's There has been some 'talk' about how the 'hook' can snag on your plate vest or rig, but I don't wear either on a regular basis so its not a problem to me at all. (if it really bother's someone I've seen them run 550 cord to make the 'triangle,' to make it snag-free.
  10. Again it kinda of depends on what your doing with your AR.   If your doing more target and benchrest stuff a good 2 stage trigger at a great price would be RRA NM.   I have 2 geissele SSA-E, a CMC drop in, hiperfire, RRA NM 2-stage, and a standard single stage AR trigger, and I use each one for different purposes.  That being said you can always get use to a standard single stage trigger, but the geissele's, ar gold, timney and other triggers are definitely more refined in break, reset.   I never get enough rounds down range anymore so my trigger control and timing improve with these upper end and cost triggers. That said the Geissele's are nice solid triggers, and you get what you pay for.
  11. Yep carbine and pistol length... thanks Dolomite!.... ya, got it confused with my 5.56 rifles. ....since I didn't have either in front of me when I posted.    
  12. I have 2 built up (midlengh & pistol), and find more ammo and accessories, barrels etc. for 300 blkout these days than in the past 7-9 months.  With that said, I do reload from my spent 5.56 casings, which makes my ammo costs about the same or sometimes a little less than .223/ 5.56 these days.    Its a caliber designed for a specific purpose/// and since I use my .308 bolt action for long range, and 90% of the time don't shoot past 200 yards... the 300 blkout has been excellent shooting and fun caliber to play around with in set-up and reloads.   O boy, now if the .375 Reaper might make some way in i'd choose to reload and shoot it for some of the same reasons I choose the blackout.
  13.     That's what its supposed to be competitive with, but like the .223/ 5.56 with 300 blackout,  I can cut down some .308 so same fun concept...( same AR mags/ different barrel and bolt).... heard .458 brass can get expensive too...   and there's some things that are just uh.  'attractive'  the look of it, maybe performance, and come on!... the Name...  Reaper Reaper Reaper!!!!
  14. GREAAAAT..... I hope this works out.... that way I can spend MORE $$$ :squint: on reloading it... :drool: :drool: :drool: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/06/27/another-new-ar15-round-375-reaper/
  15. I think Gallatin and Hendersonville P.D.  already have one of these vehicles. (MRAP)  Just say'in


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