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Everything posted by strickj
Welcome aboard! I started making my own about this time last year for the same reasons. In the past year, I've tried several of the brands, including a couple of the really expensive premium blends. In the end I found I liked the mid-grade 4 Aces Mellow with Tube Cut Kings Gold the best. I now like it so much, that I find it hard to smoke Marlboro Reds, which was the only brand I could smoke before.
Just watched this week's ep. Kept waiting for one of them to off Clay. I can't wait to see who actually does it! Edit; Am I the only one glad Kozik got blown up?
Anytime there is an investigative system to investigate un-witnessed crimes, you will have innocents incarcerated. This is the way it's been since day one. The only way to remove the possibility of falsely incarcerating an innocent is to rid ourselves of this system. Do you want to get rid of this system? If your wife, brother, whoever, was murdered, would you want the cops to say "oh well, no one recorded it on video so there's nothing we can do about it. Sorry."? Or, would you rather the cops investigate the crime, gather evidence, and present it to a judge and jury for them to decide? Nothing in this world is perfect. Including this system. But it's one of those things that we can not have both of. We can not have a system that's both 100% accurate and also puts away criminals. I don't know about y'all, but I'll gladly take a system with an almost perfect record of convicting the right people over no system at all.
Change video host. There's a half dozen or so to choose from about mid page.
I'd guess S&W. They have several models in the line with the M&P and 590* series.
Thanks much!
Neat0! I can see my house from here! That squiggly line reappears at 4:37 (I think that was the time). It is the Pakistani border India-Pakistan Borderlands at Night : Image of the Day
He's not on vacation because of his comment here. He was a previously banned member.
Maybe target. No way that's cost. Way too many ISPs and cable\satellite providers providing services at well below that. Hell, regular price for base high speed net is like 20 bucks or so. Round the same cost for basic sat service, too. It is documented that the guberment is making them do stuff "under the table" to keep their monopolies? Provide source? It is well known that some back door deals have been made (like in TN where Comcast has been king... but that's due to naifeh and his wife and not any "under the table deals") But, at any rate, there are several ISPs offering this service that's not as big as Comcast, in addition to two computer suppliers which are not monopolies. What is the government making these computer suppliers do "under the table"? Your argument just doesn't hold any tin foil here. If it was just Comcast making the deal then I might agree with you. But with the others included within the deal, I just don't buy it.
Smith, who says the ISPs and computer suppliers are offering computers and internet below cost? And who is forcing them to do so? Remember, this is their decision to offer the discounts...
Ok, explain to me how this works. I'm getting a "free lunch" because my internet is on a 12 month discounted rate? Is it ok for me to take this discount? I certainly don't want to get a free lunch that someone one else is having to pay for! Or is it just "the poor" that are getting a "free lunch" for getting a similar discount? I think I get it. It's only welfare and evil if a private business offers the poor a discount. But it's just good marketing for them to offer you and I a discount. Gotcha... And again (repeating myself for the third time here), does Little Caesars charge extra for bread sticks to make up for the loss of income for selling pizza at 1\3 the cost of average retail? Their prices have to be close to cost, eh. Does the YMCA charge regular members more to make up for giving lower-income members discounts (and even free memberships in some cases) based on their income? And I really would like an answer to these two questions here. Just seems too simple to me that businesses can offer discounts and make more money from the increased sales. I must be missing something that you see
Um, yes. Non-Christians celebrate Christmas, too. Even those :gasp: Muslims. Christmas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTo Christians, the holiday is about Jesus. To non-Christians (and a lot of Christians), the holiday is about giving and being with family. Like I said, it's a tax on those that believe in Santa.
I'm stockpiling and preparing for 13/13/13
Meh... people outside of the internets gun boards do not recognize things that are "tactical". If anything, people will look at you and say "he must have a lot of tampoons to carry".
How so? Christmas is more about Santa and gifts then it is about about Christianity. If anything, it's a tax on those that believe in Santa
Who is getting what for free? Certain people will be given discounts based on their income. Again, I'll refer to Little Caesars. Do they charge extra for bread sticks to make up for the loss of income for offering pizza for 1\3 the cost of average retail? Or, even better, does the YMCA charge regular members more to make up for giving lower-income members discounts based on their income? Or how about the many other businesses that offer discounts based on customers' income? I agree that the cable companies are monopolies that are bought and paid for with back-room handjobs and laws that keep them monopolies. But that doesn't change the fact that this is still the businesses' decision. And what about the other ISPs and the two companies offering discount computers? How are they being "forced by the government" to offer the discounts?
Yanno, I've read some pretty wild and ridiculous stuff on the internet before but this post has to take the cake!
Why would the prices go up? Does Little Caesars charge extra for bread sticks because they offer pizza at 1\3 the price? No, they profit from the additional customers that wouldn't have bought a pizza otherwise. Same deal here. The ISPs will profit from the thousands of addition customers they are soon to acquire. They are expanding their businesses by offering discounts. Look, I don't expect to get any +1s here on a board that hates the government, so I'm going to leave this here and let y'all continue the circle jerk. 1) This move is entirely up to the ISPs and the two companies offering PCs. Free market enterprise, anyone? Isn't that what we're all about here? 2) Like it or not, computers and internet have become important and necessary tools to the workforce. Name a job readily available today that doesn't depend on even a basic knowledge of these tools. You can't even get a job at McDonalds without knowing how to operate a computer. Wanna be a mechanic, you better know how to use a laptop. Wanna work as a manager at WalMart, better know how to operate a computer... But, of course, this is just another "fee lunch" program and has absolutely nothing to do with preparing kids for the workforce. That big, bad, evil, evil government. Preparing our kids for the workforce like that. How dare they!
The government isn't giving anyone anything. THE FCC simply brokered the deal with the ISPs and a computer supplier to offer the services at a discount. Far as I've heard on the news about it, it isn't costing Joe Taxpayer anything.
My best guess is that you are "agreeing" to receive the premium texts when you download the apps. My best guess with knowing Verizon and how they operate is that they are in on it. Verizon has been hit with a few class-actions because of stuff like this. The main reason I left Verizon is because of their BS charges that seem to appear on every bill https://www.premiumsmsrefunds.com/ Cell phones are like credit cards. It's getting to where you can buy just about anything now and get billed through your service provider.
Pardon me for not searching this thread for this...I don't wanna read any spoilers for what I've missed... Anyone have a linky to watch online?
So you can not shoot him with it too?
You can certainly out draw an already drawn gun. Happens all the damn time, for spaghetti monster's sake! By the time the BG realizes there's a gun in your hand instead of your wallet, it's too late for him. Like Mike said, action is quicker then reaction. Of course, this is only applicable if you research real-world stats and not just rely on gun board hearsay... As far as the OP goes, this is why I only park in outlaying parking spots away from everyone else (and this is coming from a guy with handicapped parking). When I see someone coming my way, I KNOW, without a doubt, that their intentions are no good. YRMV
issue with FFL and capital view pawn in nashville
strickj replied to geekitupsum's topic in General Chat
Couldn't they just transfer the gun to another FFL?