First of all shooting someone with family behind them is BAD! Dont do it regardless of the brand or caliber you're using!
Second,history has taught us that the more weight retention thats maintained in bullets after they are fired has a far better chance of one shot stops. Using a bullet that is designed to fragment means that very little weight will be maintained.That means less penetration,and less damage to the vitals...if they even reach the vitals!
The use of frangible ammo is a gimmick,and a fad,a bad fad at best!
"Frangible ammo is used by military,and police forces" they all say.What they dont tell you is its only used for target practice,and live fire drills.
We are not being condescending,or just trying to make you feel,or look bad here.We are trying to get you to see how horrible that stuff really is as far as a self defense round goes.