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Everything posted by strickj

  1. All I could think about during this thread was this,but forgot to stick it in here
  2. strickj

    Beer Shopping!

    How many times have you gotten away with telling them the beer was hot so you could get it cheaper
  3. Ya know,one could argue that you dont learn anything by taking classes,but by graduating classes.....
  4. This is called thread crapping.It could get you in trouble or even banned.Please refrain from post like these in the future.....unless you have pictures to share with us Remember....next time bring pictures!
  5. What ever happened to people coming together and hating all politicians together.....in peace ....... and harmony...
  6. Yeah,and it doesn't weigh 340 pounds and b***h when you go shooting with your friends
  7. Yes,and its got 270 Lumen's Here is the only picture I could find for size comparison
  8. What kind of upper you puttin on her?
  9. http://www.ombexpress.com/product.asp?sku=FL611&src=151INEM4
  10. nm?
  11. How does this stuff run in AR's? http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/Brown_Bear_.223_5.56x45_55grn_FMJ.html http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/Silver_Bear_.223_62grn_Boat_Tail_JHP.html This stuff is cheaper then Wolf from Centerfire,and the Silver is the same price.
  12. All I want to know is where she got those pumps!
  13. strickj

    Beer Shopping!

    Thats great! I'm buying you a bullet when I see you
  14. Goodness gracies people! Yall act like you've never seen an election before.This is what happens. Republicans throw crap a Democrats. Democrats throw crap at Republicans. Sometimes this said crap is serious,and sometimes its just silly. Get used to it and move on.
  15. http://www.skipsfirearms.com/
  16. Remember,dont get a little one! [ame] [/ame][ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1G_cOGNJzk][/ame]
  17. How big do the grandparents have to be to live there?
  18. Wait...what!........You mean you haven't already been doing that ?!
  19. I think the bigger problem would be what to do about that big brown stain in the comforters
  20. [ame] [/ame]
  21. Not Tn. Florida is playing Georgia
  22. strickj

    Beer Shopping!

    No.Its only for singles,and six packs.!2 packs,cases,and kegs are excluded because they will not "fit" in bags. Its also illegal for anyone under 18 to sell beer.Keep that in mind next time a kid rings you up a foodline
  23. Nov 16 sounds like a plan to me:)


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