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Everything posted by strickj

  1. Thats a disgrace to Olivia Wilde! You lost me on that one
  2. Sig FTW! Ive read online about HP's not feeding well,but Ive had no problems whatsoever feeding mine Golddots! However,it doesn't seem to like Winchester. Thats probably what all the folks reporting FTFs are using in HPs. I have also had no probs with Fiocchi,or Wolf!
  3. Cool beans! So that really blows the "debate" for the whole bar bill doesn't it! Is there anything written specifically for bars? I know there is some difference between "restaurant",and "bar" because of the smoking ban loophole thingy where bars dont have to comply. Not sure if that definition difference was written just for the smoking ban or not.... ps,good work Gutter! I knew I paid you for something!
  4. Can you show proof of this? Reason I ask,I have been in several bars that no way in hell they sold more then 20 bucks worths of food a night. What about clubs? Are they considered bars or something different? Once again,Iv never seen anyone eating in clubs Ive been to
  5. Actually they say that water is a better lubricant then oil as long as there is absolutely no air in it.problem being,you cant seal the system enough to keep air completely out
  6. btea; I would love to see some pics once you're through! Mud;My grandfather served during 2,but never really spoke about it.I guess he didn't think us kids would be interested to here about it Actually that is the only regret I have now is not sitting down and talking with him before he passed. As far as I know he didn't have any photos,or items that made it through the years other then a case full of metals. Be sure you guys cherish,and protect what you have. I'm assuming he took those photos himself? Yeah,that is pretty crazy thinking about someone seeing all that first hand! PS,Thanks for sharing! Got anymore you would like to show?
  7. Hello Greg,and welcome
  8. Welcome aboard
  9. Welcome In the world of many gun acronyms,what is DD?
  10. Well thats a little different then this! I sure as hell wouldn't willfully hand over any of my personal documents over to the entire world
  11. Hello Bruce,and welcome I pondered getting a conversion for my 1911 so that I could shoot 22lr with,but honestly I dont see it as being worth it financially to pay for a few parts,when I can just buy a whole nother gun for about the same price....but then again I'm just a tight wad:p
  12. 1) The threads are not deleted.There is a problem with the software transitioning the ads to the forum as explained here. If you enter the Trading Post directly from here you will not see any falsely deleted ads. 2) It is a requirement for sellers to post their location,which is located on the right hand side under the users name.If I see someone that does not have a location,or a price,then I will ask them to ad them. 3) No,the WTB section is,and has always been in its own category. Also,not really sure what you mean by allot of threads with a little action other then people just not replying to threads Anything else is really up to Admin to decide on,and to explain..
  13. They also can also be seen racking the slide,firring,then handing the gun to their partner who just ran out of bullets(rendering his gun useless) and having him rack the slide again. You can also hear Glocks cocking/decocking. But the thing that really tickles me is how on Chuck,you have two very skilled agents with equipment that is so advanced,it doesn't even exist yet,but they still use the old S&W 4006's that are no longer made.I guess thats how they afford all that technology Oh,and lets not forget how during a gun battle you will always have one say to the other"I'm out,how many do you have?" to which they will pop the mag out and say "two". Every single flipping time the answer is always two,and they never count the one in the pipe.....but I guess thats because when they stick the counted clip back into the gun,the slide must be racked,rendering thus said piped round useless
  14. Maybe that AK belongs to this guy! .......... the cross dressin terrorist
  15. Hello Brain,and welcome aboard
  16. Hello Tracy,and welcome aboard
  17. I could win that bet
  18. Hello and welcome
  19. Now that has badassery written all over it! +1 on the closet. I have a dead bolt,super long screws,strike plates,heavy duty hinges,and a solid wood door.
  20. Welcome Was that your first time shooting,or just your first time with that Rossi?


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