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Everything posted by strickj

  1. Whats a tax return? ;)
  2. Got room for one more? Ill bring the popcorn! Edit; Oh,I see you're fairly new here justme,so Ill let you know that cop bashing is not our forte!
  3. Hey now,thanks to that Yellow Number 5,my "ding dong" is now down to a manageable size :mad:
  4. Welcome neighbor
  5. If thats what you need at the range,then you totally need some new guns dude!
  6. Hello,and welcome aboard So,what did Fiddy win?
  7. She couldn't handle my enormously long ,eh feet, anymore
  8. I took my monthly shower thank you vewy mussh Your girlfriend can vouch for that!
  9. Man,this makes me miss my fish tank! I had two HUGE frickin Oscars that were larger then my hand.I had to make two trips a week to Petsmart for 300 feeder fish(thats 600 frickin fish a week!) I also had a Beta in there,that was forced to pretty much stay in the castle,and log all live long day to keep from getten eaten Also inhabiting the tank was a one eyed Koi fish,that was just awesome looking.He was like a little pirate fish.....I just wish I could have found an eye patch for him. (pics are when I got them.wish I had full grown pics to show) Those Oscars were the coolest though! They were like little dogs.They would watch me,as I watched them,and even jump out of the water to fetch a feeder held by its tail!
  10. I think its called a Hilliary hole because its a hole that no one want to put their key in
  11. As long as our lovely Tennessee native Megan Fox is in it,I'm there! :P Some people are just not made to procreate.....
  12. I had an entire bay to myself at Cleveland Sunday
  13. Jeez,looks like I missed a shoot in my absence! I even went out to Cleveland Sunday and shot a few....but ohwell! Next time. Edit;actually guys I would have more desire to attend a shoot at Cleveland next time! I dont see myself going back to PC anytime soon. How many here are members up there?
  14. Welcome
  15. Welcome aboard
  16. Nice belt
  17. Theres one March 7-8 at the Alhambra Shrine Temple http://www.gunshows-usa.com/tennesee.htm Dont see one for this weekend though Thats over off E.Brainerd Rd,and Vance Rd.
  18. Not a problem! If anybodies gun would go off,then it would be mine with all the crap that gets carried around in my lap.
  19. Welcome neighbor
  20. Saw on the new that his wife was just fired from her 100k year job from a some sort of charity group.She was in charge of collecting donations iirc. Ironic I think!...
  21. Its a good show,but it would be a helluva hole lot more believable if the co-star girl wasn't anorexic! She really looked horrible last night in that bikini.....didnt really realize she was that skinny until then after seeing all of her ribs in great detail Its like how is an anorexic girl like that supposed to whop butt I also dont care for all that plactic....I swear her lips in the first season was bigger then her head! Edit:This show is on On Demand if anyone missed it
  22. Are you getting PMs or Visitor Messages? When you get a VM it appears like you have a PM in the top right of the page.
  23. Yeah,I left out "severe" or whatever it is. But,what I'm saying is that I'm,as in me,and me alone,am not going to fight back with punches because I'm not expected to because of my disadvantage....
  24. Midgets d*** in a box? Honestly now,it couldn't have been that big! He couldn't have gotten it to squirt more then a couple inches....how could he have peed on anybody without standing like on their head Just kick the little bastard off your shoe,and go bouts your business! ETA;Im so going to hell for that comment
  25. What am I writing? The law says immediate fear of of body injury or death......if people have died by hands,how am I writing anything?


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