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Everything posted by strickj

  1. Have you even gone through puberty yet?
  2. B.A. was shot once! Does that count?
  3. strickj

    keltec .32

    Anymore guesses?
  4. How about obstructing an investigation?
  5. Yeah,I saw that and thought it was kinda silly! When does that actually happen! If it did happen,then your ninja sense would kick in,and you could kick the bad guy behind you in the head,while simultaneously drawing your weapon to shoot the bad guy in front of you! They teach you this down at the Ninja Tact Elite School for Whoopin Bad Peoples Butt down by the river!
  6. strickj

    keltec .32

    Thats silly talk! If anybody actually compared the two side by side you would see there really isn't that much difference in the size. Can you tell which ones which here? The 380 is a little heavier,but thats a draw back to me considering the actual size of the round. A 32 being a little lighter gives better penetration.The bleed hole difference isn't really that big of a comparable.
  7. Well not really when you think about it! He isn't actually going into someones home to take their inthernet. Its more like his neighbors leaving their doors open,and their Roomba wonders out into the street and into his home to vacuum his floors too!
  8. Hello,and welcome
  9. No,that article was suggesting that over-complaining (complaining about pizza in this case) is removing the credibility of Conservatives. We are complaining about pizza here folks! Pizza! Like I said earlier,hes not the first president to throw a party,and he wont be the last,but as the article says,complaining about it just looks silly when there is so much more to be complaining about! EDA: The article says complaining on Twitter.Now although this isn't Twitter,I hope you can see the similarities
  10. Hijack! There I said it.....now what? Seriously,I dont see it as such because all the replies have been on topic with the OP. Just because folks have a differencing view,doesn't make it a hijack imo
  11. This one is always getting posted
  12. I dont think he was rolling eyes at you,but at the homeowners in his story
  13. I agree! This is not the first president to order pizza,or throw a party at tax payers expense,it will not be the last. If you want to complain about the guy,I'm all for it,and in the front,but can we not pick something worth wild here?
  14. Welcome aboard Chris
  15. This story is just hilarious! But nope,not gonna make a comment on all the "I like woody" post here! -
  16. Man,I knew I shouldn't have smoked that earlier....now I cant see the durn picture my eyes are so blurry
  17. Thats because you've never had a holster!
  18. Well,I got 300 out of mine from the paper,but I did have extra mags,ammo,and a couple holsters For your sister! :D
  19. Candy bars only cost a nickle! Oh,I'm really pissed now! You guys have any 9mm cases laying around? ETA; I'm also looking for some 38spl by the case. pm me some prices if you dont wanna post public
  20. Once worked as a delivery driver,and we had a part time guy come in to help release some of the load off of me. Guy was a college professor,very articulate,and smart,etc... One of the smartest people Ive ever met to date! Now at the time we had pagers inside of each delivery truck clipped to the driver side sunvisors,and we had an 800 number to call back in so it wouldn't cost anything. Anyhoo,one day he was taking a little to long on the Dalton run,so I decided to page him to see where he was...I heard nothing in return. Several minutes pass by,and my boss decides to page him....nothing! An hour passes....nothing! Three hours passes,with several pages....nothing! Eventually he returns,and before boss could say anything he comes storming in the office saying "guys,sorry it took me so long,but there is something wrong with my truck!" "See every few minutes I had to pull over on the side of the road to check it out" So we humored him,and ask whats wrong with it. He said "DAMN truck kept beeping!"
  21. Nope,must've just been you TDR On a side note,is one of the features you removed include the list of currently active users on the bottom of pages?
  22. You with funny material! Naa....I'll believe it when I see it
  23. Ive got a 1911,and a snub if you'd like to try them Although not really in the same category as what you're looking at though..
  24. strickj My Brute Only 6 a day? That....well does what Elton John does


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