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Everything posted by strickj

  1. think maybe ole Verbal shot him butt off? Would explain some things,hmmm.....
  2. He;s busy in the irritating thread at the moment
  3. Im almost positive mine will fit an XD,so Im sure it would fit the sc.
  4. Yeah,I done the same two ranges for quite awhile. I eventually got tired of being confined between the partitions at Carters,and watching for the crack heads down at Prentice Cooper. I now call CHRPC home,and have absolutely loved every minute. Come on down during one of their matches one weekend,and check it out
  5. strickj

    Top Five

    In no particular order: Wanted Transformers The Professional The Hangover Dazed And Confused Well,isn't that just the most precious thing
  6. Playing devils advocate here,but the 360 doesn't require a good blow before it'll do anything
  7. I didn't say I wouldn't hit it Although I must say,I was eagerly waiting for the Pacman pants!
  8. They could have at least got some asses worth looking at
  9. Its not 45 acp,but 45Colt. Don't have one of these,but if I did,and used it for defense,I would have it loaded with either the 45,or buckshot. A 410 slug wont do near the damage,or have the accuracy of the 45lc
  10. I still have the shoulder holster I posted about a few pages ago too. If anyone wants it,search back to find it,and PM me
  11. Well,as long as his yarn is scotch guarded
  12. Still have the Wolf 3d here
  13. Why do I have a carry permit? You want the truth? Can you handle the truth?
  14. No,they just make the employee more cleaver at getting out of waiting on them.
  15. The NRA is not her[/url]e to pay my legal bills. If I'm looking for a group to pay my legal bills,then PPL would be on my speed dial. Also(now Im not bad mouthing the other groups mind you) but I doubt any other firearms group will foot a legal bill either for an individual. Other then that,no I haven't read the article,so I have no idea what you are talking about on the "not to try this"
  16. That sounds good and all,but in the real world you get what you pay for when it comes to labor. You cant expect to pay someone 7.25 an hr and get the same results as paying 20 hr,regardless of what job it is.
  17. Built Remington tough,with Mossberg stuff
  18. Yanno,I got this guys number off the the GunBroker list sometime back,and called the guy,and was told they don't do transfers But at any rate,I've always used Skip for the few trans I've had done.
  19. Jhatmaker often agrees with himself,then regularly disagrees with himself on the same subject.
  20. I think you missed it! His wife wont let him get a Mosin,but theres no problems in getting a tattoo with his girlfriend
  21. Oosh....7:30 Not sure if I'll be able to make that or not,I'll try though. I've got a hammer and dowel! And its only failed me once
  22. Sheesh,you people! Lighten up already!
  23. Bottled water...it has no artificial flavorings,or colors,but it still cost the same as its bottled cousin,the coke
  24. Welcome aboard Which range do you usually use?
  25. I'll think of all yall today while I enjoy my Big Mac


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