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Everything posted by strickj

  1. If the towns main attraction is a broom,then there's something wrong!
  2. Nothing wrong with "persuading" one into submission. I like a wooden dowel over a punch though...
  3. Forgot to mention earlier,but I also don't have a Windows disk,so I couldn't even do that *** ***** thing wont let me print those instructions off in IE,and FireFox wont open. Wont even let me open Wordpad,or text Document (trying to copy,and paste the instructions)
  4. Already tried renaming Combofix....didn't work. On top of that,there's no way to disable my Virus protection for CF in safemode since there's no icon in the bar. Cant format. Even though I have my important things saved on zip drives,I have thousands of pictures on that machine that I can't loose (no,not those kinds:rolleyes: ) Yes!!,and me too!
  5. Got a virus yesterday that has installed a program called "Total Security". This **** piece of **** **** ********** is not letting me open any security software,or install anything security realeted....wont even let me open Combofix which has been the end all-be all in the past for these types of *** ****** viruses:wall: My system restore,and safemode are also inoperable with this ************. I do believe I'm at a total loss with this ****! Now to top it all ******* off,my laptop battery charger is broken which means I cant order a new one being my desktop has a *** **** virus ERRRR! The only good thing from tonight is the half bottle of Gent Jack I've now consumed because of this ******* Check back for updates as I'm sure there will be some 12G slugs entering this machine sometime tomorow...
  6. He said stop!
  7. Got any pics?
  8. Not off to a very good start with wanting to be a Mod of off topic in Off Topic with your off topic chatter here in off topic. Might I suggest an application here Oh,and another thing! I Herby call for a demotion from Minister of Bacon,and throw in favor thee position to Molon since he's the only one that voted that he had bacon!
  9. Welcome from Chattanooga
  10. I have complaints with both,but most of whats wrong stems from ins,yes. Don't get me wrong here,I'm not saying I want Government ins,I'm just saying its not as bad as your far right ideologists fear. What I am saying,is something has to be done with how people get their health care.At this point I couldn't give a rats ass how its done,as long as something is done
  11. Well,from someone thats been ****ed for a few million dollars from our "great" health care,I can tell you that it cant possibly get any worse for patients. From someone who's been on both sides of it (ins from private,and through SS) I can say without a doubt that the ins bean counters are far worse. The amount I pay for ins from SS is about what I would pay if I could get private ins,the only difference is I actually get to use the insurance I have now,because some great multi-million dollar bean counter isn't telling me I cant
  12. Mom has some serious health issues,and had no choice but to use mail order pharmacies because of prices. She never had any problems with using them,other then having to wait for stuff to arrive UPS. If you go that route,ask your doctor which they recommend.
  13. strickj

    Megan Fox

    Ole Hef's trying to get her in PB! Just looking at her,you can tell she's a dirty ho,so its just a matter of time before she accepts his offer
  14. strickj

    Megan Fox

    I'm not interested in whats coming out of her mouth,only whets going in her mouth! ...And just to clarify,I too would like to see all those shes speaks of gone... and whats wrong with a nasty girl every once and a while?
  15. strickj

    Megan Fox

  16. What were the unlawful demands?
  17. strickj

    Megan Fox

    If you noticed her thumbs... ...you FAILED!
  18. From around the neighborhood 4-5 foot deep: Golf course behind Hooters (same parking lot) Thank goodness Hooters was safe,and dry!
  19. Yes,and even hammers can be traced back to a hardware store.
  21. Not sure. I couldn't get past the "ass raindance" myself
  22. Any channel on cable?
  23. BBT and 2 and a half men are good shows. I really enjoyed Heroes there for a while....untill I got up to take a leak....when I returned there was like 10 new characters,and new plots for each,and just couldn't keep up with it any longer. Although I hear the cheerleader is legal now,so it may be time to start watching again
  24. Well...if you look closely at the tat,you'll see what kinda of "artist" it really was. Look at the leg(or whatever its called) on the bottom especially
  25. For those who wondered,the movie sucked! Although I would still recommend seeing it Man,that woman was actually really cool about the whole thing.I actually got a pic of her standing next the heckling couple laughing at the dip **** that drove around the police barricade,and got stuck She was actually the first person to get stuck,so shes nowhere near as dumb as the rest of the group. Her problem was she stopped once she seen how high the watter was.After just a few minutes the watter had risen with enough force to swallow her car forcing her to climb on her roof. Here she is laughing (again the people are kinda blurry as my shutter was set so slow) Again,the very nice officer is writing a ticket for this car. It was abandoned before police could arrive,so I'd imagine they'll get slapped for that too The view from the other end of the road. Note all the debris.This entire area was under water...but somehow no one got stuck


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