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Everything posted by strickj

  1. ...and then the Zombies were born
  2. 1)They don't issue citations for running yellow lights,only red lights.It doesn't matter how long the light stays yellow,as long as you don't pass the little white line when it turns red. I have one I go through several times aday,and never received a citation....but I also don't run red lights 2) A picture is taken of your car.That picture is all the proof anyone needs to show if you ran a light or not. 3) They are not contracting out law enforcement. 4) They are not imposing on your 4th. You are in public. The cameras are operated by private. Its no different then being caught on camera at the mall breaking into cars. 5) Not sure how its an illegal source of income,no laws are being broken by having cameras in public. Furthermore,any money made comes from people breaking the law.I'd rather the city make money from law breakers,then tax payers. 6) This is not relevant to the OP. Again,for anyone who forgot,or is dyslexic,the OP is about a video encouraging people to report possible terrorist activity. Something every red blooded American that loves their county should do regardless if anybody ask them to or not.
  3. They don't ticket the drivers. The vehicle gets a citation,just like a parking citation As a cop,one would think you'd know that....
  4. Yeah,I'll agree that rushing any drug to market is a bad thing. But whats worse.Having a vaccine for a deadly virus,or a vaccine for a deadly virus they wont let you take? With the history of Swine,there may not be enough time for the years of testing to be complete. Furthermore,I've not been able to find any info on how long the vaccine has actually been around. It could be a few months,but it could also be a few years. I was able to find clinical testing in children administered by NIAID in June though...and one would assume any drug would be around long before any people test are done,especially in kids. So I just dunno how long its actually been
  5. Welcome aboard It sucks that the first thing you read here on TGO contains such douchbagery! I think most here appreciate any discounts given to those men and women who give to us. Especially considering that you don't have to do anything,but choose to anyway. It shows allot about a company that supports our service men,and women
  6. Tonight its whatever is on at the bar tv
  7. Well,there's not a shot that will cure those though,and they're not contagious. Im not going to touch a door knob after someone,and fall out of a tree! I'll agree that it may be blown up some,but like I said in my 1st post,I don't see the problem in this if it can help reduce those numbers. Also,keeping in mind Swine flu's history that nobody wants repeated. If 100 million people died from this,there would be hell to pay. Its better to be cautious,and over reactive,then not worry,and have deadly consequences. No one is forcing you to take a vaccination.And,according to CDC,these vaccinations should be no more dangerous then your yearly flu shot. The only people they say that could be affected are those with egg allergies,and children with severe asthma. However,that does not mean they cant get the vaccine,theres just another process for them. CDC H1N1 Flu | Questions & Answers Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
  8. strickj


    Ha! Thats part of the fun,I suppose,is finding those no good girls,and finding new ways to get rid of them without a late night calling of tha p0p0 Incorrect. The best place to find a mate is a bar. The worst place to find a life partner is in a bar. Big difference there!
  9. leroy,you do realize that this OP is not about cameras watching you take a **** in your home,right? It was about a video encouraging people,regular people,non-governmental people being encouraged to report possible terrorist activities. That does not violate the 4th in any way.
  10. Whoops,meant to put a K behind that 36. H1N1 is a form of Swine flu.As far as comparing it to seasonal flu,this is from the CDC: Where is that info? Like stated in my last post,seasonal flu is not reported to the CDC. Also,in that two years,between 50-100 million people died from Swine flu.A big difference in numbers there. Part of the problem here,and why its being called a "pandemic" is because this virus in its current form,is only a few months old. When taking into consideration the history of Swine flu in its different states,its very scary. Nobody wants this outbreak to reach the levels it has in the past.
  11. I'm not sure how a video that encourages residents to report possible terrorist activity correlates with all this tin foil hattery
  12. Thats not correct. Check the CDC web site here. They state that the average number of seasonal flu deaths per year is unknown. However,there is an estimate of 36 per yer on average from possible flu related compilations. Furthermore,actual flu deaths are not that common,but complications from flu is Heres a little info on the 1918 outbreak I referenced link.In two years,50-100 million people died...thats allot of effin people! We need to stop this before it gets any worse! If calling it a national emergency helps speed things up,then so be it...
  13. I could care less what its being called. Fact is people are getting sick and dieing! I'm not going to let my haterade for O get in the way of possibly helping people that may die from this. Since when,March?Considering the history of it,I'd say its about to get allot worse before it lets up. Do a little research on its history. specifically see how many people died in the 1918 outbreak. Edit: according to CDC,the outbreak started in April. Thats 166 people a month,or 41 people a week...yeah,I'd call that a pandemic.Especially from something that is "new". And just incase anyone doesnt know,heres the definition for pandemic
  14. Makes me wonder if folks actually read these things to see what people are looking for,or if they just wanna throw out there what they like. Don't know about the rest of the people here,but I've never seen a Glock with a DA\SA hammered,or a Sig with ambi controls That said,I'd look at a Ruger P95 if price is a deciding factor. HK's are great guns from what I hear,but I cant afford one to base an opinion off of though
  15. Don't think he'll have that problem
  16. Im watching you!
  17. Well,in his defense,the dude who blocked them was effing HUGE! Didn't even need to jump,just stand there
  18. My thought of the day: Boobs! I likem alut!
  19. Man,Sharona is a bit Rubenesque now
  20. strickj

    Windows 7

    Not a gamer,or hard PC user so extra cooling isnt a main concern...but price is,and that 40 dollar case looks allot better then then the 90 Saw this commercial a minute ago,and I'm still laughing Lets hope it isnt true!
  21. Monk,and Ghost Whisperererer = (.)(.)
  22. Only if you mark up ammo to twice,after saving me that dollar on admission
  23. strickj


    Bird,sounds like you're broke,and have a bitch girlfriend. At 22,I wrecked a bike,put me in a chair,lost my fiancee,and I'm still eating Raman noodles. It sucks,but such is life. However,one thing I will not put up with is a bitch. At the first sign of bitch,I stick my foot in her ass,and go find another. Those girls are good for nothing but destroying you,and at the first sign of weakness,they'll leave you holding a bag of dead hamsters. Get rid of her,go to a bar,find a new one,and report back in the morning!
  24. BO0BS!
  25. Posting a pic of her in the mud would be much,much cooler!


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