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About jakflak

  • Birthday 02/16/1961

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  1. The Parker buckbuster is an awesome crossbow, extremely light and compact, and extremely deadly.
  2. This isn't call of duty White Wolf haha
  3. That's funny my wife always says the same thing?????
  4. What's all this" I'm not a Starbucks Fan" crap? It sounds like your all talking out both sides of your mouth! Let me get this straight ....Here we have one corporation in the U.S.( Starbucks) that is standing it's ground for the second amendment and taking a" truckload of flack"for it from all the "Ozombies" and all you "Beneficiaries" of" said corporate" stand, can't seem to connect the dots????? This is what you sound like.... "Well I'm really NOT a starbucks fan BUT I Might take the wife down and a yu kno maybe buy her a frappe or sumthin.....".BLAH, BLAH, BLAH..... Let me ask you a question, what do corporations do?? They make money!!!! The "Ozombies" are trying to make sure "Starbucks" don't make $ on a big money making day!!!!! And What Army of FRIGGIN idiots( precious...) are going to "OC" in starbucks on Valentines day??????? I can see it now... MSM Newspaper headlines: "Starbucks INVADED by crazed, armed gunrights lunatics!!....Swat team surrounds Starbucks hostage situation developing....!!. "Starbucks"Armed gun rights customer eats too many, iced frappes, and goes into Brain Freeze and diabetic shock, shoots self in foot, and seeing eye dog while trying to unload glock,,,"Starbucks CEO, replaced by board of directors!!!.....Liability issues!!!.....Starbucks changes stand on gun rights!!!!! O.K. NOW this is what I'm going to do.. I am going to invite all my friends and family and yes the WIFE to get a LATTE at "Starbucks" and were not going to do anything stupid! O.K......SINCERELY<.jakflak P.S. "sometimes you guys really scare me...."


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