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Everything posted by Ruprect
To save money and because I have a constant need to tinker, I learned to make basic IWB and OWB pancake holsters which is what that is (as well as the mag holder). Before I learned to make holsters I bought my wife a Bianchi Black Widow for her MK9 and although it doesn't say, it will fit the T9. It does have a thumb break though.
@ drv2fst: How's the felt recoil on the TP45? I played with A used one at G&L sometime ago, really liked the way it felt and the price was right, but I generally lean towards metal frames and was saving for a Blackhawk at the time. @ JMR1138: Fine looking pistol! I keep telling the wife we might as well get the K9 to have a complete set, though she still isn't entirely convinced. The Wolf springs are a great idea, they worked wonders on a couple older 1911 magazines I had.
Much appreciated, that did the trick.
I recently purchased a Kahr T9 to use as a concealed carry pistol after several years of flawless service provided by the MK9 my wife purchased for herself. I’ve been a fan of the look and feel of single stack metal framed pistols for some time, but never got around to purchasing one because I was carrying a Glock 22 for the last several years due to convenience. The Glock has never failed me and is an excellent firearm, but I don’t care for the feel, the trigger and the width. I hoped the T9 would give me the reliability of the Glock with the feel, trigger and width I desired. Buds Gun Shop was the only place I could find a T9 in stock below the ~$900.00 MSRP and most gun shops I spoke to couldn’t even order one. The T9 on Bud’s ranged from $630 (non night sights / white bar-dot) to $740 (night sights) and once one came in stock, from order to arrival at my FFL was approximately 10 days. The T9 is a 9mm with 8+1 capacity (2 mags with pistol), 4†barrel and all steel construction. It also comes in a .40 S&W version (T40), but I prefer 9mm and .45 ACP to .40 S&W. To me the T9 feels like a scaled down version of my Browning Hi Power. The fit and finish is excellent with no tool marks or stains. The magazine release is extremely stiff. Field stripping is no problem and consists of lining up the line on the slide with that on the frame and removing the slide stop. The trigger is then pulled and the slide comes off the frame leaving the barrel and recoil spring to be removed. Out of the box the trigger is very similar to that of my S&W model 66, which has been worked over by a gun smith, though not as smooth as the M66 or the MK9 as both have many thousands of rounds through them. If you’re not familiar with revolvers this translates into a long, even pull with a similar long reset. One of the things I like about these triggers is it forces you to develop a consistent trigger pull. To smooth out the trigger I prepared some polishing compound; ">http:// and brought along some elbow grease (The Wife). We headed to the range with 775 rounds which consisted of the following; 500 reloads 115gr plated Berry’s Bullet over 5.2gr Unique 200 124gr NATO fmj Winchester 50 147gr Federal Hydrashock 25 124gr +P Speer Gold Dot I’d consider myself and average shooter on my best day and this pistol is far more accurate than I am. The T9 points naturally and the white bar-dot sights are effective and easy to pickup (this is my first pistol that with that set up). The length of the reset definitely feels like it slows down the speed of very rapid fire, but I don’t consider that to be an option when actually trying to hit the target. Recoil from my perspective is nearly non-existent with the 124gr+P and the wife reports that recoil was a non-issue for her with the same load. The magazine release lightened up some, but I’ll likely recess the grips around that area to ease operation. The wood grips (which I really like the look of) have texture on the palm area, but the back strap is smooth wood and the front strap is smooth steel. At around round 400 one of the three magazines began to bind up when loading rounds into it. On closer inspection I found the follower had broken and was catching on the magazine body. For the hell of it we continued to use that magazine to see if it would function. For 40 more rounds it continued to feed rounds as fast as we could fire them, but would not lock the slide back and was a pain to reload so we took it out of the rotation. ">http:// At approximately 600 rounds one of the two magazines still in rotation began to fail to lock the slide back when empty. It continued to function as normal, but would not lock the slide. After the 700 rounds of fmj were expended we moved to the hollow points without cleaning or maintenance of any kind. The 50 Hydrashocks were up first and on round number 3 the pistol jammed. It appeared as though the round had nose-dived on the feed ramp and the “tap†of a tap and rack drill caused the slide to run closed and chamber the round. The rest of the HP rounds both Hydrashock and Gold Dot ran without issue. Two eight round magazines fired at this pace, the wife doing her job and inflating my ego: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32ZAvmVifvw I’m not sure of the distance as I usually shoot at the Guns and Leather Greenbriar location and this was at the shorter Hendersonville location (maybe 12 yards?). Then the wife showing me how it’s done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib3JPf2Qpn4 Due to the magazine issues I contacted Kahr customer service on 11-28-12 at 1106 AM requesting two new followers be sent. At 11:13 AM Kahr customer service replied that they would send two new followers. I sat back, waited and time flew by with Christmas and then New Years, a very busy time of year for me, and had still not received my replacement parts. I re-contacted Kahr customer service on 1-3-13 1:26 PM and they replied at 1:40 PM that they had requested the parts be sent, but would re-send. On 1-10-13 I received three new followers. The emails from Kahr (all the same customer service rep) were polite, straight forward and business like. In less than a week I received three new followers and replaced the broken follower as well as the follower of the magazine that would not lock back when empty. All issues were resolved with new followers and after 300 more rounds of 124gr NATO fmj Winchester everything is functioning as it should. I’ve never been accused of being small framed and at 6’ tall and 240 lbs I have little to no issue concealing a pistol of this size outside the waist band in a t-shirt let alone my normal carry wear of a button down shirt (even with my Glock 22). With a good belt and holster the T9 disappears, stays put and is unnoticeable after being worn for 10+ hours. With the t-shirt, on occasion if you look hard, you can see the top outside of the slide against the shirt. I can’t find my inside the waistband holster (as I never use it) to compare, but I imagine the pistol would completely disappear. ">http:// ">http:// I’ve read of people having issues with the Kahr magazines letting rounds come loose or nosing down in the magazine causing feeding issues when loaded into the pistol. I’ve experienced neither of these issues with both the T9 magazines and the MK9 magazines. I carried the T9 spare magazine in both my pocket and leather magazine holder and did not experience any issues during normal daily wear. ***UPDATE*** I recently hiked the Walls of Jericho outside Winchester, TN which involves approximately seven miles roundtrip with nearly 1000’ in elevation change. During the hike I kept a spare magazine in my front pocket and once at the end of the trail found that the magazine had let loose two rounds and was working on a third. ">http://
Metal gun for other than .45 ACP? I carry a Kahr T9 and occasionally a MK9 off duty.
Kahr. My wife picked out a Kahr MK9 after shooting the plastic version (PM9?). I barely knew anything about Kahr at the time, let alone that they made steel models. Exceptionally accurate, perfect for her size, Glock like reliability, tuned revolver like trigger, I really can't say enough how pleased we are with it. It / they are relatively expensive and heavy though (steel models). I liked her pistol so much I purchased a Kahr T9.
Another vote for the K frame. Love my 66.
Does anybody have a Kahr T9 or T40 in middle TN that would be willing to let me check it out and possibly run some rounds through it? I'd cover your range fee and provide the factory ammo for it. I'm a fan of their other pistols, but I'd like to put hands on that specific model before I drop that kind of money on a gun. Thanks, Jarrad
Gallatin gun IDPA + shotgun side
Ruprect replied to rstandley's topic in Competitive Shooting Sports
I had a great time as well. Thanks again. Here is a not so great picture of the SUV; -
My wife's MK9 is just passed 1500 rounds and has had two jams; One right at 300 due to my dirty Unique bunny fart load we were shooting and a buddy just limp wristed it last week at the range, It's easy shooting, highly concealable and wicked accurate.
Realistic AR-15 expectations? Range Report...picture heavy
Ruprect replied to Parrothead's topic in Long Guns
I' ve forgotten a sight tool a time or three. Use the bullet end of one of your 5.56 rounds next time. -
One of my all time favorites. Gotta have a fork with a cork, Yell NOT MOTHER?, and then ask to go to the bathroom.
I went into A-H Reloading and Ammunition today in Nashville on 4th Av. S. at Chestnut. Great selection of powder and bullets though probably not as extensive as Reloaders Bench, but they've only been in business a few months. Staff was extremely friendly and at least a couple of them reload. I wanted to try out lead instead of the plated I've been using and picked up 500 230gr cast .45ACP for $40.00 + tax and will go back for 500 124gr cast 9mm for $30.00 if the .45 work out well. Prices on other items appeared very good.
I bought my father one for carry. Pros: Excellent fit and finish, great size for carry (small / thin, but large enough for a proper grip), excellent accuracy, good capacity (9+1 I believe), relatively light weight, very little recoil, no hollow point issues once broken in, plenty of holsters, comes with three mags. Cons: Cost (as you mentioned), would not reliably feed an entire magazine until it hit 300 rounds (perfect for the next 500).
Crappy pics: Hi Power edges out Colt Commander, by a slight margin due to family history. Personally put around 5k rounds through it before retiring it this year for a younger model. 2k rounds and am now begining to modify it to my tastes.
LA Police Gear 3 Day Backpack Mine hasn't seen any serious use, but seems to be an excellent value for the price.
Cousins? Both born about 1972, best I can find.
'72 model. Appears to have been carried a lot and shot more. Timing is slightly off, so debating sending it to Colt for a Royal Blue treatment as well.
Another thing to consider; Loading up a batch for a test run gives you the chance to make sure the new brand of bullet feeds well. It'd be fun to load up 500 rounds only to find out that the bullet shape is slightly different and your pistol / rifle doesn't like them. I always load up a small batch whenever I change anything.
New to reloading need advice please!
Ruprect replied to The Legion's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Buy the ABCs of Reloading and read it twice before you do anything. I can't recall my OAL. I use 5grains of unique with berrys 115 grain plated round nose and winchester or cci primers. Most books have don't exceed loads and starting loads. I work my way up a few grains at a time from the starting load till I find an accurate reliable load. But to drive it home...BUY A GOOD RELOADING BOOK! -
stolen guns are recovered with great regularity. no one writes their serial numbers down. in fact a great many can't even tell you the make. so if its recovered in nashville and you don't have a serial number your piece was probably melted. unless it was a glock 40 or smith 38, then a cop is probably putting it to good use.
Not sure of the appropriate forum for this, but it involves a handgun so… I’m assisting my father and wife in the search for a pistol to carry with their soon to come carry permits. We’ve narrowed it down to a very few choices for each of them, but one pistol has eluded us… Springfield EMP 9mm. Is there anyone in the Nashville area (I’m in Goodlettsville) who has an EMP 9mm that might be willing to meet at a near by range to allow the wife, my father and of course myself to run a few rounds through their pistol? Possibly this Monday evening (5-17-10)? I’ll buy your range ticket and of course the factory ammo. Thanks, Jarrad
In the terrible event your things are stolen: Really simple, but the people who do it are really very far and few in between. Have the make, model and serial number of all your firearms written down in several places. Pictures are great too. Do this for anything of value in your home or things you would like back. If you don't have serial numbers or distinguishing characteristics, even if you or the police find your things you have to be able to prove they're yours and not one of the other 500,000 units of the same make and model produced.