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Everything posted by Murgatroy

  1. I keep waiting for it to flip.
  2. I am gonna have to agree with Dolomite and personDJ. If you weren't guilty, you shouldn't have plead. If you are guilty, you shouldn't be allowed to have a gun. Pretty cut and dry here. I don't like all the laws involving my rights, but the problem is that sometimes, someone shouldn't have them. If you are a violent person, or a career criminal, I don't want you having guns. I don't want you making me look bad when I play by the rules. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need laws, everyone would behave and know how to act. This isn't a perfect world; and there are a lot of stupid people out there.
  3. I like how they were all jostling for position. I got a kick out of that.
  4. I like my toe shoes.
  5. [quote name='Grout' timestamp='1352802811' post='844721'] The way he searched for Sophia last season,jumping up to go get baby formula,feeding and quiteing the baby it's obvious he was a father at one time. [/quote]I did not catch that. Good observation.
  6. Murgatroy

    Armalite AR-24?

    I haven't heard bad things about them. They are by all accounts a very well made CZ75 clone.
  7. Norris is a little police range. Locking gate, covered benches. Best place I have shot in Knoxville. $40 a year for the key. 25yd pistol bay, then a rifle range at 50, 100 and 200 yards. Give or take on the distance. Lots of good folks up at Norris. ORSA would probably be more up your alley if you want to shoot matches. I don't have much experience with that though. I was an informal shooter. It will obviously be more than Norris. The prices are something that set me back when I moved to Kentucky. A range membership here is $400+ a year. So I wind up shooting at a free range that I am not fond of.
  8. [quote name='Wyldk2' timestamp='1352424981' post='842179'] I was just correcting the OP. If they threw spitwads at us in the international waters it could be construed as an act of war By at least some warmongers. But one country's definition of international waters could be different than an other country's definition. It seems Iran wants us to go to war with them. Pure stupidity on their part. [/quote]Why? We will come in, blow some #### up, spend several hundred billion dollars rebuilding it all. Take us about fifteen years and it will all be good. I am actually thinking that after the election, Israel has decided they are alone, and they are going to just nuke Iran. Much more efficient.
  9. For an IWB carry gun the Kel-Tec wins hands down. For the better all around gun the Hi-Power wins hands down. The Hi-Power (or clone) is one of the finest guns ever put forth to man. The opus of a man sent by god himself to give unto us great guns. And I carry a Glock.
  10. That sucks hard. I once had my HU stolen out of my car in the time it took me to walk in my front door, grab my bookbag, and walk back out. Less than two minutes.
  11. I still find it fitting.
  12. Google has a thing on the new page that has constantly updating results.
  13. I had to look at your location. I grew up in Tellico Plains, a little farther back in the hills from you (I have spent a fair bit of time in Loudon/Madisonville/Philadelphia area) and this was a common thing this time of year. I remember as a young hot blooded lad, spending some quality time in the backseat of a truck with a hot blooded young lady when all of a sudden there was a knock on the window. As we scrambled to get clothing back in place I rolled the window down to an officer of the law. Now we were both of age, but we were parked in a rather public place in Madisonville. The cop looks at me, doesn't miss a beat and says "Hey, hate to bother you, but I couldn't help but notice you had a truck, and someone just hit a deer out here on 411..." We ate good for a while on that.
  14. There was a line this morning, but not for my precinct. I was the only person there. I was in and out in a matter of minutes. I have voted early every other year, but not this year.
  15. [quote name='jero100' timestamp='1352165749' post='839716'] Anybody think possibly Carl couldn't go thru with it? [/quote] [quote name='buck1032' timestamp='1352168654' post='839768'] Thats what my wife thinks. I am just wanting Sunday to get here NOW! LOL [/quote] [quote name='rebeldrummer' timestamp='1352176621' post='839859'] Read post 184....I do. Thought it right after the scene was over [/quote]There was an interview with someone after that episode that stated they did't want to show Carl pulling the trigger, but Lori is indeed dead twice. That was one of my concerns as well.
  16. [quote name='Sour Kraut' timestamp='1352084979' post='839246'] I liked her... I liked her in Prison Break... I wish they would have done that differently and maybe in a later season I stil dont know who`s baby that is..what did I miss? [/quote]No one knows, in the comics Judith was Shane's baby. But Rick accepted her as his. Lori and Judith were both killed, in this time frame in the comic.
  17. I think more folks would have been upset if Lori did make it.
  18. I think that Glen and Maggie will raise the baby. Carol is still out there she has to be. Look at Carl, wow, that is rough on the kid. Everyone hated Lori, but boy oh boy did they find a way to make her death matter. I like the one inmate stepping up. The blond guy is crazy, he is bad news. That was one rough episode.
  19. And T-Dogg goes out a hero.
  20. [quote name='OhShoot' timestamp='1352082100' post='839209'] T Dog finally gets some lines. And then a bite. [/quote]I think Daryl has said more this episode than all season as well. I think this episode makes up for last weeks boring episode.
  21. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352046825' post='838887'] Like I say, that’s a call for the cops when/if they come, and then for the DA if they want to prosecute. My point is that the under the domestic violence laws cops hands aren’t tied like they were years ago when DCFS had to handle everything. You hit your kid hard enough to leave a mark and I would have had no choice but to put you in cuffs and book you into the jail on domestic violence charges. I have been called to schools when the teachers found marks. The Judges and juries decide if its abuse or good parenting. It’s an emotional topic. Some people believe that violence is not a tool that should be used in training kids or animals (me), and most people don’t want to be called bad parents when they think they are doing the right thing. [/quote]First, thank you for trying to be calm and subjective in your disagreements. You are right. It is an emotional topic. But trying to explain what is right or wrong is not for you to judge either. Even if you do have that badge on your chest. If there are no marks, my daughter hasn't been harmed in any way other than alligator tears, who are you to tell me that my well behaved and adjusted child is abused, and that I am a parent who is not doing the right thing? I fall very far over the line of those that are convinced that there is not enough discipline in the world. From parents who ignore their child in the grocery store and drop them off at the school to be raised, to the judges that allow hardened criminals to plea down to time served in violent crimes. I suppose I am just flabbergasted when I see folks (again, that I must assume are not parents, since again, none of you have asserted that you in fact are) that are so solidly convinced that trying to raise a child to be polite, respectful and mindful of not only themselves, but others around them. I have lost count of the time that my daughter has looked at me when we are out an about, she will see a child somewhere throwing themselves in the floor, screaming, knocking things off the of the shelf, throwing a tantrum to end all tantrums. My daughter sees that, she looks at me and says "Gosh Daddy, I think he needs a whupping. Aren't you glad I don't act like that?" What my daughter doesn't see is the parent (usually a young mother) standing there watching their child act this way with mouth agape. After all, there is no way that it is her fault that Junior acts like this... I work with my child because I love her. And yes, she has been known to get a spanking. But something you limp wristed non-parents need to understand is that my daughter is actually whupped maybe once a year. Not every day several times from the time she wakes up till she goes to sleep a quivering mass of frightened and abused human. That makes it too easy to imagine me being a bad parent. After all, I confess that do do this horrible evil deed. I must do it daily. Dave, I am sorry if this came out heavily directed at you, I didn't mean for it to be. But as we admitted, this is an emotional topic.
  22. [quote name='DaveTN' timestamp='1352037941' post='838800'] I don’t think anyone here is saying that “spanking” is necessarily abuse. That’s a call for the cops to make when they arrive. [/quote] Read closer, Person DJ and Jesse are both claiming with a blanket statement that anyone that spanks a child is hitting them. No differentiation between discipline and abuse. If you hit, you hit, and you are a bad bad person.
  23. [quote name='personDJ' timestamp='1351999551' post='838691'] I can't believe how many think discpline is hitting or spanking. My god I can teach a dog how to behave without hitting and children are much smarter. If your child tears pages from a book then that child is not ready for a book, just take it away until you can teach the child how to handle a book. When a child acts up find out why and change that. Don't change the child by hitting. When it gets to the point that you must hit a child to make them act as you want then maybe it is the spanker that needs some learning [/quote]I think it has become obvious as this point that you don't have children. I am going to politely request that you STFU. Maybe when you can pull your head out of you rectum, you will realize that the world operates on different frequencies for many different reasons. I am sorry that you feel the need to attempt to belittle or insinuate that we are all poor parents because you don't understand where we come from. Maybe you can find it in yourself to go and volunteer at some shelters for children without parents, or for those who have been taken away from their parents. Maybe then you will be able to understand the difference between discipline and abuse. Maybe go to a prison and perform a study and see how many there were raised without rules, with parents who weren't there, or those that were and they tried to 'reason' with their child as they grew. But frankly, until you live a week in a parent shoes, I want you to keep your ignorant tree hugging liberal opinions to yourself. Or at the very least not use me as an example when you get on your flawed and jaded soapbox.
  24. [quote name='Lumber_Jack' timestamp='1351954279' post='838337'] I was spanked as a child as were my two sisters, I know because my mother told me so, not because I have vivid memories of being spanked. I do remember my sister getting spanked but she was 6 yrs younger, so I was a teen when she was being corrected. My point is spankings don't have I be a life trauma to work. It's meant to give a physical response to coordinate with the verbal. I don't have kids so all I can relate to is my dog. Sometime I can correct her actions verbally till I'm blue in the face but a small pop on the butt and I've got her attention. And I can attest that I would never hurt her and would fight anyone who did so, unequivocally. Unlike dogs children have the ability to reason, that's why spankings in most cases, as previously stated, can be rare. I can tell you this, I've seen kids spanked in a manner that was not abusive, but that I strongly disagreed with. A kid just being a kid, and the parent was annoyed or in a bad mood. And on the other hand I've seen too many kids that need a spanking but will never get one. To the OP if you live in the house all I can say is be vigilant and look out for the child the best you can. Sounds like the mother is beyond talking to. [/quote]Great, now the thread is going to devolve into beating our pets too...
  25. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1351905002' post='838073'] Why? [/quote] I think it is a harsh statement, but I think it needs to be made. If you are raising your child, you have concerns, hopes, dreams, but most importantly a goal. That goal is to raise a fully functional member of society. I am not saying that being a blood parent is in any way more important that being a parent to a child. I have two step fathers (one has passed) that I love as fathers. They are closer to me than my father, and I am thankful for the values and morals that I gathered from them, even if we never saw eye to eye. But spending the weekends with a niece or a nephew isn't the same as being with your child day in and day out. I think that is a big difference. When you get tired of someone else's kid, you can walk away. Back to the topic. My wife and I have raised our daughter. Let me repeat that. My wife and I have raised our daughter. Let's break that down. My wife, the woman I married because I loved and wanted to spend my life with, and myself, the only person in this entire world I have learned I can count on. Raised, without the aid of Uncle Sam, her parents, my parents, a day care or a school system. We taught her to read, write, add and subtract. She is our blood and because of that comes with a special set of circumstances. One of which is being an ornery redhead. I hate to say that one of my goals in raising my daughter is to be a better parent than mine were, but it is. I hate to keep score. I hate to think of the times I woke up hungry, cold, bruised. As an adult it has made me a cold person. Bitter is a bit strong of a word, but it might fit too. The first whupping my daughter got came at around three years of age. She had gotten in the habit of ripping pages out of books. She had gotten time outs. She had been sent to bed. It didn't stop her. I was tired of it. I whupped her. She hasn't destroyed a book since. So you can tell me that reasoning with a three year old (or a two year old in the case of the thread) is a preferred method, but what do you do when that doesn't work? Do you just continue to buy new books and put your child in time out? Please, in your infinite wisdom, tell me again where I am going wrong in raising my child? Since she behaves in school. Scores in the 99th percentile on all standardized tests. Has plenty of friends. Loves both of her parents. Is kind to her cat. Feeds her fish. Cleans her room. Is nice and kind to anyone she meets. Tell me how all those kids that have liberal tree hugging parents who cry at the thought of violence deal with it when little junior shoots up a school? I might be going a little overboard, and I apologize, I don't mean this to be a personal attack at anyone. I just want some clarification from all of those that think I (and the rest that think like me) are wrong. Do you have kids?


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