I have mixed feelings on it. It evokes a deep emotional response from me.
I love the whole concept of the Zombie Apocalypse. It fascinates me and consumes most of my library of films, books and games.
The trailer was very well done, very cinematic and timed right.
While it looks like something that is right up my alley, I will have to stay away from this.
My reasons are simple and a bit naive, but they are strong.
I abhor things that get cheap thrills by using a child to get an emotional response. Be it a television show, or a film, to me it seems like a cheap tactic. Before I was a parent, it wouldn't have phased me. Before I was a parent, nothing phased me or scared me.
Now, as a parent, nothing scares me worse than the thought that something could happen to my child.
Watching something that purposely plays on that fear, for me, is impossible.