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Everything posted by Murgatroy

  1. http://www.esmeralda.cc/ Nothing else comes close to looking as nice.
  2. So it is gonna be an interesting season. I won't spoil it for those that haven't seen the opening yet, but Jax and Clay have mended fences and figured out a future for themselves. With or without the club. The previews of scenes coming gave that much away. An interesting path.
  3. Looking forward to it.
  4. Not my cup of tea, but interesting. I remember when I was researching my carry pistol and I came across one of the numerous disputes between the XD and Glock fans, and the XD having an extension on the guide rod to serve as a stand-off device was cited as the reason the XD was superior. I wrote it off then as I am now.
  5. I am just a layman, no military experience, so this is just an outsider's observations. I know they are saying they want a round more powerful than the 9x19mm, but like mentioned above, are they really going to leave the NATO fold? The sidearm is meant to be the last ditch. I am not exactly convinced they will leave the NATO standards, regardless of what is said. Again, I am not a military person. If they were to pick a new round, say the .357 SIG, that would give that round the legitimacy it seeks and make it a major player now, much like the .40 S&W when the FBI and subsequently many law enforcement agencies chose it. As for a new platform, has Glock gotten past the point where it refuses to give manufacturing right or whatever the myth was the first time around and will get involved? If so I see the major players being either a Glock, a S&W M&P or something from FN. HK already has a bit of play, as does FN. From a price point, I can't see either of them beating out Glock though. If I were a betting man, I would put most of my chips down on the Glock in a 9mm flavor to be honest. For the price, and the inability/unwillingness to really leave the 9x19mm NATO standard. But I have been wrong before. This might turn out like the last three tries for replacing the M16/4 and they will continue on with the M9 for logistics reasons.
  6. Op's truck...Seriously, after everything it has been through and he kept it and they are gonna wreck it off? I am excited. This is the only show I follow anymore.
  7. That used to be a nice part of town. However it has lately gone down the tubes. I live a couple of miles away. Last year we had a high school student shot and killed in a hate crime, where the suspects wrecked their car fleeing as well.
  8. I have a a Virgin Mobile phone. I have been using Virgin Mobile for around ten years now. I am not a phone person, and as such, the original plan (something like $.25 a minute for the first ten minutes and $.10 a minute there after) was fine with me. I might use $20 a month. After a while I changed the service to a $.10 a day, $.10 a minute plan, and used that plan for several years. The phones were featureless, and pretty much just made and received calls. About a year or so ago they started offering more advanced phones, and more advanced plans. I purchased a feature phone that was similar (but not close) to a Blackberry. They offered Blackberries and Android phones as well, but I had a hard time justifying the upfront price. I chose the $25 Beyond Talk plan. That gave me 300 minutes, and unlimited texts and data. It was the bee's knees. Last month I finally decided to take the plunge and get and Android phone, an LG Optimus. It cost me $150 upfront, and I still pay $25 a month for 300 minutes and unlimited text and data. Virgin Mobile still offers this plan, but it now costs $35. That is one thing that I really like about Virgin, once you 'choose' a plan, not a contract, you stay locked at that price. The $.10 a day $.10 a minute plan I mentioned earlier was only offered for about a year, but I stayed on that plan for nearly five years. Virgin Mobile uses Sprint's network, and as such I have very good connectivity wherever I have gone, as long as it is civilized. I have lost signal when I am in the middle of the woods. I don't have signal in some out lying towns. However I also have an Verizon/Nextel phone (work cell) and my Virgin Mobile/Sprint phone has a nearly identical signal radius. Virgin has plans that you Top Up the phone and you just go till the minutes run out. Similar to plans from Trac Phone and other prepaid services. If the concept is to just leave the phone in the glove box, and turned off unless it is an emergency, you could feasibly pay less than $7 a month (using a $20 Top Up card every three months to keep the service active) and have the phone as in insurance policy.
  9. There are a few quirks with the revolver, but nothing I have found that is a deal breaker. On occasion the rounds will not seat all the way when loading, and prevent the cylinder from revolving to load the next round. I just make sure to push them in tighter. I have only had this issue with the Federal Bulk. On occasion when unloading the empty casings will have moved a little to the rear and will lock the cylinder up. I close the loading gate and work the hammer. I always frees it up. Those are the only quirks I have had with the revolver, and once you figure out what happened, it takes only a second to get past it. My first handgun was a Ruger Single Six. This is not a Ruger. However it is a great little plinker for half the price of the Ruger. I have not regretted my purchase at all. I haven't bothered to shoot it past ~25yds, that isn't what I bought it for. I have taken several new shooters out with it, and a couple of them have loved it so much they went out and bought one for themselves. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with it. And using it to teach method and operation to a youth is great. I was taught on single shot bolt action and a revolver. I learned to take my time and about shot placement. I can't recommend the same strong enough, even though I am biased. The only thing I don't like about the Rough Rider is manual safety, however, it allows you to dry fire the revolver, so I am not completely against it.
  10. If it was new in box, you got a price you were comfortable with, and you were pleased with the purchase before finding out the age, I would count it as a win to be honest.
  11. While everyone else focuses on the semi-automatic .22LR pistols, I have to throw a thought in for a single action. I grabbed a Heritage Rough Rider .22LR/.22WMR as in impulse buy earlier this year. I walked out the door at $225 I believe after tax and background. I have run two boxes of bulk through it, Federal and Winchester. A brick of CCI Mini Mags and a brick of CCI Maxi Mag .22WMR, as well as a couple of random boxes of Yellow Jacket and whatever else I had laying around. I have found that I do not leave for the range without it, and I will spend literally hours popping empty shotgun hulls at 10-20yds with it. It is honestly the most fun gun I have.
  12. Side feed would be a lot quicker to reload, or top off a partial magazine than a tube feed.
  13. Is it a Saiga? If it is a Saiga it is the same thing as an Arsenal, just unconverted.
  14. I have bought most of my BP pistols through Cabela's, the prices that Cabela's has are normally lower than those of anyone else. The Pietta's will be priced lower than the Uberti's, but I have been satisfied with both in the past. It is common opinion that steel framed pistols are better for shooting than brass, but I find the brass framed pistols to be prettier.
  15. I think this is a very worthwhile endeavor. While textbooks are great for learning, this is another marvelous tool to help educate children and adults alike of those times and eras. I am sure that the newspapers are just a skewed as our today, but they will have quotes and day to day accounts of what happened. By making them available in digital media, you are opening the door to millions, where as if you had only one copy of a surviving paper, you would be limited to who and how it could be used.
  16. We had an immature one living behind the IR card reader on the front door at work last year. Scared me pretty good. Spiders are the only creepy crawly that give me the heebie jeebies. I have learned to deal with it though, my wife literally shuts down at the sight of bugs. I don't mean jumps on a chair and screams, I mean falls in the floor and in incapable of movement. I grew up in a semi-superstitious home, so I can't kill a spider in the house, and normally I let them be if I find them outside. When my wife finds a spider, or a cricket, or a junebug, or a grasshopper I grab a magazine and I relocate them to the front door. Sadly my daughter is picking this trait up from her mother, so I am doing my best to nip it in the bud right now. Bugs, snakes, lizards, they are all earth's creatures same as me, and if I can help it, I will not end their travels. Not a religious thing, not a hippy thing, just a moral thing. I don't feel right ending a creature's travels if it doesn't directly interfere with mine. Now, if it has the ability to seriously wreck my day, I am not gonna try to relocate it. So if I find a Black Widow under the hood of my car while I am changing the oil, and I can't avoid it, yeah, it is gonna have a swift meeting with my boot. But if I can, I will avoid it.
  17. I was served once. I had no idea I had a bill that was behind. When my daughter was born five years ago, my wife took her to a doctor for her afterbirth wellness check-up. We had medical insurance, but for some reason unbeknownst to me, my wife didn't use our insurance. When the bill came in the mail she didn't say anything and it got thrown to the wayside. Fast forward four years, and I get a phone call from a process server. He tells me the general gist of what it going on. I ask him some simple questions to verify his claim, make a phone call, then call him back. I had him meet me at a neutral place. I then called the collection agency that sent him, and went in and paid my bill before court. A $75 bill turned into a $600 headache. And I won't bore you with the tale of the conversation I had with my wife after that. I have had rough jobs, customer service when I was younger was pretty bad, anyone that has been in that industry understands what I mean. I tend to be pretty easy going. I understand that someone has a job to do, and as such, I don't try to give them hassle when they are doing it. That is from a process server, to a police officer pulling me over for a burnt out tail light. With age and wisdom comes maturity. I agree with a good portion of what Dolomite Supafly said earlier, if you take care of your bills, things like this doesn't happen. I don't know the whole story, and I won't cast stones, as I myself have been in tight places. However, I have to say that for an individual of thirty one years old, according to your profile, you handled, and continue to handle the situation in a very immature manner. Allowing someone to beat on your door for nearly an hour, without asking who or why he was there? I just can not accept that you and your mother were cowering in fear upstairs in a closet whilst a stranger beat on your door for that long screaming. Even if you didn't want your mother to be served, all you had to do was answer the door, discover who and why was there, and explain that you are not your father or mother, and ask the gentleman to leave. That would have been the proper procedure. If lacking the intestinal fortitude to do that, you did the next best thing, calling the police. I am not trying to be judgmental, and I am sorry if I come off cross, but I just see so much fail in this tale that it embarrasses me to read it.
  18. Having a four year old daughter myself, I don't know that I could have.
  19. I was actually rooting for him, until that segment. Even if it was edited, he really came off as a dick. He was my favorite up to that point.
  20. I completely agree with that. That was my first thought when I heard about the Gun Busters sign.This is one situation I agree with the sign.
  21. For a lot of things, I am a function over form guy. I carry a Glock after all. However, there is something to be said for the style and form of a lot of the items of yesteryear. The entire Art Deco movement that came after WW I was great, from the building to the cars. However, I think that the radios and phones that started to become popular in that same time were some of the most beautiful electronic devices ever. After WW II the automobiles that came out were over the top, and then in the 60's everything started to lose style and go utilitarian. The 80' and 90's were the time if the Digital Revolution, and that is when everything went boxy, style was gone, and it was replaced with Modern. Now, while I can complain, it is amazing to the degree we have effectively shrunk the world in the internet age. Some of my closest friends live a thousand miles away, but I see and talk to them every day. The Smart Phone is just the evolution of technology and communication. I can now carry a computer that is capable of nearly anything in the palm of my hand and stay connected to the world. There are apps out there that I can use to control my car if I so desired. While I will also point out the degree to which humanity has become lazy and dependent on these devices, and future generations will be even worse. Being a man that grew up with one television station (that I never watched cause I was chopping wood, collecting eggs or shooting squirrels in the woods) it is amazing how adept and accepting I have become with technology.
  22. If I still used a home phone, it would be a rotary. A classic with style.
  23. Not a bad set of drums. The cat behind them wasn't bad either. I was a percussionist in school, played in the marching band, pep band and concert band. Pretended to be a drummer for several small acts after that. I haven't played in a long time, I miss it.
  24. I am a fair bit of a luddite. Sure, I have a background of Computer and Electronics Engineering. Sure, I am the defacto IT guy at work. Sure, I have built dozens of high power computers. Sure, I have a massive network at home, involving nearly a dozen devices from computers, laptops, netbooks, gaming consoles and hand held gaming consoles. However, I have until today avoided smart phones like the plague. I haven't had a home phone in over twelve years. I have been using a cell phone as my main (and primarily only) mode of voice communications. I have an office line at work, however I keep it forwarded to my work cell/Nextel. If a phone made and received calls, that was good enough for me. Then came texting. Texting it seems is the preferred form of communications now. Major decisions are made completely through texts at my business. At first, I was opposed to the concept and found it a major inconvenience, however, as time has gone on, I have become used to it. Last year I 'upgraded' to a feature phone that had a full keyboard. It looked like a little Blackberry, and I have often called it my 'Wannabe Blackberry.' I have been a very satisfied user of Virgin Mobile's prepaid service for a decade now. I find what they offer to be superior in price and equitable in service to any of the contract carriers around. Since Virgin uses Sprint's network, it has been fine. Recently Virgin upgraded it's phone offerings to include smart phones. I have ignored this trend as my phone did all I needed it to, and if I got really bored, it could connect to the internet and I could torture myself in that manner. Well, I bought an LG Optimus today. Wow. I do not know how I lived without a smart phone as long as I did. This is the most impressive little device I have ever played with. I feel like I did back in the mid nineties when I discovered the internet (yes, I had been using it in limited fashions since the eighties, but in all honesty Windows `95 was the revolution.) I have been playing with it since I turned it on this afternoon. With that said, what are some of the favorite apps of the TGO crowd? So far I have Angry Birds, GPS Essentials, Scanner Radio, a QR/Barcode Reader and a few other 'optimization' apps for clock, weather and system monitoring/control. Tapatalk is next on the list, but I am interested in what else there is out there.
  25. I am glad you are okay. My step father had a similar ND twenty or so years ago, going into the glovebox of his truck, missed my mother's foot by a few inches. She still nags him about it.


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