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Everything posted by wstrnrdr

  1. Am fortunate to have place in country and built small range. Nothing real fancy, 4 stationary targets and 2 on trolleys out to about 55 feet. Shoot at least once a week and practice draws and do dry fire drills several times as farm work permits. Don't really fix on # of rounds as stance , movement, and sight picture. Am working on point and shoot rather than sight use. scores are pretty much the same now. I think it is important to incorporate failure to fire drills frequently. When on the range I load snap cap in every mag. You would be surprised how you react in the beginning. Also important simulate stress, couple 50 yd dashes, push ups, etc. gets pulse and breathing rates up and simulates adrenalin rush experienced in true encounters. Also have fun with a variety of targets. Boring firing rounds down range at the same old target, Now have made a couple dummy's complete with real clothes etc. Be surprised what firing at a realistic target might do to your core the first time. Throw in stopwatch with double or triple taps { 2 to CM and 1 to head } and a little comp to spice up a session. Just have fun and work on quality more so than quantity.
  2. mine gave same symptoms back in early June. There are two capacitors mounted in the control panel. One operates the condenser fan and the other starts the compressor. A capacitor simply stores electricity, giving a boost when the thermostat or switch is activated.. My bet is the run/ start capacitor has failed, fairly common. Good news they are not expensive, under $15. Can be changed if you have basic electric knowledge, care must be taken they can knock you down. Also be careful. have seen 2 instances where friend was told needed compressor, $700 plus repair. He called me and I found capacitor was bad. He discretely marked the compressor and waited till A/C man came back with compressor and supposedly made repair. Friend also set his camera on garage to view the A/C unit. Cleaned old unit and even sprayed a little paint. The box the new unit was supposed to be in had an old unit in it. The tape showed he never opened the box. Friend timed it so he got to the house about an hour and a half after he got there, wife called. He just so happened to have brother in law in tow. Brother in law, deputy sheriff. Repairman had gauges connected and claimed to be just finishing up. Repairman then came to door for payment. Conversation ensued and repairman called Sheriff Dept. It got real interesting when 2 deputies arrived and the 3 all had a conversation and got to see the tape. Not sure exact charges, fraud etc. The repairman did have the capacitor in his possesion and it had been marked as well. Morall of story, a company you check up on. Use one friends, neighbor, family that can vouch for. I imagine this may happen often. Hope your problem is as simple. Rick
  3. I agree, pain103. Went to Tn Legislature sight and read bill. Mandatory for jails to verify status, not LEO. gives no authority for Him/ Her to ask for " Papers". Again Employers are required by Federal Law to complete an I9 form for every person hired. Form requires multiple pieces of ID to verify citizenship or legal status. There is even a means through ICE to call in and verify status. So it is pretty clear that a lot of employers are knowingly forging federal Forms or condoning the use of fake ID's. Crackdown and jail a few with substancial fines. The rest would get the message pretty quick. Cut off their job opportunities, free health care, and education. Take away the perks that lure them and they will go away. These jobs would then be available for the unemployed. How many millions do they guess are here and working. Go back to Unemployment recipients having to actively seek a job, paperwork signed by Employer. Kills 3 birds. Gets rid of illeagals, cuts gubmnt cost for care of illegals, and gets the unemployed back on payrolls. Now you cut the unemployment costs as well. Research what is being spent on healthcare, education etc. on these people. It will blow your socks off. Fixing this would put a very big dent in the DEFICT. A friend told me the other it will never happen, all those in Congress and upper Mgmt etc in our Gubmnt will never give up their cooks, nannys, groundskeepers, drivers, etc. So they support and push amnesty.
  4. Had my house built a few years ago. Guess what. The contractor sent in crews that had 1 person who barely spoke English and the rest none. Happened to be out of town the day the foundation crew started. Back the 3rd day, called contractor as we had a discussion prior to construction. Was not satisfied with his answer as he claimed only way to complete job at reasonable price. Reminded him he had contracted to build for x price and nowhere did it state if he could not use cheap illeagal labor could he raise price. Needless to say the crew returned to lay block foundation. County inspector came by that AM, just happened to be wearing what looked like a match for our County LEO's. Had a brain storm. Shouted immigrtion 3 or 4 times and in less than 2 minutes that crew was long gone. and even left most of their tools. Called county about tools etc. and they laughed and later in the day came by inventoried and picked them up.Contractor called fuming, what happened to his crew, they had left town, and he had several more jobs in progress. Made him understand I would not tolerate illeagle crews on my house and would contact ICE every time one I thought might be illeagle showed up. Reminded him of penalties in contract for for various completion dates. Frame date was getting close. Needless to say 2 days later legal crew was there. Local inspector kept close eye on codes etc on every phase. Never had another problem
  5. Unfortunately, they are bein oushed out of their habitat with all the building these days. Dinners get scarce. several years ago there was even a bounty on em. Live in the country and we have problems with them going after livestock especially when running in packs. Killed 1 early in year that was after a small horse. Most of the time leave em alone, they help control other small animals. But hey if they help keep kitty pop down all the better, never liked cats much.
  6. Welcome Lathe Guy. Parents lived in Glendale a while and Mesa the last 10 years. Mom always said she missed the Trees, the Green, and the Seasons. Not surs about the winters though. The Green and the Tress as well as the Seasons will still be here when you arrive. Rick
  7. Welcome to TGO from another Clarksvillian, actually Monkey Countian. what part of town and where do you put in range time?
  8. Welcome Roger, another Queen City shooter. What part of the area do you habit? Rick
  9. I remember a year or so ago the Mall was posted, any one know if it is now. Have not been there in over a year, too many people, fruits and weirdos. Neighbor told me the other day that it was posted.
  10. Went to grandpas 2 weekends ago, and yes it was posted. On the inner door I believe it was. Didn't go in, will not give my hard earned money to those who who fear those who take their own safety and lives into their own hands.
  11. too many variables, scenarios, circumstances for definitive mindset to step up. Having spent a number of years in UC, mostly narcotics. We generally worked in pairs. Partner/BU was often not in plain sight. If one stepped up and made decision to intervene and sit involved UC LEO, there would be a very real chance that he would be on the recieving end as he would be percieved as another BG attempting to take out the UC. I would only step up if someone known, family, or could definitevly know who was who. Dial 911 and protect your own at all costs
  12. wrong part of town?
  13. I carry the SW9VE, and have fired over 1000 rounds since purchasing it last August. My son has the same model except chrome slide and has went through about 400 rounds in the same time. He also uses a Ruger SR9. We have never experienced a failure of any kind or any problems what so ever. I carry mine daily including farming, horseback riding and training. Proper cleaning etc and it has always been good to go. Stiffer trigger a necessity really with the first round fired double action, susequent rounds single action. Defintely keepers in our minds.


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