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Everything posted by RedSuinit

  1. Daniel, I never disagreed with you about the racist nature of gts' comments, I just don't understand why (when he was asked to explain himself) you banned him for doing so. If he had just volunteered to further post in the thread, I would completely and wholeheartedly back you up on this. I'm not trying to argue with you, I just don't get it, and don't think I personally would have done the same thing since he was asked. Anyways, it's time to drop the gts subject and move on.
  2. Taken into account. You can do whatever you want, without question. Understood.
  3. No, he was saying that if you were going to threaten to ban him, then put your money where your mouth was, and do it. He wasn't saying "ban me" he was saying either go it, or stop threatening to do it. BTW great attitude for a moderator to have. Maturity is supposed to be a character trait of a good mod, way to show you aren't.
  4. Wow, two bans on people just for speaking their minds. That has to be some of the most closed minded nonsense I have every seen on a forum. Daniel, you say that you announced that you were going to nip in the bud any more racist comments by gts, but he was asked to explain his viewpoint so that his posts that seemed so racist would not be misconstrued, and since text lacks tone, that makes it very easy to misconstrue. So he explained himself thoroughly, and did so quite well. Also, if it is so offensive as you have stated, then delete it. Banning him accomplished nothing in the way of "nipping the bud of gts' racist comments" because they're still there.
  5. Geez. It's too bad that an overindulgence in idiocy isn't a crime. The world would be free of organizations like PETA who just don't understand the way the world REALLY works, and politicians would be non-existent, wouldn't that be wonderful?
  6. This is spam.
  7. Ouch, what a douche.
  8. I am studying to be a mechanical engineer, and have taken classes on the behaviors of materials when they reach failure, and whilst I am not a metallurgist, I can tell you that the liner fracture you see is definitely possible. As soon as failure occurs, all that energy transferred into the barrel follows the path of least resistance. This path of least resistance is naturally going to run down the barrel due to the man-made weakness that is created by the rifling, which of course, runs down the length of the barrel.
  9. Thanks, I did some searching on the boards, and actually figured it out yesterday and placed an order. I can't wait! Also, I put 200 rounds through this sucker today while I was at the range, I had 1 stovepipe on me, but that was within the first 20 rounds, so I cleaned and oiled the gun, the next 180 were perfect, this is one reliable firearm! Especially when it's been cleaned and oiled properly.
  10. Ok, so you're out near arlington, nice area, a little farther out from memphis than my wife's family.
  11. Risk it. The penalty for her getting caught with a weapon is not worth her possibly getting kidnapped, raped, or worst of all, murdered. Especially when she has kids with her. IMHO I would say to risk it, and hope that if a cop finds out that he will be understanding, and even if he is not, at least there is a cop with her now until you get back, and then you can deal with the punishment later.
  12. Nice holster. I assume it's a conceal? If it is, what kind is it, and how much do you like it?
  13. I also like Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee.
  14. Where outside of Memphis do you live? My wife's family live in the Bartlett area.
  15. The strangest experience I have ever had with an LEO was when I was 16. I would like to note that when I was 16 I looked like I was 11-12, was 5' 4" and only weighed 120 lb. I was driving to a church function one afternoon on some back roads, going about 5 over and it was raining. Well an LEO driving the other direction turns on his lights, and began to turn around immediately after driving past my car. I pulled over, and waited for him to turn around and get behind me. He gets out of his car, walks up to the window as I am rolling it down and says "Do your parents know you took the keys son?" "Yes sir, they do." "Really? Your parents let you take the car without a license?" "Sir, I have a license." "Let me see it, and the registration." "Yes sir." I was fuming, I realized that I looked young but C'MON! While he looks at my license and the registration he decides to ask me a few more questions. "Where are you going?" "Church." "Do you have any drugs in the car?" "No." "Any dope, crack, methanphetamines?" "No sir. I don't do drugs." "Ever smoked weed?" "No sir." "Really?" He seemed shocked that the answer was no, and now I was really getting pissed. "Ever had any Alcohol?" "No." "Really? That's interesting." I am sure it was. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" "No, not really." "You have a headlight out, you need to get it fixed. Here is your license and registration, have a nice day." The he walked back to his car. Strangest LEO stop I have ever had.
  16. HAHAHA! We plan on getting a second gun in the very near future, so if she ends up loving this one, I'll get myself a .40 in the same model, or get myself an XD in either a .40 or a 9mm.
  17. My wife has shot quite a few things, from rifles, to shotguns, to a .44 magnum. I must admit, she handled the magnum quite well for her first time shooting a handgun. I must admit, I am lucky that my wife isn't shy about firearms.
  18. There is one easy way to ensure you're legally covered, kill. Then it becomes your word agains no ones. If someone breaks into my home while I am there, he means to hurt me and my family, and he IS going down. I won't hesitate to pull the trigger and put one between his eyes.
  19. Due to the layout of the house, I have no choice BUT to clear it. It's all one floor, but the sons room is on the other side of it, but it's a small house so it's easy to clear.
  20. I meant from .40 to 9. I currently own a 9 but I like it so much I am looking at investing in a .40, but would like to be able to change it over to a 9 for the cheaper ammo, so that my wife an I could both have one, and we could both be on the range at the same time. Because the .40 ammo is more expensive than 9mm ammo.
  21. Is it as simple as the glocks? Where all you need is the appropriate size barrel with the right length, and then the proper mags?
  22. I really like it so far, I pumped out a few clips while I was at the store and REALLY like it. I got it for a great price too.
  23. Man, dudes lucky a BG didn't break into his car and take that puppy.
  24. I got a chance to fire it at the range in the shop where I bought it. It's a fantastic gun. Very accurate, light, low recoil, cheap ammo, and it's small enough to carry concealed.


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