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Everything posted by jgrauman

  1. After a week of no return calls from carters i went in to shoot today and asked what was up. for none members they charge $30 to shoot ($20 for a partial membership and $10 per visit) they said they would give us $15 for the day (that would go to the partial membership so it would only cost you $10 a visit if you ever wanted to shoot there again). of course with this they said we would have to buy our ammo there. i usually shoot their blazer alm at $11 a 50 box for the .40. the 9 is like $9. those that showed interest or are interested please let me know ASAP. im a little dissapointed that they never got back to me, but like i've said before, the range is convienent.
  2. i'm truely glad to see that you and your family weren't the cover story of the national news. after reading this i immediately called my buddy who is driving to richmond va from ktown this weekend. his wife is on the ropes about him getting his permit so i wanted him to share your story with her. I will share your story with everyone who is not armed and should be. Glad you and yours are safe.
  3. hamilton county restricts us to no shooting within 500 feet from a dwelling. my land is perfect for this as i have a small opening in the trees with a rather large hill as a backstop, of course the **tch that lives two lots over hates me and has called the cops before. they told me not to worry, i wasn't doing anything illegal. she's from chicago and thinks it's horrendous that we are allowed to do that.
  4. TKD is good for balance and muscle discipline, but honestly not very effective in a real world situation. i would also recommend BJJ for ground tactics. it's useful no matter the size of the attacker. i took TKD through green belt and it was great excersize and amazing to watch the guys and gals who had taken it for many years, they were awesome, but the skills i learned in the 6 months of classes (and a lot of money spent) i just couldn't see myself being comfortable enough using in a mugging type situation. again, the black belts in the class were unbelievable, they had so much control and were so fast, but that takes years of discipline and practice to achieve. you're more than likely not going to be squarring up with a would be attacker, more than likely if you can't use your gun, you're going to be going to the ground:2cents:
  5. Because it's an indoor range they have specific loads that they use.. i know it sucks, but that's the deal with the full autos
  6. alrighty, looks like the 28th due to a CCW class on the 21st. He's going to come up with some prices and contact the full auto guys to see if they will come for the day. you can also bring your full autos but must buy ammo from there. i'm going to try to cut a deal on per person price and a discount on ammo if we all buy our ammo there. I was thinking about 12-4pm range time, then back to my house for a cookout and some hangout time. for those driving a long way you're welcome to stay friday and saturday, friday night there is a lookouts game at 7:15 and that's always a good time for $5. I figured that having the shoot at 12 would give those who didn't want to stay a chance to drive up for the day. carter is supposed to call me back tomorrow and i'll haggle with him, any other opinions or ideas are welcomed, let me know
  7. Alright, looks like we'll have enough interest for this to happen so i will go talk to carter today and see what i can set up. I'm going to to see about the weekends of the 21st or the 28th depending on the full auto days and what he's got going on.
  8. I like it, it's convienent for me. The discount on ammo and targets make the prices comparable to wally world so i don't have to worry about going to two places. if you want to go shoot there, let me know and i'll take you in as a guest, i also have discount passes if you are thinking about signing up for a membership.
  9. § 39-17-1359 the sign must be very specifically stated in order for their policy to mean anything to you. "no firearms" and a slash through a gun means absolutely nothing to you as a leagally armed citizen. just because it's their policy does not mean it's the law. there is a post around here somewhere about our AG's interpretation of the signage law. i can't find it but i'm sure somebody knows where it is edit: FOUND IT! read it, know it!! http://www.attorneygeneral.state.tn.us/op/2007/OP/OP43.pdf
  10. Here's what i'm thinking, if anyone is interested. I'm a member at carters shooting supply on 58, he's got a six lane indoor range up to 23 yards. it's a decent range, could use a little better ventilation, but all and all it's nice. my house is approx 1/4 mile from the range, i've got 3 spare bedrooms, 2 couches, two and a half bathrooms and room for plenty of blowup mattresses. Pending on response to this thread i would love to schedule a shoot in July for here in chattanooga. again, pending interest i would set up something with carter for everyone to shoot for the day or days at a discount, he's got full autos for rent, once a month i believe, and i would love to set up a private shoot where this would be possible (single guests usually shoot free with me, if i have multiple, usually $5 if you buy ammo there, prices aren't bad). let me know what you guys think. this range is extremely laid back and relies on responsible members to take care of safe shooting. July is basically the only month i have available until september due to all these freaking people getting married this summer. anyway, let me know what you guys think.
  11. yup, post limit must be met
  12. http://www.xdtalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=575020&postcount=320 this is a link to a guy's setup on xdtalk with TFO's i've got the TFO's on my service which i don't carry, on my subby i bought some flourecent paint at a crafts store for $2 and painted the front green and the back orange, works great. i love my TFO's have green front yellow rear and they have made it through over a thousand rounds on my ported service. but i wouldn't put them on my carry gun. some people have and haven't had any problems, but they are very long on the front side and under a stressful situation or a hard drop it could easily break. some kydex holster that have a short site channel can be a problem for them, but most have site channels that go the length of the holster so it's not a problem. i view my carry gun as a rugged tool. she's not pretty, i've stippled her and scratched her and i'm okay with it, cause she's dependable and comfortable. i would try painting your sites first before you spend the money on night sites. oh and boom if i could ever make it to a shoot, or you are down in chatt, you're more than welcome to shoot mine!
  13. the fact of the matter, be it God or any other part of our nations history, is that we are editing history, adding or subtracting. WHY? why is this happening? and why is everyone so in tune with the changes? Hillary's plan sounds rediculous, but the sheep are falling in line. Soon not too many generations away will not have a clue about many of the things that have happened in our country and the world because of what is happening now. We'll be a bunch of old timers sitting around on porch swings tell "crazy" stories of the past to our grandchildren.
  14. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070529/clinton_economy.html?.v=1 Sounds a little red to me...
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070526/ap_on_fe_st/odd_monster_pig_8;_ylt=AoFl2yIEkTEqjU2VR7dRON0E1vAI
  16. not sure what you mean here. I suppose the catholic church could be considered a theocracy because of the city state of the vatican, maybe England by definition, maybe Iran, but it's late and off the top of my head i can't come to think of any government where a religious body RULES... or of many where there is a national religion forced upon it's people causing "the majority of the problems in the world." maybe you meant the U.S. was beginning to look like a theocracy, and by introducing the words "in God we trust" in that our government was mirroring a theocracy... again it's late. maybe you were referring to Islam, but really it's practiced throughout the world and it's beliefs not so muched "forced" upon those that practice it by any ruling body. Or maybe you're really not sure of what theocracy means. i suppose if you did you wouldn't have used it as a scapegoat for "the majority of the problems in the world." though it does have some excellent rhetorical value
  17. nice research, thought i did enough before i posted, my bad for spreading ignorance!
  18. If you are interested in how God is being deleted from our nation this is a good read I just came across. edited to add another link there are many more articles here as well. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52978
  19. jgrauman

    7.62 ideas!

    which mossy? i've been looking for a HD shotty
  20. Great idea from VA http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070518/ap_on_re_us/gun_giveaway_7;_ylt=AhcEBa6Wn9cfCM4XUXGLA_YE1vAI
  21. was going to order one 8 weeks ago! wish i would have now. i love my crossbreed but really want one of these, how do you like it?
  22. i'm only an active member of two, xdtalk and TGO, and both of them do it. On xdtalk i've seen nintendos, bikes and even a truck. i'm just not sure why this is such a problem
  23. i personally like having a place where i can quickly buy/sell things from people i "know" it's better than ebay! i understand that it is a gun forum, but it's also a small community. there are plenty of large forums that also trade in other items. i would understand wanting to add another forum for trading "non gun related" items. but if i have a great item to get rid of i would rather it go to one of you guys than some random i don't know
  24. First 59 rounds with the new stippling. 9 to the head with 180gr HS JHP 3yrds, 50 to the body with 180gr blazer alm 10yrds. I love the grip, felt great to shoot, still need to work on the left to right of my front sight, but the loctite is working well to hold it in place, just need to find the middle


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