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Everything posted by jgrauman

  1. what time was it? edit: if it was after 11(?) i'm pretty sure that as with most cities there is a noise ordinance that will allow your neighbors to call the cops on you and give you a ticket. we used to get them in VA when we had parties in our college app. but not sure if they can arrest you over it, i suppose that it would be something like, "you're breaking the noise ordinance, step out here so we can write you a ticket... ha, you're DIP, you're under arrest!"
  2. reading the rest of the thread it seems to be pretty pro-gun, just makes it hard to get one... two .... three....
  3. i bartend nights to make ends meet during hard times and always laugh when somebody hands me their HCP as an ID. I don't think im being paranoid, but i sure as hell wouldn't be handing someone i didn't know a piece of identification that had my home address and the fact that i own and might carry a gun posted on it, oh and the fact that i'm not at home right now would be pretty obvious since im at the bar/resturaunt. most of the people that have shown them to me are guys and they get this "see how cool i am" look on their face. just a little advice if you've ever shown your HCP as a form of ID, especially at a resturaunt, there are shady people everywhere, don't take away your advantage because you think it makes you look cool. for that matter, if you think it makes you look cool, YOU SHOULDN'T BE CARRYING! there are a very few people that know i carry. close friends i shoot with, girls ive dated, and my buddy i work out with. i have open carried before. usually when i'm just running to get a pizza or to the grocery store and don't want to change, so i guess i've let those people know too. but when i'm concealed, i'm concealed.
  4. i shoot at carters on 58. you are more than welcome to come shoot with me to give the xd's a shot, i have a service and sub in .40
  5. teaching him how to "mow down" people. yeah, great influence.
  6. so do you ever get used to the pain? or does the loss just make it so your ears don't even ring anymore?
  7. looks good greg! did you find the kydex locally or did you order it? i can't find any around here.
  8. 1,000 rounds took care of that!
  9. thanks for all the compliments guys. i am really proud of this pistol. trying to make it into everything i want
  10. always wanted one, have only held 2 in my life and couldn't afford them when i found them
  11. went into sportsmans warehouse yesterday just to fondal some toys and came across a mossy 500 with an adjustable stock w/shell holder, pistol grip, and hand strap. wasn't too excited about the pistol grip, but all the options together in a package with the 500 platform for $365 seemed like a decent price. just found this pic, i guess it's the 500 tactical, had never seen this package before. http://personalsecurityzone.com/cgi-win/order/prodlist.exe/PSZ/?Template=ProdDetail.htm&ProductID=25730
  12. http://www.smalldog.com/ i buy everything apple, and i buy it from them. they have the best prices and are apple authorized. they have new deals everyday on everything. check out their refurb stuff.
  13. window shopping yes, i wouldn't give my money to crowders if it was the last place on earth to buy a gun. i'm an ETSU alum and would love to join in on this demonstration, wish we would have put this together while i was there
  14. Pretty sure the department carries insurance for such damage. i doubt it is taken care of with much hast, but i'm sure it's taken care of.
  15. goofed and put this in the articles forum. i'm a member over there and came across this the other day. thought you guys would be interested to see some LEO's opinions of legal carry by citizens http://forums.officer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73431&highlight=CCW
  16. I'm a member of this forum and thought i'd post this thread for everyone to read. it's rather nice to hear. http://forums.officer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73431&highlight=CCW
  17. hey now, i'm from california, not everybody there is stupid
  18. eezox looks like some good stuff. i've heard that it stinks to high heaven. does that last or does it go away after application?
  19. a guy on xdtalk has been pushing boeshield http://boeshield.com/index.htm which is now being carried by sears, i might look into these two things if i begin to have problems
  20. just a buffing wheel with some SS rouge same thing i use for the barrel and the rest of the metal parts... oil the polishing actually helps to close the "pores" of the metal so the potential to rust really isn't that high, the barrel has been polished for over a year and no problems with it.
  21. it actually will say if your post was deleted. there will be a little edit that says "post deleted" wherever your post should have been. there used to be a guy on here that got all in a huff like you have done so quickly, he also told us how awesome he was... what was his name... oh yeah yeager, look him up, you guys would love eachother
  22. correct, it says it does not apply to a police officer "In the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer" or in other words, on duty. i believe in TN they have to carry concealed while off duty
  23. there's your answer
  24. after 4 hours here's what i've got. i will still do some touch up work after i get a few different dremel parts. anyway, here's some pics, this was a black on black from '05.


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