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Everything posted by jgrauman

  1. jgrauman


    i'm going to have some great pics for tomorrow! my fiance just showed me pics of what looks to be a boa in a tree outside her apartment in Hixson! it was at eye level, looks to be about 6ft long. had to be an escaped pet, i'm going to try and find it tomorrow, but she's going to email me the pics
  2. don't know about the pm9. i polished the slide on my xd .40 though. buffing wheel, some ss rouge and some time and you'll have a pretty lookin gun. a high grit sand paper, 400 to 1000 will be a faster start, then start with the wheel. i hight polished my barrel, but kept the slide looking more gunmetal. don't let anyone tell you "it's going to rust like crazy" since i did mine, i've had NO issues at all with rust (over a year), i carry IWB everyday
  3. jgrauman


    very true. i love snakes! id rather have a snake in my walls than a disease carrying rat!
  4. jgrauman


  5. jgrauman


    Milk snakes usually have a "V" or "Y" on their head
  6. jgrauman


    just to put everyone at ease that is a CORN snake. not poisonous, very friendly when not molting. had one in 3rd grade.
  7. glad you got it fixed, sucks the power company didn't check the lugs at the meter. i guess people just don't go above and beyond anymore, i would feel awful saying "good on our side, sorry man, later."
  8. just to be on the safe side, you might want to have your power board come out and check their transformer at the pole and the lines to the house. if a phase goes out or a main trips its usually cause something happened! i used to work for an electrical service company that did nothing but rebuild services for residential homes. i went on calls all day long from customers saying "but i called the power-board and they told me to call you" 50% of the time it was a bad transformer or a tree limb fell on a line and they lost a phase. the power company would rather me go out and make sure first at the homeowners expense rather than send their guy out to check. my fiance had this happen twice, lost her heat one night and called the landlord (unit was 35 years old) he sends a hvac guy out at 730 on a friday night 10 degrees out, says the entire unit needs to be replaced, nothing he can do. she called me, i asked if the eye on her stove would get hot or not (stove is 220 good way to check if a phase is out, the light and clock will work, but the eyes won't) it wouldn't, phase was out. hvac guy didn't even check the voltage at the unit! i had her call the power company, fuse was blown on one phase. he replaced it, didn't check the lines. two weeks later, same thing happens. come back out, tree limb had fallen on the line, rubbed through and on windy days would short the line! make sure you have them check it out, so many lazy people today that don't do their jobs right the first time! (the landlord at my fiancé's apartment was grateful i saved him the $4500 the guy wanted to replace the units)
  9. tally sue
  10. thinking about getting one of these, anybody have any experience with this or other belly bands. http://www.tommysgunpack.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=6
  11. not sure where you are, but here's a great write up for the procedures you will go through. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showpost.php?p=35030&postcount=1
  12. jgrauman

    XD40sc vs. XD9sc

    love my .40s, wish they had the capacity of the 9. 9+1 doesn't bother me too bad though.
  13. +1 for Jeremy Camp, few of my favorites; let it fade, i'll take you back, i still believe Jeremy Camp Links
  14. sounds like you have a short somewhere... more than likely a wire is nicked and shorting out, could have blown the bulbs, could just keep blowing the fuse... after a while of shorting it could have come apart
  15. if it's just a snap you can buy one and do it yourself. or call a seamstress and ask if they can replace it. to replace it yourself you'll just need a button gun and they aren't expensive at all. hobby lobby or micheals would probably have them.
  16. +1 i'm guessing you carry that subby? you're going to pull it and shoot it if you ever need it, so go to the range and practice, practice, practice! i'm guessing that the laser on the sub would be more accurate than the pistol anyway. i'm not accurate with mine past 20yrds. fun little gun to shoot though!
  17. 16+1?? it's about time! i wonder if these mags will work in past .40 models. id love to have a 16 rounder with extension for my subby
  18. springfield only produced a set number of kits, so you'll have to shop around to find a vendor that still has some. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2979&highlight=mag+kits you can look through these vendors to see if any of them have one left
  19. my bad fellas, been working a lot. Sweeny's BBQ is about 200 yards from carters. pretty good stuffed potato's IMO. BBQ is not bad, would be a great place to meet before the shoot.
  20. if i have pants on, i am carrying. if i have pants off, i'm in bed or shower and gun is next to me on the counter or TV. i've been carrying for two years now and it's just become part of getting dressed. My IWB holster is great, i have slept with it on plenty of times. i just don't see the need to take holster off, put holster on, remove gun, insert gun every time i come in and out of the house... on and off once a day works for me.
  21. at carters you HAVE to use their ammo if you aren't a member. pay by visit is $10 and you have to use their ammo. Members DO NOT have to pay by visit and DO NOT have to use their ammo, plus you get a 10% discount on ammo and targets. $5 per guest, but they don't ever charge me for guests. Carter's is about 500yrds down the street from my house so i always just buy the ammo there, with the discount it usually ends up being the same as walmart, until lately that is. I'm not even sure what walmart prices are, but i don't want to drive all the way to walmart and back to carters to shoot.
  22. I've never had to pay for a guest at carters. i talked to them about doing a shoot for TGO last november, $5 a person if we buy ammo there, it's usually $10. I know i went last month and they were asking $15.50 a box for .40. not sure what brand it was, ran flawless though, but that price seemed pretty hight to me, i've never paid over $12 before. they stopped carrying blazer too. they also have "full auto" day, i think it's once a month.
  23. so you get your wife and kids to safety and then run back in to "save the day?" you have extremely large illusions of grandeur if that is what you would do. running back in and getting killed leaving your wife and kids without a husband and father seems pretty stupid to me. as already stated, i would take the shot if i had it and am confident that i would hit what i was aiming at. Come off your tower and have a discussion with the rest of us. Sorry to disappoint, but no one here cares how large your balls are so put them away.
  24. i was curious as to how quickly the threat was determined in the OP's paintball run through. everyone was carrying and you had to quickly determine the threat and then act accordingly. if someone started shooting and everyone had a paintball gun i would say in that situation it was difficult to determine who actually was doing the shooting, slowing your response time. i live in chattanooga and at any one time there are 1000's of people in the hamilton place mall. if there was a shooting 1000's of people would be running scared, i can't imagine trying to determine who was who, acquire a target and fire back all while i'm being shoved around by those running for the exits. i would love to help in that situation, but could YOU live with yourself if you shot somebody's teenager who happened to run in front of you while trying to take out the gunman? it's a tough call, either you return home safely to your loved ones (run), possibly shoot an innocent bystander, get killed, or be in such a position as to actually stop the threat. the latter being the least likely.


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