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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. I'd spend it on a cheap O/U (Savage 555, Mossberg Silver Reserve, etc.) shotgun and go break some clays. 100 packs of 12ga shells are always in stock at Wally World.
  2. Great thread. I just joined GOA, TFA, FPC, and re-upped my TGO membership. $120 well spent....All that representation for the same as a box of 9mm from CTD. I'm already a Life Member of the NRA.
  3. Like my teachers always said . . . read the whole paragraph . . . doh!
  4. @et45 Got a link to this info? I don't see it on their Blue Label page. Just Active Duty, National Guard, Reserves, and Retired. https://us.glock.com/en/BUY/Blue-Label-Program
  5. Now you've changed the equation. A legitimate animal trap located in an area frequented by predators to prevent loss of livestock is very different than black-painted 2x4s with nails hidden beside a car to prevent thievery. However, a LIVE trap is way better than one that's going to harm or kill the animal. Then you get to dispatch the animal, not having the trap do it indiscriminantly. You do NOT want a protected species getting caught in your leg trap. I'm reminded of the King of the Hill episode with the whooping crane. https://www.tn.gov/twra/law-enforcement/wildlife-damage-control.html
  6. Just goes to show how looks can be deceiving. Thanks for the inside-baseball info.
  7. I'm sure AT&T's disaster planning teams have expressed the same concerns. Shoot, if me as a random college student had that thought about it being a potential target 20+ years ago, surely professional disaster planners thought of it too. But I'm equally sure that someone else decided it was way too expensive to relocate that much equipment and wiring. Until something like this happens, the bean counters are right. It would cost multiple millions of dollars and years of work to relocate that much gear to a less-easily reached facility. then again, selling off that parcel of real-estate in Nashville these days may pay for it and then some. That said, from the photos I've seen, Big Red looks like it fared pretty well from the outside. Way better than the old historic buildings across the street. My work didn't lose connections until after Noon. The fact that service stayed more or less online for ~6 hours says a lot about how much thought went into the strength of the building and the redundancy of the systems inside. Still piecing bits of info together, but it sounds like they were pretty much A-OK until the NFD cut gas lines off, starving some of the on-site generators and the building had to run on reduced power. Not bad, considering. But, yeah...this thing needs to be out in a big open field looking like the main building in Stranger Things, but with security that can't be defeated by middle school kids.
  8. Back in the late '90s I got to take a tour of the AT&T "Batman" building (then Bell South). The guy giving the tour said the big red bldg on 2nd Ave was one of 3 switching "hubs". This one, one in Atlanta, and one in (I think ) Raleigh or Charlotte. Losing 1 is a big outage. Losing 2 means virtually no telecom in the southeast. I suspect that in the 20+ years since then some other carriers have built independent networks so losing them may not be quite so catastrophic today, but I've long thought those 3 buildings would be prime targets for terrorism.
  9. Johnny Rotten beat me to it . . . I thought the EXACT same thing.
  10. That Wendy's video looks like something Dave Chappelle would come up with, but would somehow incorporate cocaine or crack use.
  11. I wonder how old Kentucky Conan and his girl are these days . . .
  12. According to the letter posted in the OP, that's only 1/2 the story. Existing AR/AK pattern pistols could be classified as AOWs, requiring a $200 stamp.
  13. Plenty of homes with crawl spaces have garden tubs. Those things will close in on 1,000# when full of water. Shoot, min'es on the second floor. When placed by an exterior wall (ie the end of the floor joists) the weight isn't a problem. If you're not comfortable with the weight in the house, keep it on the first floor and add some supports under the safe in the crawl space. A couple of jack posts on pre-formed concrete footers beneath the joists should alleviate any doubts about your floor's strength to hold the weight.
  14. My office is right around the corner. . . . and I'll probably never have to go in to the office again. If I do have to go in for a meeting or something, I'll be sure to take a long lunch.
  15. Not necessarily. If your military training certification included at least 4 hours and is less than 5 years old, you can skip both the classroom and firing range portions. If you can prove the training/certification but can't prove the dates or it has been longer than 5 years, you can still skip the firing range portion but you have to do the classroom. Your DD-214 should suffice, but contact the TN DOS to be sure. It's defined in TCA 39-17-1359 para. e. Here's a link to it: https://tinyurl.com/y5f3kdh7 That said, the classroom portion does cover some useful information about state carry laws. Just because you may be exempt from sitting through a class on them doesn't mean you're exempt from following them. You may get some useful information on lawful use of force and lawful use of lethal force. Of course that's mixed in with more basic stuff like the difference between a revolver and a semi, alcohol + guns = not smart, and how not to shoot yourself on the range.
  16. Also note the crossed Dixie and checkered flags, bottom center as found on the deck below the rear glass of the early General Lees, and the spare tire in the left side. It would have been funny to have changed the quad cannon out for four pump shotguns in Mossy Oak.
  17. That's the baby poop green, for sure.
  18. Yeah I know. It was just a joke about how every 4 years we hear the same "OMG!!!! That dirtbag in the Oval Office won't leave when MY guy (or girl) gets elected!!!! Buy guns and ammo! THE REVOLUTION IS COMING!". Prices spike and supply plummets. That's always followed by either the incumbent winning or an orderly transition of power then over the next two years supply returns to normal and prices fall back again. Then it's time to ramp up the rhetoric again.
  19. I said buying and selling stock in the gun/ammo companies.
  20. Just like in 2016 . . . and 2012 . . . and 2008 . . . and 2004 . . . I'm beginning to think that a good cyclical approach is to buy stock in gun/ammo companies at the midterms, and sell it on the Presidential years.
  21. ^^ I wish I could Like that post twice. It's also why most officers now carry less-than-lethal* weapons such as pepper spray, tasers, and batons. If they can't justify using lethal force, that's what those other tools on the Batbelt are for. *Yeah, I know in certain cases those can be lethal too, but you get the point.
  22. Had plenty last year. I put the feeder up about a month ago, and had nothing for several weeks. I took and down, cleaned it, and put it away with plans to put it out again in mid June. Today Mrs. 'lizard saw a blue one in my vegetable garden so I refilled the feeder and put it out. Hopefully they'll find it and start hitting it. Maybe they're just a little later than usual moving back North.
  23. I had the same problem on my AR pistol build, The buffer tube extended too far in and the upper caught on it. No castle nut on this build so, what to do? I couldn't figure it out until finally I pulled a buffer tube off a rifle and found that the threaded portion of both were exactly the same length. Hmmm....maybe it's not the buffer tube. Maybe it's the end plate. BINGO! The end plate for my pistol build was significantly thinner than the one on my rifle. I replaced the end plate with a better one and everything mated up perfectly.


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