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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. +1 to that. 4-Rivers is really good. I've hit the one in Gainesville (which has the added bonus of having an attached 4-Rivers bakery for fresh baked cakes/pies/cookies/whatever), Tallahassee, and Winter Garden. I've never been disappointed.
  2. Agreed. Avoidance is the best defense. I was replying to m16ty who said There's no duty to retreat at all.
  3. I think you're conflating two different legal items. There is no civil recourse against a shooter whose actions were adjudicated to be justified. This is NOT the same as the police not making an arrest or a DA choosing to not press charges. AIUI, in those cases, a shooter would still have to go before a judge to have the criminal case reviewed and judged to be self-defense to get the civil immunity. Likewise if the shooter is charged and tried and wins, they would have civil immunity. This is true regardless of where the self-defense shooting occurred and stand separate from Castle Doctrine. Castle Doctrine is a separate item which aids the shooter in being adjudicated as justified self-defense. As mentioned above, it means the prosecution has to prove the shooter was NOT in reasonable fear of his/her life/serious bodily injury or the same for another person if the self-defense shooting occurred in the shooters home, vehicle, dwelling, or place of business. Away from those places the shooter has to prove they were in fact in fear of imminent death/serious bodily injury
  4. In that case I'd have been on the horn to the home office raising holy hell over it.
  5. 11 years ago my mother in law was home when two thieves kicked down her door, took her to a bedroom, put her on her knees and held a gun against her head. They kept asking where the safe was and she kept saying they didn't have one (which was true). She begged and pleaded for her life and eventually they took cash from her purse and left. It's unsolved to this day.
  6. I like the original Bronco 2, but the new Bronco Sport is
  7. Didn't I see you walking in the neighborhood in a pair of these? The ducks at the 1:04 mark would be good for hunting season.
  8. I'm still rocking my '06 Mazda Tribute (aka Ford Escape gen 1 with better brakes and suspension) with over 200K miles on it. The Ford Duratec V6 keeps on chugging along.
  9. Yeah, that's basically it. The new Bronco = Bronco and the new Bronco Sport = Bronco II....but fuglier. Like Erik88, I also thought the Sport looked a lot like a gen 2 Escape, especially from the side. The rocker panel trim looks almost identical to it.
  10. @Steaks this is the best advice you're going to get all week. The law is pretty clear on when deadly force may be lawfully used and it requires "a reasonable belief that there is an imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury"*. This is true in your home or anywhere else you might lawfully be. In your home you're presumed to have that reasonable belief, but the facts can refute that. A classic extreme example to illustrate the facts refuting the presumed belief is of a homeowner who holds an intruder at gunpoint, has them on their knees, ties them up, and shoots them in the back of the head. The homeowner is not in reasonable belief that there is imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury at the moment the trigger is pulled and the facts will prove that. This is not justifiable self-defense. This is murder. There are plenty more examples like Chip's naked napper, or a homeowner luring someone in so they can kill them, etc. The short version is that away from home, you have to prove you had reasonable fear. At home, the prosecution has to prove you didn't.** This is the burden of proof Chip mentioned. Read the law for yourself here -Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-11-611 specifically paragraphs b, c, d, and e. Para. c lays out the presumption of belief. *"Serious bodily injury" is defined in Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-11-106 Look at (a)(36). **Note that it's not strictly limited to your home. In TN it applies to a residence, business, dwelling or vehicle.
  11. I saw a new Bronco Sport tonight. It would look OK next to a Jeep Renegade, but in the cold light of day it's really just sadness and regret. Here's hoping the regular Bronco isn't such a disappointment.
  12. Requested to speak to a supervisor. They would have cleared that up quickly.
  13. You got it all except that the ammo doesn't have to be in the original box. You can use any ammo box. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/transporting-firearms-and-ammunition Small arms ammunition (up to .75 caliber and shotgun shells of any gauge) must be packaged in a fiber (such as cardboard), wood, plastic, or metal box specifically designed to carry ammunition and declared to your airline. Ammunition may be transported in the same hard-sided, locked case as a firearm if it has been packed as described above. You cannot use firearm magazines or clips for packing ammunition unless they completely enclose the ammunition. Firearm magazines and ammunition clips, whether loaded or empty, must be boxed or included within a hard-sided, locked case. Spirit's specific rules can be found here on Pages 27 & 28 https://content.spirit.com/Shared/en-us/Documents/Contract_of_Carriage.pdf
  14. Ken's not bad. He needs to slow down, both his general speaking pace when reading the answers and the speed at which he responds to the contestants' questions. I'm curious to see how Aaron Rodgers does . . .
  15. Soon to be heard in gun shop parking lots . . . "PSSSSTTTT! I got some of that good $4/rd Winchester White Box 9mm."
  16. People are absolutely losing their ever loving minds. $2/rd for 9mm is just plain desperation. .50 BMG is only a little more than that. Of course demand for .50 isn't exactly high, but OMGWTFBBQ! Right about now everyone with a stash of 9mm is holding it close in a dark room whispering "my precioussssss!"
  17. For the hard case, how sturdy are you talking about? A cheap Plano from Academy will keep a long gun protected for going to/from the range in the trunk of a car/back of a truck. I wouldn't want to use one as checked baggage on an airline for a hunting trip. You also can't store one on the bottom of a pile of crap without deforming the plastic. For stronger I'd opt for something like that Harbor Freight one if I needed to ship one or store it with stacks of other stuff on top of it. Of course if we're talking about a multi-thousand dollar hand crafted O/U shotgun, Pelican all the way.
  18. I have a Bianchi Model 82 leather OWB for my G19/G26. It has their "Carry Lock" retention. There's a catch that holds the trigger guard and a lever /switch right below it to release it. I like it well enough, though I usually carry a single stack (Kahr PM9, G43, or Shield) IWB in a Remora holster.
  19. Not much, but it does add up when enough people support the same organization. I've been supporting the Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald with Amazon Smile for YEARS and my total contribution amounts to a whopping $37.10.... But with all the people supporting the sanctuary, they've received a total of $74K. When you login to Smile.Amazon.com, you'll see who you're supporting as the first entry in the menu bar. Click that for details about contributions.
  20. It seems like a lot of our idiots come from Delaware now.


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