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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. You're missing out on some stupid fun, especially the M44 fire-breathing dragon.
  2. Back to the OP, no. $0.50/gal. increase wouldn't qualify as price gouging any any way. If the station had the only gas in town and was suddenly selling for $5/gal or more then maybe the state would take action. The higher it gets, the more likely the state will step in. It takes that big of a jump for it to be considered gouging.
  3. Not exactly. It was planned as a civilian/commerce project. Congress slapped "Defense" onto the funding act in the 1950s, presumably because a) everyone supported spending on "Defense" and b) the ancillary benefit to moving .MIL equipment and evacuating cities. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/interstate/interstatemyths.cfm#question3
  4. At least she's following safety rules by placing it on the ground. I would LOVE to see a video of her trying to lift that full of gasoline into her trunk!
  5. She did double bag it at the end, so it's all good.
  6. This is why Mrs. 'lizard and I didn't get a dog during the lockdowns. We knew it would be the perfect time to do it with me home all the time and her home for the first part of it, but we also knew the lockdowns would end before the dog did. I'm still at home, but we're starting to get back to normal and normal for us is not conducive to having a dog. As a side funny, I saw this making the rounds on the socials a while back: Dog shelters: Don’t buy puppies, consider adoption instead Also dog shelters: This is pissfingers. She’s 19 years old and can’t live in a home with children, books or electricity. Pissfingers is nervous around hair. She needs 400 acres of land and an orchard of extinct fruits.
  7. Leave the tools outside and lock up the lumber!
  8. In the cases I've seen shared publiclly here so far, the scams seem kind of obvious, but it's not always that way. We all think "how can a person be stupid enough to fall for a scam" but when you see how sophisticated some of these scams are, you start to see how it works.
  9. That's why you buy three and do a mix-n-match.
  10. He seems to have a great attitude about it. He's even selling "Just Put A Thumb In It" shirts.
  11. I know what's going to be in several stockings at Christmas this year . . .
  12. I didn't see this posted elsewhere. You Tuber Kentucky Ballistics was seriously injured when his Serbu .50 exploded with a .50 SLAP round.
  13. Shell Rotella oil is reportedly good at breaking down sludge. If I had a neglected engine with sludge, I'd try running that through a couple of times at 1K mile intervals and see if I got any improvement.
  14. They use cardboard end caps on the filter media instead of metal, use substandard materials for the seal and anti-drain back valve which hardens, have too few and too small holes for good oil flow, and have cheap tin and plastic spring plates instead of a steel coiled spring. The filter media itself is also more porous allowing particles to stay in the oil and keep cycling through your engine, and there's less of it. All of this mattered less on older cars with lower pressures and more forgiveness (ranging from higher tolerances to actual materials like iron vs aluminum). The Fram Ultra is better, but it's not as good as the better ones. I'd use one if I had to, but would leave an old good quality filter on before I'd ever use a basic Fram. He cuts into a Fram at the 10:00 mark. Look at the cheap construction. Jump to 19:45 to see the amount of filter media in the Fram vs Wix.
  15. I get the joke, but back in ye olden days we all ran 10w-30 dino oil and changed it every 3K miles and the spark plugs every other oil change. Speed Limits were 55mph or less. If the car made it to 75K miles, we were lucky and bragged about a car that lasted more than 100K. Now we have engines producing gobs more HP and torque per cubic inch, go 10K plus between oil changes, and we feel cheated if our car we run at 80mph+ for hours at a time and punish in stop-n-go traffic doesn't go 200K without significant mechanical repairs. We don't start bragging until we get one to 300K. All of that adds up to synth oil and fancy filters. A small price to pay, IMO to NOT go back to the bad old days of needing a repair kit with spare belts and hoses in the trunk. I have used Bosch, Purolator Pure One, and Mobil1 and have no problem using any of those on a daily driver and going for a 10K OCI. I'm pretty sure Mobil1 is what's currently on 2 of mine. They're all way better than Fram basic and plenty for most needs. They're not as good as the top tier Napa Gold/Wix and Purolator Boss, but it's hard to say if the top-tier ones provide any actual benefits over the "plenty good" tier. For a performance car/truck or something that sees harder driving, they're probably still fine since the OCI should be less, but since Napa Gold and Wix cost about the same as filters in that "plenty good" tier, I've switched over to those if I'm buying a filter individually. I'll use the "plenty good" tier if I'm buying oil too and the parts store has a bundle deal with the oil I want. I don't skimp on my cars' maintenance (oil, coolant, transmission fluid, etc.) or safety items (brakes, tires, wipers, brake fluid). It pays for itself in peace of mind (quality safety items) and longevity (quality fluids). But I'm always open to new information. Seeing videos of cut open filters helped me understand what's good and bad about the brands. Watching videos of oil performance makes me question my exclusive use of Mobil 1 and Castrol Edge. Amazon Basics, Walmart's Super-Tech, and Costco's Kirkland Signature (all 3 appear to be the exact same thing) all look nearly as good as the higher priced ones I like. Even those budget-focused brands should be plenty good enough for today's engines for normal driving. I probably wouldn't use it in a track car. For now, I'm sticking with Mobil1 and Castrol, but that may change.
  16. Stick with Wix and Napa Gold filters. In their absence, good (but not as great as those two) options are Mobil1, Bosch, and Purolator PureOne. The Purolator Boss is (I think) a newer premium product from them that appears to be on par or at least close enough to Wix/Napa Gold. I grabbed one for one of my latest OCs as part of a bundle deal at Advance a few weeks back. It looks like the higher end Frams are made of good components, but their base stuff is such utter garbage that I simply don't trust the brand at all.
  17. Yep. Wix and Napa Gold are the same. Both are top-notch. Something to note for you DIYers with newer cars still under warranty, make sure the oil you like meets the manufacturer standards. My '18 JLU Wrangler has some goofy Chrysler standard that's not printed on Mobil1 or Castrol GTX bottles, but is on Pennzoil Platinum (not regular Pennzoil). I also use Mopar filters. Once you're past the warranty period, use whatever oil and filter you want, but don't give them any excuses to deny a claim during the warranty period.
  18. Another DIYer here. Basically, if conventional and synthetic are available in the weight you need, either will work just fine. Neither will harm your engine. The difference is mostly in longevity. Dino oil needs to be changed every 3-5K and you can push it to 7500K in some cases especially if you are real easy on the engine and you're not running it in the hotter weather. Synthetic is good for ~7500-10K on the low end. In some engines, the manufacturer recommended intervals is as long as 16K or more between changes. My older engines call for 3K intervals but I do them with synthetic at 7500-10K or 12 months whichever comes first. The internals are still clean, no sludge in the valve trains and shiny smooth cylinder walls all around. As pointed out above, many current engines require 0w-x oil and that's only synthetic. Not all filters are the same, either. Fram sucks. Napa Gold and Wix are identical and some of the best you can get. Mobil1 and Purolator Boss are also pretty good. There are plenty of YT videos where folks have cut some open and it's crazy how much the quality varies from one brand to the next.
  19. That's by design so you can bayonet the other side from the safety of your own trench.
  20. I hope we're starting to see the end of the madness. I'm seeing more and more in-stock ammo, but still at elevated prices (like .70+/rd FMJ 9mm). Here's hoping the supply is catching up and we'll see some declining prices over the next few months.
  21. In "The Neverending Story" those Sphinxes shoot lasers out of their eyes and vaporize anyone trying to pass them who isn't worthy.
  22. I have an MHP anodized aluminum head with a patio base mounted to my deck with a hard line to the house's natural gas supply. No tanks to change. I replaced the H-burner and ignition after about 12 years of use, but the head is as solid as ever. https://www.mhpgrills.com/
  23. I have no need for an axe . . . . but dang it! now I want one of these!
  24. We flooded in 2010. Another 2 feet today probably would have put it in my garage and crawl space. Today was less than relaxing.


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