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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. IANAL, but I don't think money has to change hands. The liability is the same. If they were mine, I'd be willing to give them to a fellow reloader who would sign a letter saying he/she would not fire the reloads and would instead disassemble them and use the components. Simple and should be risk free on your part. It really doesn't have to be any more complicated than a single sentence or two, a signature, and a date. Or better yet, I'd pull the bullets, dump the powder, and hand over the components.
  2. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/person-who-reloads-ammunition-required-be-licensed-manufacturer Is a person who reloads ammunition required to be licensed as a manufacturer? Yes, if the person engages in the business of selling or distributing reloads for the purpose of livelihood and profit. No, if the person reloads only for personal use. [18 U.S.C. 922(a) and 923(a); 27 CFR 478.41] Further info from ATF documents: https://www.atf.gov/file/82791/download Of course the argument could be made that selling a few is a far cry from selling "for the purpose of livelihood" even if the profit requirement is met and the definition says livelihood AND profit, but it's a risk I wouldn't take. Besides the possible (though highly unlikely) criminal ramifications, there's the risk of a civil suit if something is wrong with the ammo.
  3. My dad has an RG-10. It's a piece of crap. It's not terrible to shoot, but it throws lead particles or something off to either side so we can't shoot it at a range when anyone is in a neighboring lane. It's worthless, but we keep it as the family joke. I'm sure I'll "inherit" it some day . . . lucky me.
  4. Steak & Ale came to mind, but like ya'll we don't think they had mall locations, but yeah, similar decor. It definitely wasn't a Friday's or RT. It's a defunct restaurant for sure. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it wasn't a chain but was instead several local/regional outfits who happened to all be knocking off the same dark ages theme from Steak & Ale. It was certainly a popular thing in the 70s (the rise of fantasy movies like Conan, Renaissance fairs, D&D, etc.)
  5. Calling all fellow old timers. Back in the 1980s (and maybe 70s) there was a restaurant found in shopping malls (maybe they had freestanding too, but I don't think so). They weren't part of the fast-food food courts. They were regular sit-down restaurants. The decor was some red/orange brick. I don't recall if it was brick-patterned wallpaper or if it was just a brick-layout tile floor. The most prominent thing I remember is that they were kind of dark inside and had wrought iron light fixtures with the fake flame flickering electric light bulbs, supposed to look like gas lamps. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THOSE RESTAURANTS?!?!?!?! It's driving me crazy that I can't think of it and my Google-fu is failing me. I'm pretty sure it was a chain because I remember seeing them in Oklahoma, and possible Arizona in the 80s and my wife describes the exact same thing being in the Nashville malls around the same time. Both of us want to say the name had "Olde" or "Ye Olde" in the name, but maybe we're projecting some other memory onto these places. I was thinking "Tavern", "Pub", or "Inn" may have been in the name, but I'm not certain.
  6. I bet there's one or two hiding in the smoker too.
  7. I half-expected some of that text to be blinking and to have a MIDI track playing.
  8. Yep . . . and I'm pretty sure my 2019 Wrangler with sub-15K miles is proving the rule.
  9. I finally got around to reading World War Z while on vacation last week. Besides zombies and Israel having a wall, the movie had zero in common with it.
  10. That's not shadow underneath. It's oil.
  11. TOTALLY unrelated . . . but does anyone want to buy 23 guns? NIB, never fired. Cash only. Must meet in dark parking garage. . .
  12. I wonder if a local corner slinger can get his suppliers to send up some of this stuff with the next mule train. . . To any ATF agents reading along, that's a joke, son.
  13. It looks like something a Hollywood prop guy would come up with for a dystopian sci-fi movie set.
  14. Thanks. I did some reading this morning and it looks like some odorless Mineral Spirits is the best first step on the wood. I don't want it to look "like new" so I won't be stripping it or ironing it to remove the dings. I like them. I just want to get the grease and whatever the splotchy stuff is off there....I'm pretty sure it's mold. Good thing I have some masks sitting around to use while cleaning. Once I get it cleaned up, I'll post some pics of all the markings I can find.
  15. Just got home from vacation and found my M1 waiting for me/ Here are some fresh out o the box pics, pre-cleaning. This is a Postal Meter Very Good - Fine grade: The splotches on the wood appear to just be on the surface. It's either a dried substance or perhaps some mildew/mold. It scratches off easily with a fingernail (which was promptly washed). Any suggestions on cleaning the wood? With my old Mosins I just scrubbed the wood with Simple Green and rinsed them off with clean (ish) water....they were $80 Mosins. I suspect I may need to be a bit more diligent about this one. I was thinking Murphy's oil soap would do the trick. What say you? The metal looks to be in great shape. No significant wear that I saw off hand. No rust. The wood has no cracks, but has the usual dents, dings,, etc. The barrel is marked Underwood 3-43. I'll get some better pics, including the bore after cleaning. P.S. I can confirm the email from Midway posted above is legit. I received the same one.
  16. I like to imagine there are shipping containers and/or Russian warehouses full of old milsurps and ammo just waiting to be imported. Like some Lord of War or War Dogs scene. I know it’s probably not true, but I still like to pretend places like that still exist.
  17. I landed a National Postal Meter Vg-Fine rockolas went super fast. I had another brand Fine in my cart and it was OOS before I could complete the sale. Their Site was strained to the max. I’ll post pics when it arrives on my C&R doorstep. I’m hoping this is a case of you can never pay too much, just buy too early. Not that it matters. I don’t plan to ever sell it. It will likely go in my will to family.
  18. I said "above". I meant to say in the other Midway M1 Carbine thread:
  19. Based on the photos, all signs point to yes, but know you're paying current market prices. Don't plan on a flip for profit any time soon. Also as was pointed out above, these do not include magazines so plan on adding that to your purchase list in the future, along with harder-than-usual-to-find .30 Carbine ammo.
  20. Exactly what I was thinking.
  21. I'm not up to speed on the M1 market, but based on what I'm seeing on GB these days, the prices aren't awful. Sure, they're no $150 steals some of ya'll like to brag about from 20+ years ago, but realistically in today's market, how do these Midway prices look?


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