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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. This tangent reminds me of an old South Park episode when Chef gets seduced by a succubus. Mr. Garrison gives the boys some advice on women.....classic! Fair warning: NSFW.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQqqHuV-6g8
  2. My dad has a Rohm RG-10. It has become a bit of a family joke at this point and sadly one of the only guns I'd never sell when it becomes mine.
  3. I'll see your Raven and raise you a Rohm.
  4. It's a tie between an H&R 940 .22 revolver that fires about 1/2 the time the trigger's pulled and a Mini Draco. I can't hit the broad side of a barn with that one but it's loud and stupid fun. My Mosin 1891/30 and M44 are both pretty useless too, but at least I can hit a target with them.
  5. Me either, but you and I are not the seller's target market. Grayfox54 nailed it.
  6. I want a .45 1911. I think I've settled on a Colt Gold Cup National Match as the best balance between classic looks and moving up the line from a RIA/Tisas. I like that it's blued instead of parkerized (the Royal Blue model is gorgeous but the rollmarks turn me off). I've handled the current production ones (model# O5870A1) and like it. I've found a LNIB older model online (the 1970-1983 production) for just a few dollars more. The big drawback is I'm relying on photos and can't see it in person. The rollmark on the older one is shallower and looks cleaner to me. It also has the kidney-cut trigger instead of the 3-holes (I don't know if that matters to me or not....I'm not swayed strongly either way). Other than the rollmark and the trigger shape, is there anything significantly different between the 1970-1983 GCNMs and the current run? Both are Series 70.
  7. Yeah, same here. The math just barely works out to break even IF everything goes to plan. Solar's definitely not a money saving move in our part of the country yet. I've been considering it more for the grid-independence than any real cost savings.
  8. I thought about the tri-fuel adaption kit for my Honda EU6500is. Not so much for the LP as for the NG. I could hook up to my house gas line and have unlimited fuel during a power outage. Not gonna help much if we have a true EOTWAWKI, but running a genset would be the least of my worries then. Truthfully, I'm beginning to think that the best way to generate electricity in an outage is to not have an outage. I've been considering solar panels with a power wall (big battery for the house). Way more expensive than a genset, though. The breakeven on it for my needs is about 20 years . . . and the panels are good for about 20 years. . . . . I want to see if the Tesla roof will finally be released. It's an interesting way to go. I'll need a new roof in about 10-15 years. Hopefully it will be available by then.
  9. Comaprable offerings from Generac, Yamaha, or even WEN will get similar performance and noise w/o the Honda price tag. Whether or not they'll last as long as a Honda, I couldn't say.
  10. No self-respecting Vanderbilt fan would ever be seen at a football game.
  11. I didn't say it's not ridiculous that the IA investigation is still "ongoing". Just that we can't yet say that no punishment is coming their way or what settlement may be coming to the victim.
  12. Just that their prices are way up too. They used to be in the bargain bin with the aforementioned M1 Carbines, SKSes, and AKs. Everything in the Milsurp world has risen considerably in the past 10 years.
  13. Add in some NVGs and I think you've got something.
  14. Don't forget about Mosins . . .
  15. More accurately, "not yet" and "not yet". The PD internal affairs investigation is ongoing. Until that's complete, we won't know what, if any, action will be taken against the officers. I suspect the victim and his attorney are waiting until that investigation is complete before filing their civil suit.
  16. Fort Campbell does more than just an annual cull by a select group. They allow hunting in certain areas. This is from 2020. https://www.army.mil/article/240823/hunting_regulates_fort_campbells_deer_population_protects_environment
  17. I wish I could be shocked that the AG still prosecuted this case after he saw that video, but I'm not.
  18. I have a friend who has camped at Seven Points on Percy Priest lake and liked it. They close at the end of October for the season. https://www.recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/232702
  19. Of course that's not the correct answer! The correct answer would have been "Stretch out the interview and keep them them talking until DHS arrives".
  20. Doh....going from my faulty memory earlier. We only get one new sticker each year, but you're right that the tag has two. The current tag has the MONTH that should never change (unless you have a big lapse then renew). The YEAR sticker gets updated each year. I suspect the new one will be a color-coded MONTH sticker and no more YEAR sticker, or a MONTH sticker in one of the lower corners and we'll change the YEAR sticker in the upper right every year . I guess we'll see.
  21. There haven't been 2 stickers for a few years now. It's just one with the month in large font and the year in small. Each year the color changes so the police/plate scanners know what year that month belongs in.
  22. Good news, everyone! Kenneth Copeland spit . . .er, blew the wind of God on COVID-19 and destroyed it forever. This gets great around the 1:35 mark.
  23. Seriously. What's more masculine than your bag being decorated with expanded HP boolits?


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