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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. Maybe. I seem to recall reading an AG opinion on the matter that you may have that backwards. The building doesn't cease to be a church and become a school, rather it is a school all the time, including when it's used solely as a church. I may be mis-rembering that though. I'm pretty sure that the school no-no only applies if it's a school certified by the state for elementary or higher. If it's a pre-school, it's all good. As for carrying in church, I always do. I used to do some ride-alongs with some USAF Security Police officers when I was in Civil Air Patrol. They sponsored our cadet unit. Anyway, I remember riding with a K-9 unit and him telling me that the domestic disputes are their worst calls, because they never know what they're going to walk in to. Is it a simple screaming match, or is someone in a murderous rage? I figure that in my life, I'm most likely to get caught up in someone else's domestic dispute at work or at church. A marriage goes bad and one party blames the church that either "stole my wife/husband" or "failed to save my marriage." It happened at the church my wife grew up in. A guy decided that if he couldn't have his wife, then no one would. Killed her, then himself. Nothing could have stopped that, but if he had decided to shoot the place up before offing himself, then maybe there's time to react and try to stop it.
  2. BrasilNuts plus bkelm18 has it right. After that limited list of "always no-go places", any property that is properly posted is also off limits. Churches, restaurants with alcohol, etc. still have to post if they want to. Properly posted means a gunbuster or text with specific language that you'll see in the law linked below. Some parking lots are posted. That makes them off-limits too. It doesn't have to be the building entrance itself You may see some old signage in some restaurants stating it's a felony to carry a firearm where alcohol is served. Those are old signs. Ignore them. The same goes for "no firearms" signs at the entrance to some state parks. The parks say they don't have the money to replace all their signs, so they were allowed to stay. They will be updated once they need to be replaced. The current TN laws can be found here. Drill down to 39-17-1359 for the posting information. http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/tncode/
  3. It's probably more accurate to say it was the first bad decision their frineds knew about. Fine, upstanding, intelligent, good people don't just up and decide to knock off a convenience store and beat the clerk with guns as their first foray into bad decision making.
  4. I have used H&K for some things. I really like them. It's owned/operated by a family from Korea. Everyone I've dealt with there is honest, hard working, and takes pride in their work. 361-8455 I also hear good things about Tim Leeper roofing.
  5. ....stupid TN gun laws....Yeah, you're right. I forgot about the law that fixes this law, but only some of the time.
  6. This. Technically, you'd have to stop off the property, unload and separate, then drive onto the property. After church, you'd have to drive off property, reload, then good to go. This law that by some accounts was meant to allow parents with HCPs to drive on property to pickup/dropoff their kids so long as they didn't handle the firearm on property, creates one of the most accident-prone series of events one can image. All for the want of those little words "with intent to go armed."
  7. I agree with OS. I had forgotten about those other exceptions. An HCP is the best route to go if at all possible. It clears up a lot of these little details, even if you never carry in public. With an HCP, you're good to go with pretty much any configuration of ammo/mags/firearms as long as no round is in the chamber of a long gun while being transported.
  8. Sorry, but the mags have to be unloaded. TCA 39-17-1301 has the definitions. Specifically, para. 18 states: (18) "Unloaded" means the rifle, shotgun or handgun does not have ammunition in the chamber, cylinder, clip or magazine, and no clip or magazine is in the immediate vicinity of the weapon.
  9. monkeylizard


    I'm not sure "interesting" is the right word.
  10. That sounds like it should be a prison slogan.
  11. Then you'd better put a perental lock on http://www.youtube.com and don't give yourself the password.
  12. 3:25 mark..... Translation: "Your honor, I think I just incriminated myself...." "Oops....I did it again at 5:50" The spin comes in at 10:25 for those interested.....this is so bad. I want my 12 minutes back.
  13. I'm guessing that the people who had a house built with a drawbridge and moving concrete slabs thought enough to put a well head inside and a genny in the basement. It may also have solar cells on that large flat roof. Firing ports would have been a good idea, or at least a crenelated roof edge.
  14. Off the OP topic, but since we're on it, schools are off-limits for off-duty LEOs too, unless the principal (or next available adminitsrtaor) is informed upon arrival. 39-17-1350(c )(1)
  15. I see at least 2 entrances though the page says there's just the one at the drawbridge. That first floor glass area has at least one sliding door and it's directly behind the weakest link....the rolling garage door. Not that those are all that easy to break into, but the nice thick concrete is better. Even if you don't count that because it's covered when in lock-down mode, there also appears to be a door in the back (last photo) in the center. That said, it's still awesome, even with the one year time warp http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/35236-zombie-proof-home/
  16. Here's your tactical map. Nachos can be substituted for anything that might be available in your Wally's fast food/snack bar area. If it doesn't have any, add in a pack of jerky or something equally manly http://media.photobu...llyWorldMap.gif
  17. This. Add in the local (Nashville) recent news reports about officers in Dickson county and in Monterey and they start to overshadow the postive encounters I've had with LEOs. What might I say or do quite innocently in the presence of an officer that would land me a trip to jail or worse? Is the cop at the table next to me at Subway one of the majority good guys, or one of these that end up in the news? Dickson http://www.wsmv.com/...o-shows-beating Monterey http://www.newschann...for-profit-case
  18. Not acting weird in a Wal-Mart is a sure way to bring attention to yourself. Walk around in hot pink tights and a Superman cape and everyone will ignore you.
  19. They are not posted. Can a mod change the title to have a question mark? Just scrolling through the threads made me think they had just posted.
  20. Nevermind.... Question answered by their website.
  21. nRange in Hendersonville is good too. About the same length as GnL Hendersonville, but fewer people. For a group, that would be my choice. He may be able to reserve the whole range by calling them. http://www.nrangeonline.com/
  22. I spent the weekend at Frozen Head State Park with fellow TGOers D3vo and Poolboy, plus another non TGO buddy. What a great park. The primitive campsites are great. We arrived Friday at about lunch time and had our pick of campsites. After lunch, we hiked the Panther Gap trail and split off to Emory Gap Falls. Saturday was North Old Mac up to Tub Spring and then on up to the summit of Frozen Head. We made it back via South Old Mac and cooked up some dinner in the campfire. Red potatoes and carrots with butter, rosemary, and thyme to go with our NY strips. The Glock should make up for the girlie paper plates. We had an eerie owl start hooting the first night, then a racoon decided he wanted some dinner and rummaged our trash cans on Saturday night. Good times. <<pic removed>>
  23. On Fire model on sale at Woot: Sellout. $24.99 + $5 S&H. http://sellout.woot.com/sale/25900 Not the deal of the century, but it looks like a decent price if someone's looking for something like this.
  24. We haven't had an official TGO gathering at CHMR since October.


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