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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. That's where the Loch Ness Monster shops! <<thumbs up if you get the reference>>
  2. ^^ This ^^ I bought a Hex receiver 1934 Tula 91/30 and an M44 in 2013 just before the prices started going nuts. In the $100-150 range and a couple of spam cans of milsurp ammo when that was cheap too, they're fun plinkers, but for the $400+ range we see now, no way. As a WW2/historic collectible, that's different, but as a shooter, the current price doesn't match the experience.
  4. 300 yards. That's the farthest available at any range I've been to.
  5. Yes. '48 or '49 Hudson Commodore is what I think it is.
  6. Belshire Hardware used to be $30 incl. TICS. I don't know if it still is, but their hours were never convenient for me so I never used them. Goodlettsville Gun Shop is $35 incl. TICS. I use them if I know I'll be up in that area. If not, I use Royal Range because they're close to me. They're $45 incl. TICS. These days, that $10 difference is about what I'd pay in gas to get to Goodlettsville and back anyway.
  7. That's just unsafe. Where's her helmet?
  8. But it's a revolver. How could he put a 3" shell in the regular 2.5" Judge and close the cylinder?
  9. I believe he was going by "Aldo Raine" at that time.
  10. I guess I missed that recent change. I knew they made the old HCP into an Enhanced HCP and added a lesser "regular" HCP. I see now that we do have permitless carry, but there are more restrictions on where you can carry w/o a permit.
  11. The short version is that we don't have Constitutional Carry yet. You need a permit. Details here:https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/permittypes.html You do not need a permit to carry in your vehicle. It's considered essentially the same as your home or business.
  12. I'll do you one better and I'll double your money for it!
  13. I'm a little behind on my reading but I just finished an article from a couple of months ago in MotorTrend where they took a couple of Rivian R1Ts coast to coast on the Trans America Trail. If they can take them all the way across the country off-road and still find enough charging spots, I think an EV will suffice for most other trips. Sure it will take a little more planning of charging stops than driving 'til the fuel light comes on and stopping at the next exit, but within a few more years even that extra planning will be a thing of the past. It kind of already is with apps like Tesla's trip planner. Very cool truck. Not so cool price tag, but that will change too.
  14. That "genius" is a monster! He put pineapple on one of those pizzas!
  15. For a more recent data point, I bought one of the M1 Carbines from Midway in June 2021. Price was $1854.55 out the door after tax for a Vg-fine condition National Postage Meter. I have a C&R so that saved the transfer/TICS. That seemed high at the time, but I knew a year later it would look at least reasonable, if not downright cheap. I think I was right. Note: Midway did NOT include a magazine. I picked up a couple of USGI milsurp mags in the wax paper from Brownells (That was another $85) along with a couple of ProMags from Midway for another $34. Pics of mine can be seen here: https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/119828-m-1-carbines/?do=findComment&comment=1621217
  16. The street sign says "Italia".
  17. Guns & Leather Hendersonville is good, too, but the Greenbrier store seems to have more inventory. I like Goodlettsville Gunshop too, but not if you're into higher-end merchandise. He occasionally gets some nice stuff like a Colt National Match, but that's not his bread and butter. We also have the Glock Store but I haven't been yet.


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