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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. Winter hiking/camping can have some big advantages. You usually have the place to yourself, no leaves = open views, and unique ice features in waterfall areas. That said, I'm too soft to do that crap anymore.
  2. Maybe they muzzle loaded it with some stuff from the 1800's they found while renovating the West Wing.
  3. Right. The storage sack is different than the compression stuff sack that you'd use while actually backpacking with it. I ruined a perfectly good Kelty bag by not knowing this. Now it's just a warm weather bag. I'll have to go buy a new one if I ever try the cold stuff again. In other words...the Kelty is just fine. :)
  4. Here's the FAQ from F-Troop.   http://www.atf.gov/firearms/faq/unlicensed-persons.html#gca-unlicensed-transfer   You're interested in the 2nd bullet from where I linked.     ETA: You beat me to it...  
  5. When  you start looking at outdoor gear for pushing any envelope, you have to usually pick 2 of the following 3: Weight/Size Cost Performance The gold nugget linked above is low cost and good performance, but it's 9 lbs and bulky.   Marmot's top-end cold weather bag has great performance and is just 5 lbs, but it's expensive at $699 MSRP. http://marmot.com/products/cwm_membrain?p=429   You experienced what it means to pick #2 over #3  :)     FYI - Don't store your sleeping bag in its stuff-sack. A compressed bag's fill will lose its loft and become less fluffy. That means less effective at keeping you warm and less padding between you and the ground. http://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/caring-sleeping-bag.html
  6. As was said above, bag ratings mean that's the point at which it will help you survive, not feel like you stayed at a Holiday Inn. If it was 22 when you arrived, the temps probably dropped more as the night went on. I'd say that bag did what it was supposed to do. It kept you alive in temps just above its rating. I've always heard a 30 degree rule is a good one to follow for comfort in cold weather. Subtract 30 degrees from the temps of where you'll be sleeping, and that's the rating you want. In your case, you were probably in the teens, so you'd have wanted something in the (-10)~(-20) range. If it had dropped down closer to zero on your second night, that would explain the shivering. You really pushed the limits on the bag but it did it's job. You'd have wanted a (-30) or so bag to be warm without some form of supplemental heating.   The water bottle tip above works, but it's heavier than the "Hot Hands" shake-em up warmers. Toss them in your bag and stay toasty. The downside is that they are not reusable like the water bottle. They're good for a weekend of camping, not so good for SHTF prepping.   I'll second the ground pad/air matress. It's almost a necessity in cold weather and a real comfort in all weather. There are some good ones that pack up small and are light weight. REI in Brentwood has lots of them that you can try out in their store if you don't already have one.
  7. http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/bearhunt.asp Real pics, slightly exaggerated story. 10'6". A very large bear but not a world record.
  8. Bear spray FTW http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/species/mammals/grizzly/bear%20spray.pdf
  9. You can keep some tactical scissors at your desk.
  10. I don't see any porn on your list.....   :dirty:       Seriously though, don't forget a good case. Griffin makes one called the Survivor. It;s similar to the Otterbox Defender, but Griffin is a Nashville-based company.   http://www.griffintechnology.com/survivor/original   I hear good stuff about the Lifeproof cases, but they're pricey.
  11. Me too. My status on the web has changed to Lifetime. Just waiting on the card now.
  12. Take some of the "shake-em-up" hand warmers. You can throw them down in your bag to keep warm and they take up very little space/weight.   I'll second the fire sticks. They'll burn long enough to get the real wood burning. A few charcoal briquets might work too.
  13. I'm betting they frame those and mount them in a main hallway at the NRA HQ.  :up:
  14. The last word I heard, the kid was alive and unharmed. The cops had been able to send some of his medications down for him. He was watching TV. I don't see how this can end well for him though. The nut was just looking for a hostage situation for some reason. Well, he has one now.     The history on this guy sounds like some of the neighbors we've had reported on here before.
  15. OK....be honest.....how many of us thought "The guy has a bunker? That's COOL!"
  16. This has been going on since yesterday afternoon. I'm surprised I'm not seeing more coverage on the national news.
  17. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/01/29/camden-county-man-arrested-for-allegedly-shooting-and-killing-another-man-with-bow-and-arrow/  
  18. BLASPHEMER!!!!!     AMC makes The Walking Dead. Clearly you are mistaken....   :)
  19. It's a cold war era setting for sure. I have it set on the DVR, but I'll let it grab a few episodes before I start watching to see if it's going to make it or not. A review/critic I heard made it sound like it has a bit of a pro-Soviet bent to it. We'll see.
  20. I keep my Wii games and remotes in a Mosin ammo crate. Keeps 'em tidy.
  21. And launch it while standing very very still and under a tree so Argus can't see you.
  22.   I doubt it. There have been some amazing advancements in massive data storage technology. It's too expensive for people, or even most companies to afford, but the gov't doesn't play by those rules. I suspect there is some 3D optical storage stuff in use somewhere. We're talking about petabytes (a thousand terabytes) being stored on something the size of a CD, or smaller. IBM had something in their labs back in the 1980s that could store the library of congress on layers of Mylar (or silicon, I can't recall) the size of a sugar cube and barely be touching the capacity of the thing. Not so impressive today with 128GB of storage in our phones, but this was back when 512KB was considered a lot.   With nanotechnology, who knows what they're working with now. I expect us to soon be referring to terabytes the way we now refer to megabytes. Petabytes or exabytes will be the new "Big" storage number, to then be followed by zettabytes and yottabytes.   Make no mistake...they wouldn't have picked up a new camera with no place to store their vacation photos.
  23. I expect that would depend on the local PD doing the buyback.   Metro Nashville shreds theirs, but the really special ones can find a new life as training items at the police academy. Especially ones with a unique action. They'll use them to train new officers how to safely handle/unload them in case they come across them in the field. Lots of officers are not gun people, and even if they are, they can't know everything.
  24. I have a Thompson Center ICON in .308. Those are in your price range and have 5R barrels.


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