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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. All you have to change is the head unit. No speaker change required. Just be sure to get one with a built-in AM/FM radio. I would expect they all would, but these days I wouldn't bet on it.
  2. I think everyone agrees with that. The real issue is getting caught for some reason when you DIDN'T have to use it. Then you're still getting fired.
  3. It's basically the same as sleeping with the owner's wife. Not illegal, but you're getting fired if you get caught.
  4. We'll never unsee it if ya'll don't quit quoting it!
  5. Or a drop of peppermint oil. They HATE peppermint.
  6. Ugggggh . . . Kind of reminds me of Kentucky Conan! I'm pretty sure David will give someone 2 weeks of shore leave to "think about your actions" if that ever gets posted again.
  7. I'd say it's a fair bet it's pretty much the same thing. And we see how that turned out. Like it or not, we will move to non-gasoline engines. The only real unknown is how quickly. China is investing heavily in EV infrastructure and their HUGE upwardly mobile middle class is driving the entire world market. China has already passed the US to become the world's largest car market. EVs are still fairly new and are more expensive up front than similar ICE cars and a battery replacement is more expensive than a comparable engine replacement in an ICE car. But a $15K battery pack today cost what, $25K 10 years ago? What happens when a battery pack lasts about as long on average as an ICE and costs about the same as a new engine replacement? And charge times are down to under 10 minutes or rapid battery pack swaps are available? That day is coming. I know we're not there yet. I don't have an EV and wouldn't yet have one as my only vehicle. The cost structure and the infrastructure isn't ready yet and I'm not in the "early adopter" segment but I'm glad that some people are. They're helping make the EVs better and drive down the costs for the rest of us who will have to switch sooner or later. I don't plan to buy another car for around 5 more years, and I'll definitely be looking at EV.
  8. Why? How does it benefit you for someone else to be stranded? On the EV forums they could post a similar photo of an ICE car stranded out of gas and say "I hope this happens a lot more". Sure it's more convenient to quickly refuel an empty ICE with a gas can than to tow it, but the same basic principal can happen to either type of energy. You gotta watch your fuel/battery gauge. One advantage an EV has that few people with ICE cars have is that you can almost always start your day with a full charge. Plug in at home each night and you always start on Full. Someone brought up a mass evacuation like a hurricane. That's definitely a challenge, but it's also a challenge for ICE cars. Lots of people never make it all the way because they run out of gas and the one gas station for 20 miles ran out hours ago. Last winter there was a big snowstorm somewhere that stranded a bunch of people for a day or two. Gas cars were running out of fuel overnight, mostly because few were on full tanks when the day began. But there was at least one guy in a Tesla who stayed warm all night and was able to drive home after the road reopened because he started the day on a full charge. Another byproduct of the ICE cars in that situation was breathing in toxic fumes. When a car is moving, you don't get that effect, but packed together on a closed roadway and everyone idling, lots of those toxic fumes pool around the car and cars are not airtight.
  9. I don't know Indiana law, but in TN if a shooting is judged (by an actual judge) to be self-defense, no civil suits can be brought against the shooter.
  10. And he landed 8 of 10 shots under duress. Pretty dang good at 129 feet with a crazy adrenaline rush.
  11. I don't like carrying my passport unless I have to. It's one more thing to keep up with and try not to lose and it doesn't sit neatly in my wallet like my DL does. that's the only reason I'll be doing the RealID. Side note: Mrs. 'lizard and I have TSA Pre-Check and it's usually great. When it's time for renewal, we'll be switching to Global Entry. It's only a few dollars more than Pre-Check and includes all of Pre-Check's benefits plus it fast tracks us through CBP's customs check points on international arrivals.
  12. I'd be even MORE afraid to Google THAT!
  13. But those lose the trunk (or most of it) to get the frunk. EVs have both. I was mostly referring to future design possibilities that the buying public isn't ready for yet. There are some pretty wild ways to design a transportation device when the motors are in the wheels and the energy storage (aka "battery) can be incorporated into the structure of the car. There are some very cool lab-only inventions in the works now with carbon lattices storing electrons. Think of parts like the frame of the seats, the steering column, the door panels, the headliner panels, etc doing double duty as batteries. You can't do that with gasoline. Tech like that is lab-only now, and will be terribly expensive in its first applications outside the lab, but some day we'll see some amazingly cool takes on how to design a car using these coming technologies.
  14. That was the old premise and yes, it was a lie in the total cost of ownership but not in the daily/monthly expenses. The cost of electrons to go a mile is lower than the cost of gasoline to go a mile. Plus regular maintenance is cheaper (no oil changes, brakes last a lot longer, coolant lasts a lot longer, etc.). We're getting closer to them being basically break even. You'll pay more up front for a comparable EV, but cost of ownership is lower. You'll pay less for an ICE, but cost of ownership is higher. For now the total is still higher for the EV vs a comparable ICE. The new premise is instant torque, amazing performance, convenience of "filling up" at home, less localized air pollution in high-density urban areas, and they still have the lower cost of maintenance vs ICE cars. Over the next decade we're going to see big growth in the charging station availability and charging speeds. It's going to take a quantum leap in battery tech to be able to charge one from 5% to 100% in 5 minutes or less the way we can fill a gasoline tank now, but the gap will close. We'll also see new designs that the EV platform makes possible by the removal of the engine (we already have "frunk" storage) which could never be done with an ICE engine. The eco-friendliness is at best misleading and at worst a lie. It depends a lot on where your electricity comes from. Here in TN we get a lot from nuclear, coal, and NG fired plants. Many of our older fossil-fuel plants have been updated with way more efficient processes and air scrubbers so they're less polluting than they used to be. Out west, there's more solar which does make less CO emission during energy production. But the solar panel production is pretty unfriendly to the environment. Then again, so is building a coal plant, mining coal, and storing the coal ash so pick your poison.
  15. This. Plus only a small percentage actually has a permit to begin with. The odds of an armed citizen being in position to stop an active shooter aren't great. IF there happens to be one nearby, you have to factor in btq96r's point about mindset and their willingness to engage and their ability to put lead on target. The odds of all those things happening are not high.
  16. FYI - Not every location takes appointments.
  17. When a business has double doors and I'm walking in through one and people going the other way stand outside the other door waiting for me to and my posse to get through. Just open the other door and go about your business. More of a "WTF?" than a pet peeve since it really doesn't impact me at all. But on the subject of businesses with double doors . . . why do some bozos unlock one but not the other? That's an irritant for sure when I reach for a door and it's locked only to find the one adjoining it is unlocked.
  18. I have paper wasps on mine sometimes (the red ones) but they don't drink THAT much. Lately the wasps have been more interested in the water in the ant moat than the nectar in the "flowers". The hummingbirds definitely don't like the wasps. We've had some birds this year, but not as many as last year. Ours tend to arrive later than most. I never see any before June and they tend to hang around until the first cold snap. They get pretty scarce from late June through early July. I've heard it's because that's when the babies hatch and they're busy feeding them bugs instead of slurping down the nectar. They've gotten more active over the past week, esp. early morning and the last 2 to 3 hours before sunset. Hopefully we'll get a bunch more. We usually get a lot in September.
  19. Look at it this way..... at some point your DL renewal WILL be a Lifetime renewal.
  20. ^THIS^ Renewal every 8 is just something else to forget to do esp if a renewal notice from TDOS gets lost in the mail. If I could get lifetime license plates I'd do that too.
  21. A person with good aim acting in self-defense against 3+ home invaders would also count.
  22. They also don't separate crime-related shootings from nut-job shootings. So if 3 or more gang bangers shoot each other over a drug deal, that counts as a "mass shooting". Or something more in the grey area like a bank robbery with 3+ shot that also counts. But neither of those scenarios are the same, psychologically, as the seemingly random-victim nature of yesterday's parade shooting, Buffalo, Uvalde, Las Vegas country music fest, the DC snipers, etc.
  23. Yeah, 32 years for the payback. But with the Lifetime the hassle factor goes to zero.
  24. I ponied up for the Lifetime at my first renewal to make all the timing with the DL moot. I ran the math out on it an it probably won't save me money (or if it does, not for a long time) but it does save me hassle and I like to keep my life simple so it was well worth it.


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