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Everything posted by monkeylizard

  1. Participated in a Harlem Shake video on youtube dressed as RuPaul
  2.   Ah...that's why I didn't recognize him. He was on your countertop and not in your wallet.       I have a JetBoil Zip and love it.
  3. AFAIK, no. One downside to a conversion is that both natural gas and propane burn hotter than gasoline. That will take its toll on the generator's internal parts, specifically the exhaust valves. It's hard to know exactly how that translates in terms of hours of life lost to using non-gasoline fuels. The genny may also produce less output when running on those fuels, though how much less depends greatly on the genny itself and weather conditions. Still, I'll take a slight drop in output to have a steady supply of fuel that doesn't need to be cycled out.   I'm far from an expert on these things. Those are just some things I've picked up from internet forums on the topic.
  4.   I found this thread about a year ago. It's not for a rebuild, but for converting a Honda eu6500is over to tri-fuel. Lots of good information in it including a video on how to remove the carb.   http://www.powerequipmentforum.com/forum/9-generator-forum/553-honda-eu6500is-tri-fuel-conversion.html   If I do end up doing a rebuild, I'll try to remember to make a video of it or at least take lots of photos for a step-by-step guide.
  5. I'm leanining towards getting a whole new carb assembly and then have it converted to handle tri-fuel by CMD. Then I don't plan on ever putting gasoline in it ever ever ever again. Nothing but natural gas or propane.   I don't really feel that my skills are up to the task of rebuilding and drilling my existing carb. If any Nashville area TGOers have mad machining/small engine skills that would like to take on the challenge with me, I'm sure I could get some ammo or something rounded up for you. Since my current carb is kinda screwed up anyway, I can't send it to CMD for the conversion by them.
  6.   This, or run a totally separate system. I've considered running a line from an outside wall box with a twist lock to an interior closet with a 4-gang box mounted up with 4 duplex outlets. Then run extension cords through the house to run the things I need to run. Totally separate from the real electrical system. Cheaper 'cuz I can do that myself, but less convenient with the extension cords. It also doesn't allow me to power my HVAC air handlers (gas heat) for winter outages. My genny could handle those, but not the compressors for summer AC.   Word of warning for Hondas....ALWAYS follow the manual for storing them. I didn't one time and the carb is gummed up. Now I get to experience the joy of rebuilding it.
  7. I saw smaller versions of that 30 years ago at some Grand Canyon gift shops labeled as "Old Indian Weather Rock". It was funny then. It's still funny now.
  8. wow that's ugly....   Out of curiosity, does anyone know for sure what the "/30" means in 1891/30? I thought it was the year of a redesign (1930) from the original 1891 model. The description of this absurd stock on eBay says it stands for .30 caliber.
  9. There is no law nor TDOS policy that says anything remotely resembling something that could be construed to say that you have to register, or qualify with, what you carry. Qualify with a .22 Ruger Mark II and then carry a .50 Desert Eagle if you want.
  10. No. I'm an authority on how ass tastes.  :D
  11. My PA Classic has 7 brightness levels . This improved model goes all the way to 11!
  12. Threeeighty beat you to it by about 2 hours. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/74348-guns-stolen-during-burglary-at-madison-gun-shop/
  13.   I don't either. But don't pee on my head and tell me it's raining.
  14. I don't care for them for the same reasons I don't care for most "reality TV". I don't think they're entertaining (except Si. He's funny) and I don't like being lied to. When I watch a scripted TV show or movie, I know those are actors playing a role. The character and the actor are 2 different people. They're making it all up. I know it, and they know I know it.   With most "reality TV", it's a lie. They're telling me it's all real, that the character and the actor are one. But the shows are almost as scripted and just as staged as any scripted TV show. They're just done with poor writing and even worse acting.   In the case of DD, add to that their flag-waving 'America is the greatest place on God's green Earth' patriotism while simultaneously hawking 'Made in China' kitch with their pictures on it and I'm tuned out.
  15.   I see your Honey Boo Boo and raise you a Strange Addiction http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/12/31/my-strange-addiction-meet-a-girl-who-eats-mattresses/
  16. Has a TiVo Season Pass for Project Runway.
  17. This fox meat tastes like ass.
  18. And a new TGO term is born: "That guy was such a douchebadge".
  19. I guess that answers the question. The fox said "yum yum  yum yum yum yum yum".
  20. Carries 4 fried chickens and a Coke to his tree stand for a light snack.
  21.   Yes. It's just very visible at gun shows, so the antis have dubbed it "the gun show loophole"
  22. Double-checks to make sure all the TGO swag is 'Made in China using child labor'
  23. ooooh a vest! That's a great idea!
  24. Is the reason we can't have nice things around here.
  25. Oh no. I wear mine all the time. The sight of it strikes fear into the cowardly hearts of criminals.


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